Chapter 34

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Liam was finally back home from recording and the band were all still alive and well, just about. That meant one thing for us, our wedding was days away.

I was keen to get every last detail finalised but he just wanted to get it done.

"So is Noel coming or not?" I asked although it wasn't really a question.

"Never want to see him again!" he muttered.

I rolled my eyes. "But Meg is, I can't invite one without the other can I?"

"Don't invite her then."

"She's my bridesmaid!"

"Don't 'ave one then. We said no stress, I wanna marry you, nothing else matters."

"Then let me invite Noel."

"You don't even like him."

"He's your brother, you'll regret it later if he's not there."

"I won't."

"Liam, you don't know what you're talking about, just let him be there, it's a few hours." I insisted and I wasn't going to back down, getting married was about family.

"Bet he don't fuckin' want to."

I got my way, he agreed to let me invite Noel. Everything was going exactly as I wanted for this wedding.

Except he was exactly right, Noel wouldn't come. He made his excuses and I couldn't physically force him to be there. He did have time to say his piece on the matter.

He'd been sat playing his guitar when I got there so he put it to one side while we talked.

"D'you really think y'should marry him?"

"You can't, please don't say you're taking away your approval now." I said, getting annoyed that he was trying to ruin it.

"No, no, you've got my blessing or whatever, I'm just saying have y'really fucking thought about this or are ya just doin' it for the kids? Cos I can tell ya that don't end well."

"No, my Dad..."

"Yeah I know your Dad never went out with your Mam, jury's still out on whether that worked well."

"My parents did a great job."

"Twenty eight, divorced and unemployed cos your head turned for some randomer and now you're playing nanny to a rock star's kids. You turned out just fine."

"You can't play nanny to your own kids, I'm their mother."

"My point was you're still around, attempting to become his wife just cos y'had his kids."

"We're doing it because we love each other."

"Y'haven't seen him or spoke to him in months.

"You took him to Surrey."

"You've got a car."

"Oh yeah, you'd have had a fit if I'd turned up."

"How d'you know when ya never asked?"

"Because I know you."

"No yer don't, y'don't know him either."

"Think what you like, we're getting married and I'm sorry you won't be there."

He stood up, it felt like he was sizing me up, trying to intimidate me. "Who's goin'?"

"You're not."

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