Chapter Seven: In Which There Are Stupid Love Things

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A/N: Hey y'all, here's your Thurday update. Thank you again for all the feedback - you guys are wonderful. Couple of things about this chapter: first is Jacob's hair. It is long (relatively, about shoulder length), and will remain so. I don't know how many J/N stories have been ruined for me by the author mentioned Jacob having short hair. I always try to continue reading and forget it, but it messes with me and I usually can't finish. Second, Jasper's accent: I'm from the South and I am a huge Jasper fan, and I don't know why so many people see him as unfeeling - I think he's just distant. Anyway, I thought it was cute to have him say 'y'all', even though it was a little out of character, since it's my favorite word in the world.

Third, and finally, I guess you saw through my cheap dedication ploy to get reviews, so let's see if I can make it a little more challenging this time: the dedication of the ninth chapter will be given to anyone who can guess what will happen before it does, what the "wedding plans" are, etc. The hinting starts as early as the first chapter, but gets stronger from this one out - but yeah, review and let me know. I love to hear theories, and even if they're wrong, it may give me ideas! I've got almost fifteen chapters done already, but there's still more than enough room to work stuff in.

Disclaimer: I don't own nothing, except that double-negative right there. And the chapter title, which I love more than I should.

Chapter Seven: In Which There Are Stupid Love Things

well, she's got a little bit of something

and god, it's better than nothing

- 3 am, matchbox 20

After Jacob misheard me and ran away, and I set off into a new crying jag, Dad went chasing after him to explain. He came back half an hour later when I was mostly calmed down saying Jacob understood, and again, that he was sorry. I still wasn't sure why.

I spent that night curled in my bed, trying to figure things out. I realized I really wanted to square things with Jacob before the wedding, but Mom suggested we take at least a day to cool off and think. I knew trying to get a hold of him the day of would be near-impossible, since Alice would have me in her grasp from dawn's first light, so I settled for the wedding itself, or just before if I could manage it.

I wouldn't cry. I wouldn't bring any attention to myself. I would just wait for a quiet moment, pull Jacob aside and beg him to forgive me. Then I would enjoy Grandpa's Charlie's wedding.

I hoped.

I still was pretty foggy on what Jacob's message meant, and what he said back in his bedroom. What was he sorry for, hurting my feelings? That seemed the logical answer, or as logical of an answer that I could come up with. But what about the part where he said he understands how I feel - what was that supposed to mean? That he didn't blame me for finding him wildly attractive? That seemed a little arrogant, even for Jake.

In any case, he didn't hate me, and he wasn't angry with me. That was more than I could hope for. I would just have to deal with the awkwardness and pray that someday things could return to how they once were.

Deep down, though, I knew they couldn't. Maybe we could still be best friends, but Jacob would always know how I felt, and I would know he knew, and that would always be there, the eight hundred pound elephant in the room. I still had to try though - I'd take Jacob however I could get him: friend, or if not that . . . whatever he was willing to offer me. That was the stupid thing about love.

Because I realized that's what it was now. Love. I mean, real love - like my parents, and Alice and Jasper, and Aunt Rose and Emmett. Like Grandpa Charlie and Aunt Sue. I thought and thought about it that night as I lay in bed and decided I could deal with a substitute, friendship instead of something more - it had to be better than nothing.

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