Rachel Pukes A Prophecy

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"First let's see Chiron." I told Piper and Calypso, "We don't know what cabin you go in yet. He should know."
We walked along, eating the fruit we stole from lunch. We don't usually steal. But we were so busy hugging- and killing- Leo, we got 5 minutes to eat. And honestly, my stomach has been growling since I woke up. I couldn't miss another meal.
    When we stepped into the Big House Chiron was playing a card game with Mr. D. However, there was something different within the room. Grover was there too.
"Grover!" I shouted, "You're back!"
I hugged him so hard. I missed him so much. No offense to Leo or anything. I just knew him longer and he didn't blow up a Roman camp. I think.
   Grovers goatee had grown out some more. His horns were larger, and much more noticeable. He had gotten his hair trimmed since I last saw him, so the curls weren't as long. He also grew a few inches. The only thing he wore was a old camp half blood tee-shirt, that had probably had its fair share of quests.
"Annabeth!" He shouted, "It's been so long!"
I cried. Tears of Joy came streaming out, refusing to stop. I wrapped my arms around him in a strong, firm hug.
When I finally let go, he scans the room. He looks at Piper first.
"She was one of the seven, Piper-" Piper shoots me a look while I'm talking, as if she's saying: 'Mention my last name, and your dead.'    "Daughter of Aphrodite." I finish, returning Pipers Glare.
Then he nods at Calypso.
"Is she new?" He asks, confused.
"Something like that." I say, "Remember how you told me about the girl Zoë Nightshade?"
He nods with a grim look, as if he was still mourning her death.
"This is Calypso." I was fairly sure they were sisters, or cousins or whatever. I hadn't ever gone searched into those myths.
Everyone is speechless. Piper and I give each other a look, silently saying: 'What do we say?' I finally decide to break the silence by saying something real clever like, "What cabin can she stay in?"
"I think she would fit into Aphrodite or Demeter." Chiron starts, "But we should make sure with the-"
Chiron stopped. Everyone was staring at Calypso. I was too once I saw her clothes had been changed. It looked something like what Piper wore the night she was claimed.
"I think the gods will allow it." Mr D mused.
Chiron warned us about being careful explaining Calypso. We didn't want to start any bad rumors about an enemy spy, or another Titan war, or whatever.
   We walked around camp. We pointed to Rachel's Lair. Explaining the oracle. We introduced her to Will Solace and The Apollo cabin. After being hit by a basketball, as usual. The Apollo kids maybe good shots, but most of them are clumsy, tripping over their own shoelaces.
    It took an half hour to explain what the sport was. Then we walked by the archery range. She knew about that. We explained The Lava wall and the chariots and other camp activities. When we got to the horses Calypso squealed and had to see them. Her favorite was a Pegasus named Pond. It trailed behind us, almost wandering into the archery range. Each time we said 'Come along Pond!' To keep her from leaving.
We bread her with Williams, another Pegasus. At one point William was lent to the Romans and Pond almost forgot. But didn't. (If you get that reference...)
"This is Zeus's cabin. And Hera." Piper said with obvious distaste. "And over here is our cabin. Aphrodite." Piper finished, pointing grimly to a bright pink perfect cabin.
We knocked on the door. Drew awnsered, still doing her lipstick.
"Hi, Dumpster Queen." Drew said, without looking up. "What are you doing with a child of Athena, and a new girl?" Drew said the words 'Athena' and 'new girl' as if we were a fatal disease. I reminded myself to make a deal with the stolls later.
"Hi to you to Drew." Piper remarked sarcastically.
"Annabeth and I are showing Calypso around." Piper smirked, "She's a daughter of Aphrodite. Set up her bed. Please."
Drew nodded. Lacey barked some orders. Mitchell got somebody to get her some clothes. We showed her around introducing her to the Aphrodite kids. It might be hard for her to fit in. It's not like she's an actual child of Aphrodite. But it'll have to do.
"I'll leave you to get aquatinted." I said as I walked away.
"See you at the campfire!" I yell.
I ran over to the Hermes cabin with haste. Revenge is sweet.

    My dinner was delicious. Juicy steak, with french fries. I had fun. The entire table was filled with joy and laughter. Today I say with Rachel, who usually sat alone, or with the Apollo cabin, but managed to get me on Saturdays. When it was over we sat down with our friends at the campfire. I sat with Hazel, Piper, Calypso, Reyna, and Rachel. Chiron said we could have a camp out, just us five, under the stars. It was to celebrate. I never had done it before, unless you count being camped out while being hunted on a quest, so it would hopefully be very cool. We sang songs and danced. I hadn't had this much fun in such a long time. We laughed and laughed. At one point, Rachel and Hazel laughed so hard, cranberry juice spewed out of their noses. Reyna even did the Makarena with us!
Something landed on my lap. Rachel had collapsed. When she got up, her eyes glowed green. Green mist bellowed out of her mouth, filling the air. Some campers backed away. Others watched in fear. I stood paralyzed as I listened to the dreadful words. The spirit of Delphi started to talk.
The Child of the sea
Will go alone
To find the thing
No one can own
The cursed blade
He shall find
The stars say hello
And so does time
It was over like that.

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