We got home pretty early since the press had found out about the wedding and were trying to get in on it or at least grab a photo so we got out of there. I wanted to get out the wedding dress anyway. We went back home. The twins were still with Mum or someone.
"We should go on honeymoon, like for fucking ages." Liam announced.
"Where?" I hadn't thought he'd want a honeymoon since we already lived together and he spent his life traveling everywhere.
"I'll take you fuckin' anywhere just name it."
"I don't know, I haven't thought about it."
"Don't think, just name place and we'll go."
"Where do you want to go?"
He gave me an expectant look.
"Okay! Um Germany." I blurted the first country that came into my head.
"Great. I'll book, you pack."
"How long's "fucking ages"? What about the twins?" I questioned, knowing he wasn't thinking about them or our commitments.
"They'll stay with our parents. Said don't think, I'll sort all that."
"It isn't fair to just dump them on someone like that."
"That's what grandparents are for. It's that or hire someone. They can't come on our honeymoon, can they?"
"I guess Mum'll be alright with them for a bit."
"Sound." He walked off leaving me to pack.
I didn't even know what it was like in Germany to know what to pack but I got our suitcases sorted pretty fast.
Liam came back smiling. "We leave in the morning, plenty of time for us to consummate the marriage first."
I stopped him. "About what Paul said..."
"He was just bein stupid."
"No, I know but I need to know, do you want another baby?"
"Not now, no. You?"
"No but what about in the future?"
"Maybe. Don't know, I'm not there yet." he shrugged. "He was just sticking his oar in where it's not fuckin' wanted... You're not pregnant, are you, your boobs?"
"Are pushed up by the dress. I'm not. You'd see by now if I was."
"Oh good." He gave a sigh of relief.
"Unless you're saying I look fat."
"No! Y'look beautiful, I just mean we're not ready for another one."
"What no extra shit of ours to deal with?"
"I meant their literal shit, nappies and that. We've got all the time in the world for another one, right now I just want the family I've got."
"We'd better be careful then." I smirked and kissed him. "Are you gonna help me out this dress?"
He nodded and found the zip.
I spent the morning fussing, thinking of everything I was certain he wouldn't have thought of, I was probably driving him mad but he wasn't showing it. Once we'd left the house I stopped worrying about everything, London was just going to have to survive without us.
The paparazzi followed us pretty intensely, apparently nothing was more interesting than where we were going but I didn't even know exactly where we were going.

FanfictionHaileigh couldn't give a fuck about Britpop, she's 25, married and happy with her life. Baby faced Lennon is going to prove her wrong, for a start Oasis is universal rock! Acquiesce- To accept something reluctantly but without protest. Author Note...