We all Fall Down

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Dedication time! I haven't done it in a while. So I'm gonna doing it to someone who helped me out. She pointed something out to me in a previous chapter that I should've caught myself. So thank you @miss_mcshizzle !!
Now on to my fabulous story!
"Leo? You okay?" I asked him. He had limped out of the shop, and we sat on the nearest park bench. His arm was hurt, and lunging at Rusty didn't help. He had been nibbling on ambrosia.
He winced when I questioned his health. "Yeah! It takes more to take the Super Sized McShizzle down!" He held up his arms, as if trying to show off the muscles he didn't have.
I smiled at this. It was Leo, being Leo. After he said this, he went back to the ambrosia. I, myself, was slowly drinking nectar. My leg was killing me. I had used it to fight off Rusty, and let's just say, that only barely worked. Every time I moved it, I winced. Grover was playing his reed pipes. He had recently learned a ward against evil on it. The song it went to was 'Walking on Sunshine.' Yes. The best song ward evil off. Calypso was healing us, while singing along.
"We're walking on sunshine! Oh oh oh! We're walking on Sunshine! Oh oh oh! It's time to feel good!" She sang.
Leo smiled and sang along. "We're walking on Sunshine!" Leo can't sing. At all.
"That's it!" I yelled. "Camp! We have to Iris Message camp!"
Grover bleated. "Gods! We forgot!"
The thing is, what was near by? As if on cue a thick fog rolled through. It created a double rainbow with the sun.
"Oh, Iris. Goddess of Rainbow! Please accept my offering." I say, thowing a drachma in the mist. It disappeared.
A circle of rainbow appeared. A picture of camp came up. Will and Nico were bickering.
"You can't!! You'll fade!" Will stated, as if it was obvious.
"Reyna, Jason, and Frank (Idk who's preater anymore. Uncle Rick confused me.) needs to know!" Nico fought back.
"What about the door the Hecate kids made?" Will raised his voice.
"The magic is fading! I could get stuck in Idaho!" Nico replied.
"Either way-" will starts
"What? I'm one of the only people she trusts after all this!" Nico shouts.
I cough.
"Oh. Hey Annabeth." Will says.
"Sorry." Nico says.
"Yeah. Okay." I reply. "we have an update."
Nico weakly smiled. "Sounds good. What's going on?"
"Few things." I try. "Percy and this other lady is stuck on Ogigiya."
Nico would've paled more, if he could. "How? Is that even possible?"
Grover cut in. "Apparently so."
Will sighed in worry. "Anything more?"
"We're in trouble. Weve been heading south. A got feeling. But..." I say.
"Annabeth. But what?" Nico yelled. I had lit a fire in him.
I swallow. "Kronos," I start. "He wants revenge."
Nico collapsed. Will caught him. "Anything else?"
"Nope." I gulp. "What about you guys?"
Will sighed. "The Romans don't really know. We were going to alert them but..."
"The magic is failing." I finish.
"Yeah. I have to go." He caught his breath. "A load of Hecate kids are, um..."
My eyes widen. "Will, what??"
Will started to cry. "Annabeth. They're magic is fading. Along with their life force."
By now Will was bawling, and so was I. Poor Lou Ellen. Watching her campers die before her very eyes. And then she's dying herself. I looked behind me. Everyone, even Leo and calypso who hadn't been there long, was crying. The message was starting to fade. So was Will.
"Bye Anna-" He shouts right as the mist message disappears.
"Will! Dammit!" I shout.
"Ha." Grover smirked. "Dam."
"Huh?" I ask.
"Oh nothing." He replies. "An old joke."
I nod, and turn to everyone. "I have an idea. I'm not sure if it's accurate, but it's worth a shot."
Leo looks at me intensely. Calypsos soft eyes demand the idea. Grover smirks, like he was waiting for this.
"Yeah. Okay." Leo says.
"Let's do this!" Calypso says, getting herself pumped up.
I smile. I like this team. "I don't know what Kronos is throwing at us. What I do know is this. Hecate's magic is fading along with her kids. A woman is on the island with Percy. My idea is Kronos found away to kidnap her, and is using her to get more energy. Well, her and her kids. I just don't know how he did it..."
"That's it! I remember Tià Callidiá, also know as Hera, said something about when the majority of the gods essence is caught, so is the god." Leo grins.
I look at him, mildly impressed. "So if that woman really is Hecate..."
Grover pales. "We're in for a lot of trouble."
"Annabeth. I can't fight them. Not my family!"
I turn to see who's talking. It was Calypso. She hadn't spoken up in a while. "Family." I say to her. "I know a thing or too about that."
I wiped the tears from her sorrowful face. "I had to fight part of my family once. It was the hardest thing I ever did."
"Really?" She asks, still crying into me.
"Yeah. It all worked out in the end." I look to the sky. "Right, Luke?"
Luke's voice played in my mind. "Yeah, Annabeth."
I look up in surprise and back away from my friends. "Luke? Luke!?"
Leo comes up to me. "Who's Luke? Does he have the force?"
My vision starts to get blurry. I can see Grover collapse, and Leo shake him. Calypsos eyes rolled into her head and her head rolled around, limply. Leo ran to her too. Before collapsing himself.
You are very smart, Annabeth Chase. A voice told me. But I can drive even the smartest to insanity.

That's when I collapsed.

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