Leo Burns Down a Matress Shop

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Waaaaa! Waaaaa! Waaaa-
Annabeth: What?
Me: I miss the original Trio!
Grover: me too!!
Annabeth: Yeah it was fun.
Percy: Then why'd you trap me on an island?
Me: it wasn't me!
Leo: Original Trio? You mean me, Pipes, and Jason?
Me: No! I mean Annabeth, Grover, and Percy!
Grover: THOOSE were the days.
Percy: Remember when I landed on Calypsos island. And I thought that was dangerous.
Calypso: How?
Percy: Only not saving the world.
Annabeth: Remember when we held up the sky?
Percy: Ouch. That was tough. But we managed.
Me: Gross. Too much lovey stuff. Story time!!
"The dam snack bar, huh?" Grover asked.
"Yeah? What does it mean?" I ask, confused.
Grover smiles. "An inside joke. That's all."
      Still confused, I nod. Grover had been with me every quest. How could he have an inside joke? We're best friends. But, there was that one time when I held up the sky, and I suppose that something could've happened that was funny. 

       I look around to what happened after the Minotaur attacked. Apparently, Calypso killed it with her comb. Leo was badly injured, but I had saved his life. I had a few cuts and my ankle was sprained. Leo, on the other hand had cuts, and bruises. He had a nasty scar on his cheek, and he had dislocated shoulder.
"Thanks." I acknowledge Calypso's bravery. "You saved us."
"It was no problem." She lied. "I couldn't let you die."
The truth was she was shaking. She was afraid. She had a problem.
"Are you okay?" I ask, clearly worried. "You're shaking."
She stiffens immediately. "I'm just cut. Okay? I'm fine."
I examine her. No cuts. But, if I turn my head at just the right angle, I can see a rip in her jeans. Blood gushes from it.
"Oh My Gods! Calypso! You aren't fine. You'll lose a lot of blood like that!" I screech at her, making her sit down.
I grab a napkin, which I stole from Medusa. I dab her leg. A long thin scar, slices right down her leg. I'm not sure if it will be permanent, but I hope not. Every time the napkin goes near the scar, she winces in pain. After wrapping the bandages around her leg, and giving Leo and me some badly needed ambrosia, we were off to fulfill our journey. Okay that's not the whole truth.

Night was falling on the horizon, and a bootiful sunset had just taken place. We don't want to be out at night after what happened, so we wearily totter into Sleepy's mattress store. Even though my leg still throbs, ambrosia can't heal everything, and Leo's shoulder is still funny, we manage to stumble in. I support myself using Grovers shoulder. He helps me sit down on a bed. Leo leans on Calypso. He had a lot a bad bruises all over his legs, arms, you name it. Even his face face was badly cut. Of course this didn't stop him from constantly trying to kiss Calypso. Every time he tries, she pushes him away.
"Awe. Cmon! Don't I get a kiss for good luck. Isn't that a tradition?" Leo pleads, leaning in for another try.
"Maybe in modern times." Calypso sighs. Leo tries again, and this time Calypso kisses him back. When they pull apart Leo grins. Calypso just stares. "You have bad breath." She comments, making Leo's grin faultier.
"Do not!" He fights back. "And just for the record, yours isn't great either, Sunshine."
Calypso smiles and makes him sit down on the mattress. Grover gives us nectar.  He warns not to drink too much, but I really don't care. A flush of relief flows through me. It may not feel great, but at least it's better. The colour in Leo's face returns to normal.
An old man comes out into the open. "What are you kids doing in here? This place is closed."
I explain that we got into a fight with a few street thugs, and that we were outnumbered and couldn't fight them off. They beat us up, and we stumbled into the closest place to rest, which just so happened to be here.  It hadn't been the first time I had used that lie, and I doubt it would be the last.
The old man didn't seem to like me or Leo. He accepted our story anyway. "The girl with the pretty caramel hair, and the bearded boy. Come with me. Blonde girl and Mexican boy stay here." He told us.
We obeyed. What else was there to do? Leo and I sat there, eating ambrosia and drinking nectar, while Grover and Calypso, were gone. We bandaged each other up and waited.
We waited.
And waited.
Until we heard a scream.
Calypsos scream.
"Calypso!" Leo yelled.
Grover screamed. "Rusty! Water-beds! Stretchy!"
Leo looked confused. I'm not. Rusty can't have bloody mattresses. It's not good for sale. Or, he knows Leo and I could break free. I grab my sword.
"Annie, your leg." Leo says.
"And your arm." I reply. "C'mon."
We run to the direction of the screams. Or, he runs. I stumble. When we get there we see Grover and Calypso, on water beds, being stretched. Calypso was gasping and crying. Grover was breathing heavily and and wheezing.
"Daughter Of Athena," Rusty scowled. "Must you ruin everything?"
I laugh. "Let my friends go, and maybe I won't."
Leo was really angry. Luckily, I can use that to my advantage.
"Leo," I whisper in his ear. "You have to melt off the chains. Can you do that?"
Leo nods. He runs over to his friends. I start to swing. Left, right. Left, right. I stab. Sidestep. I glance over at Leo. He's gotten Calypsos arms free so far, and is currently working on her left leg. Just a few more minutes. Rusty comes at me. I stumble and only just manage to dodge. I cut his leg, but it's not enough. 
He glares at me. "Foolish girl!"
Oops. I glance over at Leo again. Calypso is free, and he's working on Grover.
Stay. Slash. Duck. Jump. Swish. Sidestep. Rusty lunges. I glance at Leo one more time. Grovers practically free. One more chain. I look back at Rusty. Too late. He's already on me. I look back at Leo. Grovers free.
"Annabeth!" Leo yells. Leo pounces on Rusty, his hands enflamed. I stab rusty with my knife, and roll out of Leo's way. He sets the rug on fire. It spreads quick.
"Crap." He says.
We haul Grover and Calypso. We are all leaning on each other now. We manage to make it to our former camp, the entrance, when we grab our bags, and walk away. What's to come is unknown. The mattress shop burns behind us. I'm just glad we made it with our lives. Too bad the discounts didn't.

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