chapter thirty-seven

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I walked back towards the house as I looked back at the end of the street where his car had just disappeared. I was just numb all over and my mind was still trying to comprehend what was happening but all I knew was that I was alone, with enough money to maybe buy myself a train ticket--but the station wasn't a walkable distance--and I didn't have my crutches to ensure that my leg wouldn't get screwed up again.

I sat down and clasped my hands together to prevent them from shaking. I swallowed hard and let out shaky breaths as I kept waiting for something to happen. Maybe I expected Joe to come back but after a few minutes, there was still nothing.

The only change was the weather. It had been cloudy ever since the morning and soon enough, there were raindrops falling everywhere. It was light at first but then a few minutes passed and it began pouring. I let out an inaudible groan before looking back at the locked door behind me. That's one thing that Joe managed to do before he left, he locked the damn door.

Now I was left shivering in the rain, my now wet hair plastered against my cheeks. The first person I thought about calling was Alfie. He was always the one that I would talk to when I had problems with Cole and I knew that even though he was an hour away, he would come and get me. Then again, Marcus was supposed to go over there and Alfie was probably busy getting ready.

Marcus. You could call him.

As soon as the thought had crossed my mind, I scrambled for my phone, pulling it out quickly and dialling his number. I held the phone to my ear and closed my eyes. I was about to give up after the phone rang three times but suddenly his voice was on the line.


"Marcus?" I asked, only to be greeted with silence. "Are you there?"

"Yeah I'm here, I'm just getting inside an uber. How's your day been? You're spending it with Joe, right?"

"He's gone, Marcus. I screwed up and now-"

"Woah, woah, slow down," he chuckled.

"Shit, it's cold," I whispered, hoping that he wouldn't hear me.

"Are you outside, Alyssa? In the rain?"

"Marcus, Joe's gone."

"Pardon me?"

"I don't even know where he is. I don't know if he's okay. He just got into his car and left and now I'm sitting here in the rain," I rambled, only confusing the poor boy even more. I stood up and ran a hand through my wet hair, to get it away from my face.

"Where are you? I'm going to tell the driver to pick you up, Alyssa," he demanded and hesitantly I gave him the address. I heard the sound of a door opening and closing and then he was back on the line.

"I'll be there in a few minutes. It's close to my flat, actually. Sit tight and stay warm please."

That was the last thing he said before he hung up. I lowered my phone from my ear and looked back at the wet cement stairs. There was no way that I was going back to sitting there.

"There has to be somewhere else," I muttered before looking around and sighing when there was nothing around. I looked down at my current wet state and let out a frustrated sigh. The coral sweater that I was wearing was plastered against my skin and my tights were uncomfortably soaked.

I closed my eyes and tried to think of something, anything else that what had just happened only fifteen minutes before. The image was still vivid in my mind, the painful expression in his face when I told him.

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