[9] The Circus

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||Ansley's POV||

-Weeks Later-

It's been a few weeks since the assassin thing. Cat, Ivy and I have been going back to the apartment sometimes whenever we needed clothes. Jim's been staying in the GCPD and I've been staying with Bruce as always. My uncle met someone though, which was pretty interesting. She seems nice. 

Bruce and I have been trying to discover things about Welzyn and Wayne Enterprises more than ever. We've came up with questions to ask at the next meeting as well. 

Now, my uncle's 'girlfriend', Jim, Bruce, and I are on our way to our seats at the circus. My uncle had gotten tickets to take us all to see it even though I can't really stand circus's because of clowns and everything. But Bruce insisted we go with them since my uncle already had the tickets and it would be rude not to. So, now we're all sitting around and waiting for it to begin.

The circus starts and the flying trapeze people start doing their thing. Each time they go up in the air my heart does a flip in fear that they'll fall and break their necks.

Everyone claps, including Bruce. "ARE YOU HAVING FUN?" Bruce yells over the loud music and announcer.

"TO BE HONEST, THIS IS THE MOST FUN I'VE HAD AT A CIRCUS." I yell back. He laughs. "YEAH ME TO-" he gets cut off by the trapeze people yelling because the clowns had came into the arena. Something tells me they aren't supposed to be here.

My suspicions are confirmed when one of the Grayson's and the clowns get in a fight. My uncle, Lee, Bruce and I raise up out of our seats. My uncle pulls out his badge and yells GCPD. 

After they're all settled, Lee takes Bruce and I backstage to get the injured people fixed up while my uncle interrogates them. 

"Out of all the places this could have happened, it had to be Gotham." I whisper to Bruce as we watch Lee ask one of the younger Grayson's questions.

Bruce nods. "Gotham is one screwed up place."

"This'll be some story to tell to the grandkids one day." he says after a few minutes. I giggle. "True."

I tune into the conversation between two of the younger circus kids conversation. "The Grayson's are a bunch of arrogant buttheads." The girl says. I choke on the sprite that I was drinking.

"Buttheads?" I mouth the word to Bruce. He smiles and shrugs. I would assume they'd use worse words.

Jim walks over to us. "So, you two having fun?" He asks, looking around the tent. 

"Define fun." 

Jim rolled his eyes. "Oh hush."

My uncle walks over to Lee. 

"I love how your Uncle's date was crashed by us and the circus." Bruce laughs. "Same."

"Hey you two." My uncle calls. We look up at him. "Come on, we're gonna go see something. I'm not leaving you two alone." He says and Bruce and I grin at each other as we follow Lee, Jim and the ring leader.

"It's not everyday you get to go on an investigation." I whisper to him.

We follow the ring leader to a snake dancers trailer. Apparently she's the reason the whole fight broke out.

The ring leader knocks on the door and a boy a few years older than Bruce and I walks out. "We're looking for Lilah." My uncle says.

The boy looks at Bruce and I and Bruce takes a step closer to me. "She's not here, is everything okay?" He asks.

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