Chapter Three: In Which Nessie Makes a Promise

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Twilight universe, only the one inside my head, nor do I own Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, no matter how much I may wish to. Oh, also, on a more serious note, I have a feeling the phrase "love him like breathing, like I get up every morning, like I put one foot in front of the other when I walk" did not come from my own mind. I don't know where else it could have came from, but just to be on the safe side, I might not own it..

Chapter Three: In Which Nessie Makes a Promise

the way you're singing in your sleep

the way you look before you leap

the strange illusions that you keep

you don't know, but i'm noticing

- nick and norah's infinite playlist

"Renesmee!" I heard Alice call and tried my best to pretend I didn't hear her, which I knew wouldn't work. She was Alice.

"I am going to try nicely once more time. After that, I will bodily force you to do my bidding, do you understand?" Scary Aunt Alice said calmly from outside of the dressing room.

I let out a sound disturbingly close to a whine. I may be physically and mentally sixteen, but I am actually seven and long shopping trips make me whiny and irritable. At least that was my excuse.

"Renesmee Cullen, could you come out here please?"

I knew was my last chance to avoid public humiliation, so I unhappily pushed open the dressing room and emerged.

Scary Aunt Alice scrutinized me for a moment, before closing her eyes. I knew she was trying to see around all her blind spots.

"No, no!" She trilled, and I wanted to cry. "Next one!"

I dragged my feet back into the dressing room to try on another dress, at least the thirtieth that day. Mom and Rosalie didn't have to endure such tortures, because Alice could see clearly what they would be wearing. It almost made vampirism seem worth it.

I tried to appeal to Mom. No, begging was more like it. Literally, on my knees. But she went on and on about rites of passage and humoring Scary Aunt Alice and keeping her away from Charlie who wasn't sure he liked her as much anymore after her most recent episode where she marched into his house and informed him that she would be planning his wedding that she was supposed to know nothing about and that an oceanic theme was the best she could do with his original wishes. And that, sorry, there would be no fish.

Jacob was completely unsympathetic, muttering something about, "You're a girl, aren't you? Don't girls like that stuff?"

What did he mean, 'aren't you'? Just because I don't flitter around in heels and pink fingernail polish doesn't mean I'm not a girl.

Still, in retrospect, this offended me much more than it should have. I'm still not sure I was completely justified in suggesting to Scary Aunt Alice that Jake wear a tux. She of course was thrilled and grabbed the nearest notepad to begin sketching designs and I immediately felt bad.

Not too bad, though, since everyone, Jake included, has taken it upon themselves to become insane for the past week.

Alice has been generally insane (hence her being redubbed Scary Aunt Alice until the wedding is over and done with), which is no more than is to be expected and so I forgive her because she's Scary Aunt Alice and I know regular Alice will be back next week right after Charlie and Sue set off for their honeymoon. That doesn't give everyone else an excuse.

I know for a fact that Scary Aunt Alice is single-handling arranging the wedding, but everyone is still gone all hours of the day and muttering in corners all hours of the night and calling it wedding plans. Jacob follows me everywhere, and not much is different about that, except it feels more like he's watching me than spending time with me and I keep having these dreams and the strange tightness in my stomach that I don't understand and it makes so hard to look at him because every time I do, all I can think about is -

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