My Mum and Enzo's Mum went into overdrive in their excitement, wanting to buy everything we'll ever need for the next eighteen years, right now! Bex and Danielle were suddenly very interested in baby clothes, Travis was happy for me, as long as Bex didn't get any ideas to follow suit any time soon.
I should have welcomed all their excitement but it made me want to shy away from everyone, it just felt stressful now that everyone was expecting a baby from me, Enzo's baby.
My Dad was the last to know, he'd been busy with work and his girlfriend. I didn't know how he kept up with dating so many women at his age.
I went over to his alone, I knew he'd put two and two together.
He had a girlfriend over, as usual I didn't recognise her and probably wouldn't see her again.
"I need to talk to you, Dad. Alone."
"Yeah, we're just having dinner and then I'll be all yours." He was in the kitchen attempting to make her a meal while she watched read a magazine in her living room.
"Dad, I really, really need to talk, now." I insisted. "Enzo'll wonder where I've gone if I wait while you have your stupid dinner date."
"What is it?"
"I'm not having her hear my buisness."
"Don't be rude, Haileigh. She is my girlfriend."
"So were all the others, what is she the one this time?"
"You're not too old to get into trouble, you know. I'm your Dad, you respect me and you respect my girlfriend." he asserted. "Tell me, I swear she's not listening."
I sighed and apologised, he was right, I was being out of order. "It's just... I'm pregnant, Dad."
He dropped the cheese he was grating and looked at me working out if I'd gone for shock value for him to listen or if he'd heard right. "You're pregnant?"
"Seven weeks."
He threw his arms around me and held me. "Congratulations, I'm so proud of you, both of you. This one is going to be your time."
Apparently he hadn't worked it out so quickly or he was holding his tongue. He wasn't exactly a traditional family man, if anyone knew about starting a family less than conventionally it was him.
"Thanks Dad but I'm worried, what if I've messed everything up with this?"
He smiled and tried to be reassuring. "That's what having kids does to you, it's one massive test but the most worthy one you'll ever take."
I didn't have the guts to tell him about Liam again so I left it unsaid. I left him to cook for his date, not wanting to disturb them any longer.
I tried to go on as normal, going to work and everything but all anyone who knew wanted to talk about was the baby, no more chatting about music or films or celebrities or anything else and it was getting so dull. How much is there to say like seven, eight weeks in? This was going to be a really, really long ride if I was only the carrier of this baby now.
I kept trying to contact Liam but I'd always get an answer machine or a house sitter who wouldn't tell me anything assuming I was a crazy fan. I knew they were on tour but this was urgent, he had to know.
Jared stared going on about Oasis having a concert in London, it was pretty huge deal to play Earls Court but to me it was an opportunity to talk to Liam. He'd forgotten all about his little theory about me and Liam and just wanted to boast he was going.

FanfictionHaileigh couldn't give a fuck about Britpop, she's 25, married and happy with her life. Baby faced Lennon is going to prove her wrong, for a start Oasis is universal rock! Acquiesce- To accept something reluctantly but without protest. Author Note...