I didn't leave as swiftly as Noel wanted.
Liam insisted I stayed for breakfast, he wouldn't take no for an answer from me or Noel and once we'd ate bacon sandwiches Liam insisted I hung around.
"You're holding her hostage now!" Noel said pretending to take up my cause.
"How am I?" Liam asked, glaring at his brother. "I asked her to stay, she stayed. Mind your own fucking buisness!"
"Why don't you piss off home?!" I didn't know who Noel was talking to but I wanted to leave just as much as he wanted rid of me.
I just stayed quiet cuddled up to Liam, feeling safe with him, knowing he'd protect me.
"What's your problem today?" Liam asked. "I'm tired, I've got a hangover, leave us the fuck alone."
"So have I and half of it is from being around you." Noel retorted. "Leave married birds alone."
"What's a couple of rings gotta do with owt?" Liam shrugged, taking my right hand.
Noel shook his head, sighed and walked away, knowing this conversation was going nowhere.
"Is he always like that?"
"Yeah, 'specially when he's jealous." he smirked.
"I'm just going to go." I told him quietly. "Let him calm down or whatever he needs to do."
He squeezed my hand. "Don't cos I'm gone again tomorrow, won't see you 'til April."
"I need to go."
"Come on, he always gets his own way." he pouted.
I convinced him I genuinely had to go but once I was out the house I drew the attention of the rest of the band, trying to get my Vespa to start.
"It's not going to start." Tony shook his head.
"That thing's dead." Guigsy added.
I tried to ignore their comments, I tried not to blush with embarrassment. I was lucky my helmet covered most of my face, even with the visor up.
"It's a piece of fucking junk." Noel said with his arms crossed.
That was harsh but nothing less than I expected from him. It was getting a bit old but my Vespa was a piece of historic beauty, absolutely not a piece of junk.
Bonehead nudged him before throwing in his advice. "Turn it off a minute, give it a rest and try again."
"Scrap it, you'll get a couple of quid for it." Noel chipped in. "Might stop you sponging off us."
It was hard to think with all this "advice" being thrown at me and Noel's insults. I knew this scooter well and I knew it would get started in its own time.
"She's not had a penny off us, cunt." Liam responded, he was stood back, smoking.
The Vespa still didn't want to start and I didn't know what I was going to do if it wouldn't, I couldn't call someone out to here.
"Get off, let me have a look." Bonehead said, trying to point me away with his thumb.
"It's hopeless, he don't know nothin'." Guigsy smirked but he was wrong.
The engine suddenly started, the joyous rumble of the engine made us all clap Bonehead's work, except Noel, he kept his arms tightly crossed.
"Magic hands." Bonehead said boastfully and wiggled his fingers.

FanfictionHaileigh couldn't give a fuck about Britpop, she's 25, married and happy with her life. Baby faced Lennon is going to prove her wrong, for a start Oasis is universal rock! Acquiesce- To accept something reluctantly but without protest. Author Note...