[7] Anders Preparatory Academy

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||Ansley's POV||

"No way am I doing this." I grumble, unbuckling the seatbelt. "Too bad. You have to." Barbara says, poking her tongue out at me. "Now, go make friends." 

"I have enough friends." 

"Bruce and Selina. You need more." 

I let out a groan but open up the car door and get out. Barbara waves at me and I make my way up the steps, smoothing out my skirt as I walk. I wish there would've been leggings available for the school uniform. I feel very exposed with these knee socks and skirt. Maybe even a robe like in Harry Potter. 

I push past the kids talking in the hallway and go to the main office to get my schedule. Everyone else had already gotten theirs on the orientation night. That's also when everyone learned where their classes were. But of course, that night I was being held captive by Falcone. 

The office lady smiles at me. "Name?" She says in a nasally voice. Why is it that most desk ladies are like the one from Monsters Inc? 

"Uh, Ansley Gordon." I tell her, hoping she heard me. I'm not known to be the loudest person. 

The woman rummages through a couple of folders until she hands me a slip of paper with all of my classes on it. "Thank you." I tell her and she nods. "Anything else you need?" I glance around the office then shake my head. "No thanks." 

My first class is Art. Room 107. I'm pretty sure that's on the first floor. I scan the hallway, hoping to see some sign of Bruce, but I don't. I take a deep breath and then exhale the air. May as well ask someone. 

The only person that's near the office right now is a boy with flippy-ish hair. He notices that I'm confused and walks over to me, a smile playing on his face.

"You look lost, are you new?" He asks, the smile never leaving his face. 

"Yeah actually. Uh, do you know where room 107 is?" I ask, showing him my schedule. "Why of course. I was just heading that way actually." 

I nod. "Thanks." 

"My name's Tommy." 

Air catches in my throat causing me to cough. Tommy, as in Cat's crush Tommy? Oh gosh.

"Woah, you okay?" He asks and I nod. "Yeah. I'm fine." I mutter. 

"Well, we're here." He says pointing to a sign on the door that says 'ART'. That wasn't too far. Maybe if I would have looked, I would have found it. 

"You can sit by me." Tommy whispers, causing a shiver to run down my spine. "Uh sure." 

He leads me to two desks in the middle and we sit down. 

After an hour and a half and getting to know each other and the teacher, the class is over. Tommy isn't really the type of person I'd like to have as a friend, but if Cat likes him, I'll respect her decisions.

We have the first class together, that's really it other than math which is two classes after lunch.  

My first two classes went by quickly. I've still not seen Bruce. I was hoping to find him at lunch. I searched down the hallway and cafeteria until I went outside. I saw him sitting at the fountain, a book in his hand. Tommy and one of his other friends were sitting on either side of him. Tommy must of said something that caused Bruce to stop speaking and look around nervously.

"I'm just interested. I've never seen a real dead body." I hear Tommy say as I get closer to them. Bruce stares at him. "So, was there guts?" Tommy asks, a smirk on his face. "I'll be going to class now." Bruce whispers, standing up. Tommy stares as Bruce walks off.

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