[11] Charity Ball

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||Ansley's POV||

Bruce and I walk down an alley. There's a few people gathered around burn barrels to keep warm. As we walk people stare at us causing me to step a little closer to Bruce. Some of these people I recognize. They're people my parents knew.  

Cat meets us at some stairs. "This way." She says and we follow her. She leads us into a building and up some stairs. Bruce points out that he sees Reggie and we walk over to him.

"What are you doing here?"

"We need to talk."

Reggie shakes his head. "Go home Bruce. It's not safe."

"Reg-" He starts but Reggie cuts him off.

"I said go home. All three of you."

Cat lets out a frustrated groan and grabs a bag of pills from beside him. She rushes over to the window and dangles them out. "You better talk or your medicine goes away."

Reggie quickly jumps up and runs over to the window. "Don't do it girl."

"Who sent you?" Bruce asks.

"Alfred's alright isn't he?"

"Answer the question."

"There's someone named Bunderslaw and another called Mathis. Sid Bunderslaw is the man I dealt with."

"You kids can't do this, only Alfie can. He's the adult."

"What did Bunderslaw want?" Bruce asks.

"He wanted to know what you knew."

Bruce doesn't say anything. Instead he turns to me.

"Can I have my meds back now?" Reggie asks.

Bruce nods but Cat goes ahead and throws them out the window.

Reggie glares at the three of us but then smirks. "I'm gonna tell on you." Then he leans out the window to reach for his medicine. 

Bruce holds his hands up as if he's going to push Reggie, but I place my hand on his shoulder and shake my head. He lowers his hands. 

Cat shakes her head and pushes him. Bruce and I gasp as Reggie screams. His screams soon stop signalling he hit the pavement. 

Bruce and I stare out the window with shock. "Cat, what did you do?" I whisper.

She shakes her head. "I wasn't going to let him get you two killed. Now, we need to go before the cops show up." 

That night at the Manor, Bruce and I sat on the couch. 

"The charity ball is tomorrow, we can use that as our chance to get Bunderslaw's key to the safe." I nod. 

My phone starts ringing, it's my uncle. Panic runs through me. Bruce looks at me. "Calm down. Answer it." 

I let out a sigh and press answer.


"Ansley, are you okay?" My uncle asks. 

"Yeah. Why?" 

"Alright, I'm coming to get you. I want you staying with Lee and I tonight." 

"Okay, uh see you in a few." 

I hang up and look over at Bruce. "My uncle wants me to go to Lee's tonight. I think it has something to do with the Ogre thing." I tell him and he nods.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow for the ball then." he tells me and I nod.


"You look gorgeous!" Lee grins adding a few finishing touches on my hair. I laugh a little. She turns around and grabs heels from her  closet.

"No way am I wearing those. I'd prefer to wear flats." I tell her and she sighs. "Man, you are no fun." 

I slip on my flats and take in my appearance in the mirror. 

A thin strapped light pink dress with black patterns on it. (like selina's in the show) 

My hair is curled and decent looking which is different from my everyday straight hair. I smile at myself and turn to Lee. "Thanks." 

We walk out and my uncle's eyes widen. "You're in a dress. That's a sight to see." I jokingly roll my eyes. My uncle and Lee want to think this is a date or something. I've not bothered to tell them that it was actually to steal a key from someone so we could get into their office safe.

A couple minutes later someone knocks on the door. Bruce. 

Lee opens the door and welcomes him in. He smiles when he sees me. "You look nice." Bruce compliments. 

My uncle looks at me and then to Bruce, taking a couple steps toward him. "I'm trusting you with Ansley tonight. You two be careful alright?" 

Bruce nods and shakes his hand. "I will sir, you can count on it." 

My uncle nods and turns to me. "You can go now."

I follow Bruce out and to the car where Alfred waits for us.


Bruce and I awkwardly slow dance in the crowd of adults as classical music plays. He searches through the crowd trying to find Bunderslaw. I'm not sure how well this will go tonight but we can hope.

"Have you seen him yet?" He asks looking back at me. I shake my head. "Like I've said the past 5 times you asked, I've not seen him. But if I do I'll let you know."

Bruce gives me a small smile and shakes his head. "Right sorry."

My eyes scan the crowded room in search for the man. Bruce has his heart set on finding him, and to be honest, I'm terrified. I don't want Bruce to think that I'm not strong enough to help him find his parents killer. 

Bruce was in the middle of saying something, of which I wasn't paying attention to, whenever I saw someone out of the corners of my eye. "Bruce, look." I whisper, accidentally interrupting Bruce. He turns his head in the direction I showed him and removed his arms away from me, and instead taking my hand and pulling me over to Bunderslaw.

Bruce tries to make polite conversation, giving me a chance to slip my hand in the man's pocket and grab the keys.

I give Bruce the signal saying that he can let Bunderslaw go. The two say goodbye and Bruce turns to me with a small smile. "Thanks."

I quickly hand him the keys, not wanting to get caught. "Yeah, can we leave now?" I mumble glancing around to make sure no one saw me steal the key. 

"Yeah, sure I guess. Alfred should be around here somewhere."

And with that we were on our way to find Alfred.


A/N: hi there, it's been a while. 

First of all, how are all of you?

It's vv hot here. Also

wHAT IS THIS NEW WATTPAD UPDATE idk how to feel about it.


sorry for the extremely short/long waited updated. It's crap ik but like

i've honestly not done anything this summer i've just been procrastinating.

i have fainted a couple times tho (thanks guard/band)

also i hate highschool and want to go back to middleschool





Also there will be slow updates bc im a major procrastinator and currently failing my agscience class? i turned in the paper i swear but apparently she lost it? like bro what 

okay ill try and update soon but yah ily and stuff have a lovely day/night

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