chapter seventeen

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I didn't regret throwing the punch at him, even after he slammed me into the wall behind where I was just standing. The two of us seemed to go back and forth, throwing, punches and hissing threats at each other. I knew that Cole was angry, and that's what made him react but I was much angrier than he could ever imagine. As soon as the words erupted from his mouth, I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't stand by while he told me how good it was to inflict pain on Alyssa.

Now there was blood erupting from my nose, bruises on my cheek and I was having a hard time seeing from my left eye, where I had been hit just moments ago. I wasn't proud of myself for causing a fight with him, but at the same time I had absolutely no regrets. He deserved it.

The force of his knee against my stomach made me snap out of my thoughts and bend over in pain. I gritted my teeth as I grabbed him, and threw him against the wall as both of us struggled to get out of each other's hold.

"You're a tough one to beat, Joe."

"I could say the same about you."

"But you don't care about who wins or
loses the fight, you only care about who gets the girl," he said, pursing his lips into a thin line. His blue eyes were staring right back at mine.

"She's never going to come back to you," I replied as I held his against the wall. He struggled, to get away but in the end, he failed.

"And who the hell are you to say that?"

"I'm better than you, you asshole."

"I don't know what she sees in you, you're just a useless lowlife that doesn't even have a real job!" He hissed as I punched him in the face. He let out a low chuckle before he looked at me with a smile on his face.

"You really think that you can take her from me?" He said, as he coughed. I landed a kick that made him slide down the wall. Before I turned away, I looked at him crumpled against the wall, coughing and laughing like a physco.

"Why the hell would she ever come back to you?" I asked him as he ignored me, laughing hysterically. I turned away from him, unable to look at him any longer as I heard his hysterics behind me. Blood dripped down from my nose and fell in front of me as I walked out of the hallway, leaving Cole behind to fend for himself.

The first person I made eye-contact with was Caspar who looked over at me carefully, his mouth dropping open slightly before he looked at Alyssa who was already looking at me, her mouth wide open, her hands flying towards her open mouth. I made eye-contact with her as she scrambled up from her chair, causing the people around her to look in her general direction as she made her way towards me, her brown hair all over her face.

"I'm going to kill that son of a bitch," she whispered almost to herself as she looked at my left eye and at the bruises on my cheek.

"I'm sorry Alyssa."

"For what?"

"For hitting you, for not believing you, for letting him get in the way."

"We can talk about that later, come on let's go back to your flat."


What the hell are you doing?

She needs to go back to Brighton.

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