The Cheese Burger Shop Of Doom

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   We had gotten a half a mile down the road and what's the first thing I hear?
" FOOD." Grover bleats.
Leo grins at this as if it were funny. He struts over to Grover, from Calypso. "Don't worry, Goat Boy. Uncle Leo got you covered." He scavenged through his belt. "You'll be eating at Uncle Leo's tortilla shop, Soon!!"
Leo takes out a pad and paper, as if he were taking orders. "What would you like, Miss Sunshine?" He asks, referring Calypso.
Calypso just rolls her eyes. "Vegetarian, please."
Leo jots it down. "Mmhm. And you, sir?"
"Vegan." He states, then adds. "With a side of fries."
Leo shakes his head grimly. "Fresh out of fries.
I'm sorry."
"Your loosing points on the review. I'm very disappointed." Grocers states like a the mature adult he isn't.
"As I assumed." Leo replies. "And for the scary- Pretty! I meant pretty! The pretty lady?"
I glared daggers at him. The poor guy even whimpered. It was kind of funny.
"Same as Calypso, please." I awnser.
Leo scribbles something. "Fabulous choice darling! Fab-u-las!"
I snicker at this, because he is imitating Drew, when she was forced to work as a waitress for punishment because she painted Nico's cabin pink. It was hilarious, though this was hardly the time for laughing.
Leo handed Calypso the notebook and pen. "Hold this."
Calypso nods. "Yeah, sure."
Leo rummaged through his toolbelt cautiously. One wrong move and his finger could hit a nail. A grim expression fell on his face. "Guys. Um... the tool belt. It kinda has to cool off. I used all the magic energy up trying to fix Festus last night. Oops."
I stare. "Oops, indeed. We are as unprepared as when Zeus blamed Percy for stealing the Lightning Bolt."
Grover didn't help much when he blurted, "WE'RE GONNA STARVE!!!"
Calypso and I stared at the two like they were idiots. Oh, wait. They are idiots. I sighed and glared at the bickering too.
"How about we check the bags our cabin mates have thankfully given us!" Calypso asks cheerfully. Finally, someone other than me has a decent idea.
"Worth a shot." Leo groans.
"How's the belt comin'." Grover asks, hopefully.
"All I can manage is a few nails. It's better, but not the best." Leo replies, still looking as grim as before.
I ignore their bickering as I slip my sports bag off. I pull it open. I hadn't bothered to look in it before. Inside of it was $100, American Currency, some ambrosia and nector, and new clothes. Drachmas sat at the bottom, with a note on top.
Good luck. Let's hope this is your last quest.
-Malcom and the rest of your siblings that know you exist.
Ha, ha. The signing off was very clever. Sarcasm intended. But no time for jokes. We had money. Money means food.
"Annabeth, Grover and I have $100 each. Leo has the same amount in his pocket. How much do you have?" Calypso asks.
"The same. Let's find a restaurant."
We walk another mile until we find something. "MAMA M'S MUNCHIES." I read aloud. It was a big sign, with huge bold letters that shone. Anyone could spot it a mile away.
"Oh, yeah! Let's go in!" Leo shouts.
I don't know why but I get a strange feeling in my stomach. It's quite terrifying. But I'm so hungry I go in.
"Annabeth, I have a weird feeling about this place." Grover comments.
"Yeah, me too." I reply, nervously. "Let's get in and get out."
When we stepped in its completely empty. A woman in a veil and sunglasses stands in the door. She looked familiar, but from where...?
"Would you kids like a free meal? It's rare get customers." She asks. Her voice sends chills down my spine. It's smooth and silky.
Before I can reply, Calypso does. "Please Ma'am. But we should pay you."
The Lady speaks again. "Oh, no my dear. You won't pay with such a pretty face. I bet you've had your heart broken too many times, haven't you?"
Calypso looks at her in shock and nods.
She looks at me with a certain distaste. "Wouldn't you like to sit?" Her smile is cold.
She moves us to a booth and brings us cheeseburgers. We didn't ask. She just did. We also got waters. After eating some of the cheeseburger, I come to my senses a bit. I feel like I had been here before. The decore, the setting. Even the architecture looks familiar. Then I see the final straw. A door. It sounds dumb but the door was clear, and what did i see through the glass door. A garden. A garden full of statues.
The Lady had come back. "You kids are so cute. Do you mind if I take a picture?"
I froze.

Hey guys! I wanna say thanks for over 200 views!!! You are bootiful people's. Thanks for those who stuck with this book up til this point.
Leo: it's so touching!
Me: It really is. Anyway... I wanna dedicate this chapter to Ice_Wizard_Susie for helping me through my writers block today! And yes, I will be giving out dedication for those who comment an help me make my chapters better!!!

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