[6] Falcone

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A/N: Sorry about the time jump, I just didn't know what to write to make the story interesting.

||Ansley's POV||

\Time Skip/

After the Viper case, came the Spirit of the Goat case. 

Bruce and I sat at his desk after that, contemplating everything that was going on and trying to find new ways to connect it to his parents. Of course, there was always something. Wayne Enterprises basically ruled Gotham. There had been other things as well. 

My day started normal. Cat and I eating our cereal like we always do, an occasional text from Bruce, my uncle at work, the usual things, but that's when things stopped going so smooth.

Men stormed through the door. They weren't cops. That was obvious. They had guns. The larger one who I recognized as one of Falcone's 'employees', Butch Gilzean, instructed us to be quiet. Of course, Cat had questions and tried to fight them, so they tied her hands together. After that, she made no move to get herself untangled.

Butch circled the three of us as we sat on the couches in fear. The phone buzzed on the coffee table for at least the tenth time. It was probably my uncle.

"What do you want?" Barbara whispers, tears threatening to fall.

Butch looks at me then to Cat and chuckles. "I guess there's no harm in the truth, amirite ladies?" Butch's companion laughs along with him.

"No, but in all seriousness. Jim Gordon was supposed to kill a certain someone for somebody. He didn't. Now that somebody is real mad."

I glance over at Cat, trying to ignore the fear rising inside me. "What are you gonna do to him?" She asks.

Before Butch can answer, a gun is cocked in the background. All eyes turn to the door. My uncle stands with his gun up and aiming, ready to shoot anyone who lays a hand on any of us.

A huge grin spreads across Butch's face. "Jimmy boy, ay, I was just getting to know your lovely ladies." 

"You're trespassing. You need to get out." Jim focuses on Butch, not bothering to look at Barbara, Cat, and I. 

Butch throws his hands up in defense. "Woah man. Calm down." My uncle doesn't lower his gun, instead he aims it at the other man standing in the living room.

"Lower your gun or I'll blow your brains out." 

I grasp the loose end of my shirt tightly in fear. Would my uncle really shoot someone in this house?

The man lowers his gun to the ground. Jim doesn't. "Alright, but after we kill you-" Butch pauses and turns to the three of us. "We're gonna kill each of them. One by one. Slowly too." 

Before I know it, my uncle has already shot the other man and knocked Butch out cold. A gasp escapes my lips and I bring my hand up to my mouth. 

My uncle rushes over to us and unties Cat. "We gotta go now." He says and we all follow him to the elevator. I almost trip, my legs are shaky, and my breathing is uneven. I don't know when the last time I was this terrified was. To be honest, I don't know what's scarier. The way the man held us all at gunpoint, or the way my uncle killed that man without thinking about it.

The elevator dings open and my uncle places his hands on my shoulders. I didn't notice it, but tears were starting to fall. Jim wipes them away. 

We then go out to the car. The ride to the bus station was silent. A quiet sob would escape my mouth every so often, but other than that, complete silence. 

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