Chapter Ten: In Which it's Only Illegal if You Get Caught

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A/N: Hey y'all, it's Monday! Sorry you don't figure out exactly what's going on in this chapter, but you'll probably get enough to piece everything together. Yes, I know, the "guy makes creepy remark and Jacob gets protective" thing is entirely unoriginal and well . . . cliche, but I couldn't resist. I'm trying to incorporate a few overdone ideas into the story and tweak them a little bit and make them more IC so that they're believable. I always feel like I never see Jake and Nessie together exactly the way I want them - if they've got Jake right, they mess Nessie up. Of course, I know it's fiction and that's completely the writers' decision, which is why I decided to write my own.

There will be a little more cursing and the content will slowly get more mature within the next few chapters, though not very graphic. I'm sure you're expecting it since the rating's M, but I just thought I'd warn.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Twilight universe, the song Make You Smile even though it used to be my ringtone, or any personal experience with California and the distance it takes to drive there from north WA. I googled it though, then cut the time in half to allow for insane speeds, so I hope it's accurate. I also do not own an F key that works properly, which is a huge hinderance and source of irritation for me.

Chapter Ten: In Which it's Only Illegal if You Get Caught

i don't, don't wanna take you home

please don't, don't make me sleep alone

- plus 44. make you smile

"We're - we're not?" I asked, dumbfounded.

Even though my sight was twice as good as a normal humans, the cars and streetlights that zoomed past us were hardly more than blurs. Jacob switched lanes again in order to pass another car that was moving at a reasonable speed.

"I don't think so, Ness."

I had no thoughts. I had no words for this.

"Why, though?" I asked, still trying to make sense of something. "Why are we running?"

"Because of those goddamn-king-fucking-bloodsuckers, Nessie!" Jacob shouted, his deep voice reverberating inside the closed car.

I shrunk back in my seat. Jake had never shouted at me before. The shock of him screaming at me blew any thought about what he'd actually said straight out of my mind. He seemed to realize it, because when he turned his head to look at me, the first time since we got in the car minutes ago, his eyes softened. He looked remorseful.

"I'm sorry, Ness," he said sincerely, and reached for my hand. I didn't extend my mine to make it any easier, but I didn't pull away either. I was still pretty taken aback. At everything. "It's not your fault, honey, and I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. Everything's going to be all right, I promise. I'll never let anything happen to you - I've just got to get you out of here as fast as I can."

What was going to happen to me? Get me out of where? Forks? The state? The country? I remembered what he'd shouted at me seconds before with a start, the cursing and tone having taken me off guard before I could absorb the words.


My mind quickly subtracted the curse words and analyzed what was left. King bloodsuckers? Vampires didn't have kings, though, they had . . . the Volturi. Something flickered in my memory, vague and on the edges, something you couldn't believe you had forgotten just as much as you couldn't remember.

"Nessie," Jake said, interrupting my train of thought. "Everything is going to be okay, all right? I promise you. But Ness, this is important: for the next while, you're going to have to obey me. Whatever I tell you to do, you have to do it, quickly, no questions asked."

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