Chapter 49

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In August the band was shaken up by Bonehead and Guigsy leaving one after the other. The band suddenly got a lot more Southern. Two Mancs, one Londoner. The Mancs that were left were becoming more like Londoners as well.

I never really got to know Bonehead or Guigsy so I wasn't bothered even though it drew the media's attention. They were replaced unofficially for now by a pair called Gem and Andy. It felt like they were already ready to join before the time came.

Everything seemed to revolve around recording this fourth album even though both Liam and Noel had pregnant wives to care for. For some reason I didn't care to understand the new boys couldn't be part of the new album so there was a lot of pressure on the brothers and Alan. There was having to create their own label too because Creation was gone, they were truly out on their own now.

I tried to make myself busy with tattoo clients. It was hard not to tell my friends or anyone who came into the shop about anything that was going on. Liam didn't want me working, it was too strenuous or something which was funny when the alternative was running around after the twins.

Meg took me to all sorts of antenatal classes. I didn't know about anything other than the ones aimed at dealing with twins the last time I was pregnant so it was all new to me. There were all sorts of exercise and wellness classes that were more fun than they sounded. I learnt to like a lot of things I wouldn't have tried without her like dance, I didn't dance until we went to pregnancy Salsa. She made it a joy to share the experience with her.

We were lucky that both our pregnancies were going well. It was early days but we were already imagining how close these kids were going to be.

Sometimes I joined Liam and the band in recording, usually ending up acting like an assistant. When they wanted something it was up to me to fetch it.

I carried beers in plastic cups back for the lads. I wanted to get away from all the tension so I was happy to do it. I'd quickly learnt those five being in a room together wasn't often a good thing, actually it was just Liam and Noel that were the problem, everyone else were pretty chilled.

I could hear the brothers snapping at each other as I approached the door. Liam had put a seed of doubt into Noel's mind over who'd fathered Meg's baby, as if Noel wasn't already easy enough to wind up. I didn't know why he would go there after everything we went through with the twins.

"You wanna fucking grow up one day, Liam!" Noel snapped.

The door swung open and Noel crashed past me. He didn't notice the beer drenching my clothes. He didn't notice me grabbing my stomach and keeling over.

"Noel." I spoke so quietly I didn't think he'd heard but I could hardly breathe.

He spun around hearing the pain in my voice. "Haileigh, are you alright?"

"The door, the baby." I panicked, holding my belly tight.

I was in so much pain, I could only think that I was losing the baby. He killed my baby, getting away from one of their stupid arguments.

He very quickly found his phone. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He dialed. "Ambulance. My, my sister's pregnant... eight..." He looked at me, I nodded. "Eight weeks, she was hit by a door, it was an accident. Help her."

The door opened. "What you doing out here?"

"She was by the door. I didn't mean to..."

"You hit her?" Liam responded with anger. "She's pregnant you fucking idiot."

"I know that! Which is why the ambulance is coming."

"If you've hurt my baby I'll..."

"Liam!" I cut off his threat. "It was just a knock, we're fine." I tried not to look like I was hurting so he wouldn't go mad. I had to lie to him, keep him calm, I needed him, I didn't need them fighting.

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