[3] Roommates

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[A/N: So I'm kind of going to change how Selina's character is to fit the story. So don't tell me I've got the character wrong and everything. JUST SAYING SORRY FOR ALL THESE THEY'RE ANNOYING IK. BUT I FEEL LIKE IT'LL SAVE ME A LOT OF TROUBLE IN THE FUTURE.]

||Ansley's POV||

The next day, I went to go visit Selina at the GCPD. It took some convincing for the cops to let me see her, but then my Uncle stepped in and talked to the chief about adopting Cat.

"So, you seriously asked if he would adopt me?" She asks, we're both sitting in a cell. Something I never thought I'd do, even on these terms.

"Yup. I wanted to talk to you about it before he went and tried to get custody of you, yano. Just in case." I tell her. She smiles a little. "It would be pretty cool if you became like my sister, or cousin, whatever you'd be considered to me."

"So, you're alright with it?" I ask hopefully. She nods. "Why wouldn't I be?" I shrug. "I don't know, I just didn't know how you'd react to everything you know?" She nods."So, when do I get to go?" She asks and I shrug. "We could go ask my Uncle." I tell her and she nods. We both stand up and walk out of the cell. I notice Harvey sitting at his desk and my uncle nowhere in sight.

"Hey Harvey." I start, and he looks up at me. "If it isn't my favorite Gordon. What's up kid?" He asks. "Have you seen my Uncle? We were wondering how it was going about the whole adopting Cat thing."

The older man looks back down at the papers on his desk. "Adopting huh? I think he's up talking to Capt." He tells me and I nod. I turn around to go find him, until I notice my Uncle talking to the two detectives from Major Crimes.

"Come on." Cat says trying to drag me up to him. "Wait, Cat. I think we should wait a minute. He looks a little busy."

Cat looks up and then the two detectives leave and my uncle walks over to the three of us. "Girls, go sit down for a minute. I know you guys wanna talk, but I gotta talk to Harvey."

We do as we're told and I hear them mentioning something about some guy named Cobblepot. They seem to be arguing about something. He's probably gonna be in a pissy mood now. Great.

"Alright, so I got the custody papers signed if you guys want to go on home. Barbara will help you get situated Selina." My uncle says once he's finished talking to Harvey. She nods and we stand up and start walking to the door. Before we're outside my uncle yells for us to be careful. 

The two of us start walking home. "This is gonna be so cool." Cat grins. "Like a giant sleepover, yano like we used to have. Except we're in an actual house, with actual beds and not underground in some subway station."

"I'm really glad you're happy about this. I was terrified you'd be like upset about it or something. But it's good that you're okay with it." I tell her and she nods. "So, now it's time to talk business. How are you and Bruce?"

"We hung out yesterday, not talked to him since last night. I was too busy worrying about everything else to text him back."

Cat rolls her eyes. "You worry too much. Even before your Uncle took you in, 'Cat we're gonna get caught' or 'Cat we cant do this it's dangerous'. Ah, back then in things were intense." She says trying to mock me when we were little. I stick my tongue out at her. "Oh ha ha." I say sarcastically.

"Remember the nickname I gave you?" She grins. "How could I forget." 

"Right! But when we get home, you're gonna call Bruce. Got it?" 

"Dude why do you care so much about me and him?" I laugh. "Because." She starts. "You need a good guy in your life, duh. Besides, when you guys get married I get to share the money, right?" She jokes and I roll my eyes. "Oh yeah, because that'll happen." 

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