Chapter 9

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Enzo didn't forget about the Monsters of Rock festival, he was suddenly really interested in going. He asked a few hours later.

"Can we afford to go to a festival after Venice and everything?"

"We haven't even got kids. We've got money, can do whatever we want." he pointed out. "Let's live a bit more before we have our family."

Now he'd brought up a festival and kids in one conversation, I was freaked out.

We hadn't talked about having children in ages, when we got married we tried and we had miscarriages and stuff so it was laid to rest until we were "ready" to try again. I assumed he just didn't want a family like that anymore, maybe we'd get a dog one day.

"You still want children?"

"Of course. I've always wanted a big family but we're talking about the festival." He wasn't going to let us stray off track as much as I was trying to subtly avoid it.

"Maybe we're ready for kids now, we're not getting younger."

"We're not getting any younger which is why we should go to Monsters of Rock and enjoy it while we still can." he argued.

"Well what about work?"

"It's a saturday, the 26th of August."

"Alright, who's playing?"

He got a flyer from his wallet. Metallica was headlining, with Slayer and Slash's Snakepit and like five other heavy metal bands. I was sold.

"Wonder if Bex and everyone know."

"You can invite them but I was thinking it'd just be me and you."

That meant he really didn't want them to come with us but I did. It would be a pretty good opportunity for him to hang out with them.

He didn't really object even though I knew he didn't want anyone to tag along. We bought tickets and I was going to another festival, this time there'd be no Liam anywhere in sight.


Jared told everyone he knew that he'd met Liam Gallagher! He made out that they were close mates now when they'd actually spoke for about five minutes and Liam was probably just being polite for me.

He was going to blow all of his money and time on that band if he wasn't careful.

The only good thing about his obsession with Oasis was he always knew where they were (not in a stalkerish way he just knew tour schedules) so I could keep track of when Liam might be around.


While I was on my lunch break I ran into Liam, literally crashed into him while I was trying to open my sandwich carton and he was swaggering around with sunglasses on, in his own world.

I apologised and looked up before I realised who he was. "Liam!"

"We've got to stop bumping into each other." he commented so cooly.

"What are you doing just wandering around?"

"Should ask you same." he responded. "You should fucking watch out. You'll get pick pocketed or some shit."

I rolled my eyes. "They go after tourists like you, not Londoners like me."

"I'm not a tourist, Noel lives here and I might be moving..."

"You're gonna live here?" I interrupted. "Why?"

"It's London, duh. It's where us celebs belong."

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