Chapter Sixteen: In Which Nessie Does Not Love Seth

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Chapter Sixteen: In Which Nessie Does Not Love Seth

you're like an indian summer in the middle of winter

like a hard candy with a surprise center

how do i get better once i've had the best?

- katy perry, thinking of you


I slept better that night than I had since we had been running, maybe even since before that. Though my nightmares couldn't return since Jacob was my nightmare kryptonite, he was unfortunately apparently (and a little obviously) a catalyst for my Jacob-dreams, which returned with full force. My subconscious was a little irritated – couldn't I get a reprieve from either? One night with a normal dream that made no sense that you forgot as soon as you woke up?

Apparently, I wasn't that lucky, though I couldn't really complain, even subconsciously, when dream-Jacob had me in such a wonderfully compromising position. Or rather, I had him in one. The scenes from my old Jacob dreams were gone – First Beach, his bedroom, the Rabbit, all gone. They were replaced by newer, ah . . . more current scenes: musty hotel rooms with no discerning characteristics and what was appearing to quickly become my favorite, the drivers' seat of the Porsche.

That's where dream-Jacob and I were now, the seat cranked all the way back just like I had pictured. I straddled his legs and a thrill like I had never felt before rushed through me, more realistic than ever as I held his head in my hands, running my fingers through his beautiful hair. Jacob's strong hands gripped just above my hips, his fingers sliding just underneath my t-shirt to the skin underneath.

He leaned towards me and my breath heightened, waiting, waiting – and he pressed a kiss to my neck, just above my collarbone. I sighed in desire but also a little disappointment; I wanted his lips on mine. I tried to pull his head upwards but he wouldn't budge, just chuckled against my jaw and placed another kiss underneath and whispered, "Patience, Nessie."

He kissed my neck slowly for what felt like an eternity, desire rushing through my veins like a drug. It was wonderful, amazing, but it wasn't enough. Jacob placed another kiss just under my ear, and I was jolted with surprise I felt his lips part and something warm and wet touch my skin: his tongue. I groaned loudly at the pleasure that coursed through my body, and was unable to restrain my hips from rocking forward.


The word came out in two parts, my voice higher than normal and Jacob chuckled into my neck, touching his tongue lightly to my skin again and then, very gently, biting.


The dream, all of a sudden, changed. It took on a suddenly less realistic tone, the Jacob below me now not as substantial as before. It felt as if I was slowly waking up, the dream-Jacob fading as well as the Porsche that surrounded us. I felt colder than usual as I opened my eyes to the hotel room, morning light streaming in through the blinds and giving everything a half-lit glow.

I blushed as I remembered my dream, and turned my head to look at Jacob, hoping he would still be asleep but he wasn't there. Before I could panic, the shower cut on in the bathroom and I sighed in relief.

It was a good thing he wasn't here when I woke up, I wouldn't have been able to face him after – I shuddered with pleasure and embarrassment as I remembered my dream. I needed to calm myself down before Jacob got back out, so I turned over onto my back and concentrated on my breathing. I tried to let my hearing zone out, catch sounds I wouldn't normally hear unless I was concentrating.

I could hear the water running, obviously, but as I let it zone out I could hear the birds outside too, and the cars on the road several hundred yards away. I could hear someone opening or shutting their door a few rooms down from us and I could hear children flapping happily about somewhere a little further away. And then I heard something strange: a low, labored breathing, like someone trying to tolerate pain silently.

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