Chapter 3- In Disbelief

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 I looked up at the clock hanging on the wall of our family room. 11:23 p.m.. After I had gotten home from the mall, I fell asleep on the couch and hadn't woken up until now. I got up, and went into the kitchen. I put on a pot of water for tea, and went into my room to put on pajamas. I slipped out of my skinny jeans and my black Forever 21 sweater. I grabbed a baggy shirt and put it on. It almost went down to my knees, so I didn't even bother putting shorts on. Danny and my mom were sleeping anyway. Dad had passed away 13 years ago in some freak accident at work. I don't remember him much, but I still miss him. Due to that, I was the only one awake in the house. I quielty opened my bedroom door and tip-toed to the kitchen. The sound of my feet patting on the ground was the only noise in the house. I poured my tea, and returned to my bedroom. I set the tea down on my nightstand and layed down in bed. I grabbed my phone to check it one last time. 3 missed calls. One was from Ashlyn, the other two from a number I didn't recognize. Out of curiosity, I called the number back. It rang seven or eight times, and finally, someone picked up.

   "Hiiii Olivia!" The voice said. They sounded like they had just been woken up. It was Michael.

   "Hi- I'm so sorry if I woke you up, should I call back tomorrow?" I felt guilty. I barely knew this boy and I had already ruined his sleep.

   "No no no! I was hoping you'd call back! You seem really cool, and I just wanted to ask you if you'd like to go get breakfast or something tomorrow? I mean, if you don't have a boyfriend or anything" He sounded quite determined.

   "Sure. Breakfast sounds fantastic. Just text me in the morning when and where to meet you." I had never been on a date before, and in all honestly, I have no idea how these things work.

   "How about you give me your address, and I'll come pick you up at- let's say- 11:00?" Damn his tired voice was really hot. I couldn't say no.

   "Alright, Michael. I will text you my address and see you then. Goodnight." I hung up and almost immediatly texted my address. I turned my phone off and drank my tea. 

   "This is crazy," I thought "This never happens to me. I can't believe this is happening." I finished my tea and went to sleeep, thinking of Michael until I finally fell asleep.

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