[10] Reggie

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||Ansley's POV||

One of Alfred's old friends showed up so I saw that as a chance to go by the apartment and get the rest of my stuff. It's obvious that Jim and Barbara aren't getting back together anytime soon.

When I got to the apartment the door was unlocked and I entered to find Barbara, Cat and Ivy.

"Ansley, what are you doing here?" Barbara asks. I shrug. "I was uh coming to get the rest of my stuff."

Barbara nods. "Take your time." 

I go into my old room and stuff anything I can into my bag then go back out. Barbara's on the deck. I look over at Cat and she shrugs. "She's been upset since she got back." 

I decide I should go talk to her so I go outside and lean on the railing next to her.

"Are you okay?" I ask. She turns her head and nods putting on a fake smile. "Of course I am."

"Barbara, I wanted to tell you thank you. Everything you've done for us, it's really appreciated. I'm sorry how things worked out, but I'm sure they'll be someone out there for you."

She smiles a little. "It wasn't a problem Ansley. I'm gonna miss you guys hanging around here yano when Jim gets everything situated. Is that the last of your stuff?" She asks looking at the bag of my stuff. I nod. "Yeah."

She nods. "It was lovely having you guys here. You girls are growing into beautiful young women and I'm proud to say that I was almost your aunt."

I smile back at her. "Thanks, uh I better be going now." She nods and I make my way back into the house. 

Cat stops me. "Woah, you're leaving?" She asks and I nod. "Yeah, Bruce is waiting for me." She rolls her eyes. "Seriously? Dude, you're uncle hasn't got settled yet, you can still stay here, I am. Don't you miss your bed?" 

"Yeah Cat, but my uncle would rather me stay with Bruce. He's only letting you stay here because-" I stop myself. Cat folds her arms. "Because why?" she glares. "Because I'm not his blood family?" 

"Cat it's not like that." 

"Then why?"

"Because he actually trusts you to be okay." I tell her and she unfolds her arms. "He trusts you too." 

I let out a sigh. "I gotta go." I mumble and she nods. "I'll see you around then." 

That night when I got back to the Manor, Alfred, Reggie and Bruce all sat around the table with wine in their glasses. 

Alfred's the first to notice me. "Miss Ansley, you're home later than usual, we were starting to worry." 

"Oh, uh yeah, sorry. I was talking to Barbara and Cat." I tell him. 

"I see." 

"Uh, Alfred, Reggie, I'm going to go onto bed now. Goodnight." Bruce says standing up from his spot. He turns to me and smiles. "Goodnight Ansley." 

"I better go too, you guys seem like you have catching up to do." I tell the men and follow Bruce upstairs. 

We part ways at our bedrooms. He goes in his and I go in mine. 

That night as I lay in bed, the sound of thunder fills my ears making it harder to sleep. 

Bruce screams causing me to jump out of bed. I rush down the stairs and see him hovering over Alfred with towels pressed to his chest.

"Ansley, call 911 please!" Bruce begs and I nod. I reach for the phone and dial 911.

"Hello? My friend has been stabbed. I'm at Wayne manor. Hurry." I speak frantically into the phone and hang up.

I rush over and place towels over Alfred's chest. Bruce cries as Alfred loses conciousness.

"They need to hurry." He says, lightly tapping Alfred's cheeks trying to wake him up. 


I sit on the chair with my knees tucked to my chest. Bruce stands over Alfred's bed. Neither of us have gotten any sleep since last night. Reggie stabbed Alfred and then disappeared.

The steady beeping of Alfred's heart monitor and Bruce's sniffles fill the silence in the dim hospital room. I hate hospitals.

My uncle walks in causing Bruce and I both to look up at him. Bruce runs over and cries into his chest. "I can't lose him." Bruce whispers. My uncle rubs his back reassuringly. "He'll be okay Bruce. He's tough."

My uncle looks over at me and Bruce pulls away.

My uncle kneels in front of me. "How are you holding up?"


He nods. "You two must be hungry, do you want me to run down and get something from the cafeteria?"

"Please." Bruce tells him and he nods patting both of our shoulders. 

He leaves and Bruce sits in the seat next to me. "Thank you for staying with me Ansley, it means a lot." I nod. "Of course. You and Alfred are two of my closest friends, I can't leave you here by yourself." 

Bruce smiles a little and turns back to Alfred. "Your uncle is right, he'll make it." 


 "The food wasn't too good, I got you both a bagel." He says handing us each a styrofoam container. 

"Thank you." Bruce and I tell him.

Alfred woke up a couple hours ago. He didn't tell my uncle about Reggie stabbing him. He wanted to go after Reggie himself. 

"Hey, I gotta go. Captain keeps calling. Will you be alright here?" He asks Bruce and I. We both nod. 

"Don't worry Detective, I got them." Alfred smiles a weak smile and my uncle nods. "Thank you again for taking Ansley in Alfred." And then he walks out.

Once Alfred is back asleep Bruce turns to me. 

"I have to go after him."

"Who? Reggie?" 

He nods. "Bruce you can't do that." 

"I have to, I need to know why he did it and who put him up to it, it's my fault Alfred's laying there." He says motioning to the hospital bed.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" 

Bruce shakes his head. "No, I need to take action though." 

I let out a small groan. He's not going to give it up. "I'll help you then." 

Bruce nods. "Alright."


Alfred's been resting in bed, and my Uncle came by earlier to talk to Bruce and I. He knows we lied about who stabbed Alfred. He told us to stay out of it, but I know Bruce is still going to go out there and find Reggie. He's not one to give up on something.

"Ansley, let's go." Bruce says interrupting my thoughts. We're going to find Cat. She told us she saw Reggie, so she's gonna help us.

We leave a note for Alfred and start walking.


a/n: ayy

Okay but what even are my dreams anymore?

The other night I had a dream I was like a ninja or something and Tom Felton was there then like it was in the Underworld with Regina and Emma and everyone from OUAT

THEN last night I dreamt I saw Alfred in Save-A-Lot and told him to tell Bruce I said hi bc we were like best friends or something it was interesting.

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