Chapter 59: In Which There is Emily

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  4,536 Chapter 58: In Which Jacob Loves Nessie Hard
A/N: Okay, y'all, I'm going into this fully expecting to get flamed. If not flamed, I have the itching feeling that this chapter isn't going to sit well with all of you, but that's okay. I am one hundred percent happy and satisfied with this chapter and it couldn't have come out of my imagination any better. Jacob was in a very bad place in this chapter - he was hurt and afraid and angry and very, very in love and he was kicked by the person he trusted most. I'm not bashing Ness, I understand her reasons, but understand Jacob's as well. Don't judge him - the poor boy's been through a lot.

I've been waiting for months to get to this chapter to see the reaction - if you don't like it, please still review and let me know why exactly. I love all kinds of constructive feedback.

I'll leave you here. :)

Disclaimer: I own nothing. I would like to note, though, that I'm in love with the lyrics for this chapter. They jumped out at me when I was first imagining this chapter and it had been decided from then. It is a beautiful song - I suggest you play it while reading the chapter.

In Which Jacob Loves Nessie Hard

i've seen your flag on the marble arch
and love is not a victory march
it's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah

- jeff buckley, hallelujah

My heart dropped out of my chest. I would have said I hadn't known where it had went if I couldn't have felt it aching so bad, somewhere around my kidney.

Had they left without me? Had my Jacob left without kissing me goodbye?

My stomach churned and I felt as though I might actually vomit. I flew off of the bed, but I wasn't sure why. If they were already gone, they were already gone.

Then Aunt Alice came through the door and my heart flew back into place. I wish I could say it was because I loved her and was relieved to see her, but that wasn't it. I knew that my family wouldn't dare leave without their most precious asset. They were still here.

Only then could the happiness of seeing my aunt flood through me.

"Good morning, Nessie," she chirped, cheerfully but more reserved than usual.

"Morning," I murmured back, surprised my voice was actually functional.

"I brought your clothes for today," she told me, smiling and only then did I notice the clothes in her hands. "I – I didn't see you had brought anything and I . . . didn't think you would mind."

Aunt Alice wanted to dress me one last time. Her goodbye.

Damn it. I nodded, trying to bite back the lump in my throat.

"Do you want to shower?" She asked me as she approached, kissing my cheek.

I shook my head. Who really cared about showers now?

"Is . . . is e-everyone downstairs?"

"Yes," she said immediately, and even though I was mostly sure I still felt a rush of relief. "Everyone. The wolves and all our friends too."

Our friends. Jake would snort if he heard that.

Aunt Alice waited patiently while I undressed to my underwear and then handed me a circle skirt that I quickly pulled on and zipped up. It fell down to my knees and was a dark blue. There was a small white pattern running along the bottom. Even in my haze, I balked when Alice handed me a spaghetti-strapped tanktop with a built-in bra to match.

"I've got you something to go over it," Aunt Alice explained hurriedly, motioning to a white something that I had hadn't even noticed hanging over her white arm. "Don't worry, Nessie."

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