Chapter 5- Cold Coffee

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   "What kind of music do you like, Olivia?" Michael kept his eyes forward on the road, but he put his right arm on the back of my chair. I liked it.

   "Umm...I like a lot of music. Rock is my favorite. Like Pink Floyd, Kiss, The Stones. I just think it's much better written than most of today's music." I don't know why I'm opening up so much. This has never happened before.

   "ME TOO! I mean, I like modern rock too, but classic rock is always great." Michael flashed me a quick smile as he said this. I barely know that smile, but I love it. We didn't talk anymore than this on the way to the restaurant. I just thought about Mikey. He was nice. Better than nice, he was sweet. I loved his smile. I know I don't know him much, but I like him. A lot.

   We pulled into a small diner at about 11:20. 

   "Here we are." Michael smiled at me and got out of the car. He walked around to my side and opened up my door. I grabbed my bag and got out of his car. Mikey held the door of the diner for me and followed me inside. As we waited to be seated, I felt a hand gently touch my waist, ad pull away as quickly as it fell. I smiled. Mikey couldn't see my face though.

   "Right this way please." A waitress said as she grabbed two menus. She led us to a booth near a window looking out at the woods. There were only five or six other people in the restaurant. The waitress sat us down at our table and walked away briefly. Mikey and I sat down accross from each other. He was smiling at me.

   "What is it?" I laughed.

   "I'm glad you decided to come, that's all. I want to know all about you. Tell me everything there is to know about Olivia....?" He waited for my last name.

   "Pratt. Olivia Pratt. And what would you like to know, Michael....?" I also waited for his last name.

   "Clifford. And I said you can call me Mikey! But anything. Tell me anything."

   Just as I began to tell him about myself, our waitress came back.

   "Goodmorning! My name's Erin, and I'll be serving you today. can I start you two off with something to drink?" We bother ordered a coffee, and she walked away.

   I looked back at Mikey, he was smiling again and I started to laugh at him. He joined in. We began to laugh so hard, that the other customers were looking at us. I'd never laughed for no reason like this before. I really liked it. The waitress set down our coffees, and our laughter began to die down.

   "I like you Mikey. I don't know you much, but I like you." I can't believe I'd said it. It just came out so fast, I wasn't thinking. I looked down at my coffee, I was embarrassed. I put a hand on the handle to bring the cup to my lips. Before I could lift it,I felt a hand on mine. I looked up and Michael was looking at me. He looked so happy, but he wasn't smiling. He looked so, genuine.

   "I like you, too, Olivia." There it was. That smile. So in the one short day, we'd established our names, and that we like what little we know of each other. I could get used to his smile, I thought.

   "Well Mikey. Here is all you need to know about me, assuming you'd still like to hear. I'm 16 years old, my birthday is January 29th, I have a little brother named Danny, I have an emotionally-dettatched mother that I do not get along with, my dad died when I was 3, I like scary movies and rainy days. I love to sleep and I hate books. Blue is my favorite color and I sing." I waited for a response. I looked at his face. He looked as though he was taking all of this information in like it was the most important thing he's ever heard. It was me. Just me, and that's all there was to know.

   "You're incredible." Where had that come from? In response to my lame excuse of a life, Michael had called me incredible. I didn't know what to say. I took a sip of my coffee. Cold. How long had we been talking? It seemed like five minutes. It was 20.

   "I'm not really hungry anymore. Are you?" I asked Michael, because I really wasn't.

   "No, not really. Let's get out of here." Michael brought $5 up to the counter for our coffees and a tip. We got out of the restaurant and returned to his car. He turned it on and put the heat up as high as possible. He didn't start driving. I felt his eyes move to me. I looked over at him.

  "Can I kiss you?"

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