Chapter 12

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   "Okay." I smiled rolling closer in the bed towards Michael. I still couldn't believe what had just happened. I had never seen a side of him like that, but hell, it was sexy. I looked up at him and he smiled back at me. It was at this moment when a rush of feelings hit me: I was falling for him. I was falling for Michael Clifford and he was falling for me, too. I had never felt as happy as I do when I'm with him. Seeing his smile is what love feels like. Feeling his lips on mine is what love feels like. And the way he puts his body to the test with mine is what being IN love feels like. Watching him smile down at me, in this very moment, I began to take everything about him in. His crooked smile. Those beautiful green eyes. The slight trace of facial hair he had after several days of not shaving. Everything. He was perfect. Perfect in the sense that he was imperfect. Perfect in the sense that he made me feel perfect, even though I'm far from it. Michael noticed that I was still staring at him.

   "What is it, babe?" I could listen to that voice forever.

   "Nothing, Mikey." I wasn't ready to tell him what I felt. I was almost positive that he felt the same about me, but I needed time. I needed to make sure. In the midst of my frantic mind running through every emotion possible, Michael grabbed the blanket from the end of the bed and wrapped it around his body, standing up.

   "I'll be right back, Liv." He smiled at me, walking out of the room. While he was gone, I got up and grabbed one of his shirts and a pair of boxers out of one of his drawers. I quickly put them on and laid back down on the bed. I liked wearing his clothes. The way they fit, the way they smelled like him. I just liked it. Just then, Mikey walked back in, holding the blanket on with one hand, and gobs of food in the other. 

   "We're not leaving this bed unless it's absoluetly necassary from this point forward." He announced, setting the food down on the table by the bed. "You look sexy in that shirt, by the way."  I couldn't help how red my cheeks had become. I loved compliments from Michael. Especially compliments like that. 

                                                           *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

   We spent the rest of that day lounging around, just talking. Talking about the little things that made us who we are, things that brought us closer. He told me about how fall is his favorite season and about how he has to sleep with socks on, because he loves the feeling. He told about how he likes the way his hair looks better when he first wakes up, rather than having it fixed. He told me that he prefers his mom's cooking over a five-star meal. He told me that when he's older, he wants a family. A simple family. Kids and all.

   I told him how I prefer a collection of albums rather than a playlist on an iPod anyday. I told him how I enjoy antique shopping over a trip to the mall. I mentioned how I enjoy old, black and white films and how on rainy days, I like to sit and watch the rain fall down. I told him I wanted wanted kids, too. And a family.

   We laid in those same positions all day. When dusk came along,  I couldn't help but remember my mother. I didn't want to go home. I wanted to stay with Michael. He made me feel safe and he always made me feel like I was wanted. I looked into his eyes and kissed him. The feeling of his lips on mine was electrtic. I pulled away just so our lips weren't touching. Forehead to forehead, I smiled at him.

   "Can I stay with you tonight?"

Beside You: A Michael Clifford FanficWhere stories live. Discover now