chapter twenty-one

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"Why does time fly by so fast?" I asked out loud as I turned a pen in my hands. Connor, Joe and I were sitting on the couch, the sun shining brightly outside--as it was a surprisingly warm Brighton afternoon--while Troye was in the kitchen. Alfie and Zoë had just left to go take Nala for a walk.

"I don't know, but there's one thing that I want to say," Connor said as he sat down beside Joe on the couch.

"What is it?" Joe asked, from beside me.

"I don't want to leave."

"I told you that you should've booked your flight later!" Troye yelled from the kitchen. He came out holding a piece of toast with Nutella smeared all over it.

"What are you drawing?" Connor asked, as he leant over to look at the journal that I had in my hand. I lifted up my pen and then showed him the drawing of a tree branch.

"It's nothing special," I said as Connor waved me off and grabbed the journal slowly out of my hands. He stared at it closely and then put it down and looked over at me.

"Are you ready to film?" he asked, excitement glinting in his eyes. I nodded and suddenly, he was on his feet, dragging me upstairs. I waved back to Joe and Troye who laughed at my awkward display and lifted their hands up.

"What are we filming?" I asked as he handed me his camera. Connor grabbed some lights and a tripod and then walked into my room quickly, starting to set up everything.

"It's a surprise," he said simply, ruffling his hair with his hand. He monitored for me to place the camera on the tripod, and within a minute we were all set up to film a video for his channel.

"Do you have a t-shirt or something like a blindfold?" Connor asked carefully, as I raised an eyebrow but didn't bother to question him. I grabbed a t-shirt and a bandanna and threw it at him. He caught it while letting out a small giggle and then asked me for a few more supplies and I gave him each one without hesitation. He placed the things behind him and then got up from my bed and tilted the camera so that we were in frame.

He started recording and joined me back on the bed, ruffling his hair once again before smiling.

"Hey, what's up you guys? It's Connor and today I'm here with-" he stopped and pointed at me.

"Alyssa!" I said, smiling widely and waving to the camera.

"Alyssa Deyes, everyone!" He said, laughing.

"Anyways, I couldn't help but notice how much Alyssa liked to draw in the time that I've been here, so today we'll be drawing different youtubers blindfolded!

"So that's what the t-shirt and the bandanna was for," I said, looking behind Connor and grabbing the odd looking t-shirt and the white bandanna. Connor leaned back and grabbed the two notepads and the pencils that he had asked for. He handed me one notepad and a pencil and then grabbed his bandanna and started to tie it around his neck. I coped his actions and looked at him as he grabbed his phone and started looking through pictures of various youtubers before finally settling on one. He placed the phone in the space between us and grabbed the notepad and the pencil.

"Have you ever done this before?" I asked as he shook his head.

"Not once," he replied, as he grabbed his phone again.

"Here, I have a picture of the one and only Alfie Deyes. We have one minute to draw each youtuber," Connor said suddenly, showing me the picture. I let out a laugh as I saw a picture of Alfie with one of the snapchat fiters on him.

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