Chapter Six: In Which There is Mother-Daughter Bonding of the Vampire Kind

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Chapter Six: In Which There is Mother-Daughter Bonding of the Vampire Kind

it must be the rebel in you

that makes you fall in love with men that have the moon bulging from their throats

- warsan shire, a father's silence

I ran faster than I had ever ran before, ran until the trees were just green blurs in my peripheral. I could hear Jacob call me to come back, but I ignored him. I heard a rip, then the sound of four paws hitting the ground and galloping after me.

I knew then that it was a lost battle; I was no match for Jake in wolf form, but I continued to run anyway. If he wanted to stop me, he would have to tackle me. No, he would have to fight me. I wasn't dealing with this now, and it wasn't like I was running anywhere but home. Don't most teenagers run away from home? There was nothing normal about me.

I was surprised when I heard him fall back, following but not pursuing, but I continued at full-tilt. That's right, I thought with satisfaction, Just give up. I get it, now leave me alone.

I made it home in record time and Jacob fell back to where I could no longer hear him once I reached the clearing at the big house. I circled around the yard once quickly, searching for the one person I needed right now and praying that if she only ever left my father's side once for the rest of her existence, it would be now.

I raced through the house, past Alice at the kitchen table, spread full with papers, past Aunt Rose and Emmett watching television in the living room, and up the stairs, past Jasper sitting on the stairs with a book, without so much as a backward glance. I heard some questioning voices following me up, but I ignored them as well, reciting the Constitution in my mind with as much enthusiasm as I could manage.

I slammed straight into the last person on earth that I wanted to see then at the top of the stairs. My Dad's iron arms encircled me quickly as I knocked into him, ensuring I was jostled as little as possible. He gripped my arms gently and pulled me back to look at me - I stared straight at his topaz eyes for fraction of a second, now mentally screaming the Bill of Rights as loud as I could - before I tore free and raced up to the third floor in search of my mother.

She was in Grandpa Carlisle's study, sitting in a large chintz armchair with a massive book that I sent flying as I dove into her stone lap.

"Shield me, Mom," I nearly-shouted, bursting into tears against her stomach, "Please, Mom, please shield me now!"

"Renesmee - " Mom started, alarmed, but I cut her off.

"Now!" I was screaming now, for sure. "Now, Mom! Please! Please shield me!"

A fourth of a second passed that felt like years, then Mom exclaimed, "Okay, okay, Renesmee, it's up! What's wrong? What's happened?"

She pulled me to her, until I was folded into her lap like a toddler. I threw my arms around her neck and sobbed like one, reveling in the coldness of her embrace, the contrast between this one and the one I was in minutes ago before I ruined everything.

"Renesmee - are you hurt - "

"No, Mom," I managed to choke out between sobs that stole my breath, "I'm not hu-u-u-ur-t."

I felt another hand on my back, just as cold, just as hard, yet different somehow. Dad.

"Renesmee, what's happened?" Dad questioned, and I could hear the edge of panic in his voice. "You have to tell us if you're hurt - did someone - "

"No!" I shouted, entering hysteria now, "Nobody did a-anything to me! It was m-m-me!"

Mom lifted my face out of her neck and forced me to look at her, not that I could make out much more than her shape through the tears. I felt icy fingers brush my eyes and my vision cleared a little, even though I continued to sob.

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