Happy the Dragon Springs a Leak

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I'm Back!
Leo: So am I!
Me: *highfives Leo*
Leo: Oh yeah! I'm a main character in this place!
Percy: Hey dude!
Jason: Are you okay?
Calypso: we are fine!
Percy: See J-man, their okay-
Percy: WAIT CALYPSO?!?!?
Calypso: That took you a while.
Annabeth: No kidding...
Annabeth and Calypso: *Laughs*
Me: Okay... Jeez

I pinch myself. It hurts, so it couldn't be a dream. I question what's going on.
  Is that really? Could it be? How? I hated not knowing. It kills me. Anyway, I start to calculate a plan.
   First, I need to Iris Message Hazel and Frank. And we have to get Piper. That's it! Percy's fountain!
I rush over to Percy's cabin. I'm sure he wouldn't mind, under the circumstances. I grab a drachma.
"Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow, please except my offering!" I say, throwing the drachma. "Hazel Levesque!"
The light in the room shimmered a bit. I waited impatiently for Hazel to appear. Time was of the essence. Then Hazel appeared. On a date with Frank. They sat at a small table with hot cocoa. It was the place that Reyna showed me the first time we met.  They were blushing madly when they saw me. They both looked slightly uncomfortable. And by slightly, I mean very much.
"Uh, hi, Annabeth." Frank stutters, finally, after the small awkward silence. "Not trying to be rude, Or anything, but, we're kinda on a date and-"
  Frank tries to explain, nudging me out, but it doesn't work very well.
"Leo's back!" I blurt impatiently, interrupting Frank. It was getting tiring anyways.
"What?" Hazel yells, surprised. "Seriously?"
I nod, hoping they finally get it. "He's here at camp right now. Use the magical door that connects camps."
"We'll be there right away." Frank says as they run off
I should probably explain the door. After the whole 'Gaia' thing had passed, the Hecate kids spent a whole day putting up that door. It runs off of magic, and Hecate herself gives it power. They use it to cross between the camps, and it's really nice to see Reyna, Hazel, and Frank so often. They did an amazing job with it.
I nod. I sign off the Iris Message. I run off to get Piper, just to find she is already out side. I see six of the seven out side of the Poseidon Cabin. And the last member on a giant bronze dragon that shoots fire. Lovely.
CCCCCCCRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKK, I hear. I look up. The bronze dragon is flailing its wings aimlessly. Festus' head was twitching and had the occasional, and by that I mean every five seconds, spurt of fire, blowing out of his bronze mouth. And we had to survive it. Fun.
"We're going down!" A female voice yells.
"I'm yelling Timber!" Leo replies.
Typical Leo. I was about to yell, 'Stay clear!' but instead I got drenched in motor oil. Perfect.
The Apollo kids take arrows with stings tied and shoot to make a net. Their aim was ruined by the motor oil pouring down.
The Hephaestus kids started to build something. It kinda looked like a giant bronze bear trap, but I had decided not to ask.
The Athena cabin strategize to save them. Of course I wasn't part of this, because I was still analyzing what was around me.
The Demeter and Persephone cabin started to gather leaves for a soft landing.
Pollux alerted Chiron and Mr. D. At least someone had a good idea.
The Hecate cabin bent the mist to make it look like a nice death. They're useful.
The Hermes cabin to used wing shoes to fly up, but couldn't because the oil was still falling, and drenching them, I might add.
Nico made funeral plans. I guess death is common for demigods.
The saytrs used their pipes to try to hold them up. It was actually working much better than most other plans, as the plants were weaving their way around the oil.
Jason tried to fly, but was having as much luck as the Hermes cabin.
The Aphrodite cabin decided that handing out funeral dresses and suits were a good idea. Though Drew did try to chramspeak it into stopping, but that barely worked.
The Ares cabin wanted to slay the dragon. Typical Clariesse. They all got they spears or weapons out and prepared to charge.
And the- well, you get the point. Basically, nobody could manage to get up to them. Or they weren't even trying.
The oil stopped spilling. And Leo landed- or crashed- Okay. Well he's alive. Isn't that enough for a demigod? Well they did land after. They landed in the infirmary.
The next day came. Leo was at lunch. His hair was longer than usual, and definitely messier. He still had the good ol' tool belt around his waist, and his elfish features seemed enhanced. He had this goofy grin on that signaled to us that he had a scheme in mind. All in all he seemed pretty good. Most of his injuries were minor. He came over to us with a girl. She had hair that was caramel. Her eyes shone like diamonds as they flirted around taking in any new detail. They hungered for information like mine. She smiled a sweet smile, and studied us. Her clothes were... cotton? They were white and soft. I wonder where she got such good material. In a way, she looked like a god.
"Guys, this is Calypso." He says. "She's my, uh..." his voice trails off.
"In his girlfriend." She cuts in, and gives us all a happy and sweet smile.
  The name hits me like a brick. I knew her. I knew her, but didn't recognize her.
  Leo's eyes light up at what she had said.Leo gestured to us as he spoke. "Yeah! That's the word. Oh and Calypso, this is Percy, Annabeth, Frank, Hazel, Piper, and Jason."

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