I did see Liam every day that week and it really did get on Noel's nerves. Other than the cheap comments, he didn't show it. I didn't get it but he was suddenly being so nice to me on the last day.
He offered us both tea every time he made one, he offered us beers, he did everything he could to accommodate us being in his house and then he invited us out.
We went to some nightclub and he bought the drinks all night. They disappeared to the toilets a few times to do coke, I still wouldn't touch that stuff so I wasn't invited.
The night was so awkward, the three of us stood, not really talking, just getting more and more wasted as time went by. I wished the other lads from the band were here or that I wasn't.
When Liam went to the toilet alone I decided to speak my mind, I needed to know what Noel was playing at. "What are we doing here, Noel?"
"Having fun." he smirked. "We need to hang out... You are getting pretty serious with my brother, aren't you?"
I didn't know what to say to that so I falsely smiled back and told him "So fun, standing around with you playing third wheel."
"If anyone's third wheel, it's you." he suddenly dropped his "fun" tone for a much more Nasty one. "Liam's fine fucking groupies, he'll get bored of you but I'm his brother, I'll always be there."
"Look, I don't get your problem with me." I said forcefully. "He can fuck whoever the hell he wants on tour, I'm not in love with him or anything and I promise you, you can't drive me away."
That was a lie. I did love him, I was just well aware that we'd never be anything more than fuck buddies and I was fine with that.
"You wanna know what we're doing, what the fuck are you doing?" he asked. "You're married and you're being a slag for a band you don't even fucking like."
"Not everything is about you and Oasis, in fact what I do is nothing to do with you or your band. I don't hang out with Liam cos he's in a band or he's in Oasis or he's a rock star or whatever you think. I'm not a band slut." I ranted. "You don't know me, mind your own fucking buisness."
Liam got back before he got chance to respond, we tried to act naturally but there was no hiding the tension. "Noel, what you said?" he immediately accused his brother.
"I was just wondering where her husband thinks she is all while she's with you." he answered innocently.
Liam just shrugged it off. "Who cares?"
He decided to show just how much he didn't care about Noel's concerns by putting his arms around me tightly and snogging me. I held my hands on his bum until he pulled away.
"Keep your nose out, yeah?" Liam added with a quick glare.
He held his arm around my waist and his sudden possessiveness got to me, plus I knew the tension was never going to drop, if anything it was heading for a fight.
"It's getting late, I'm going to head home." I excused.
"Stop letting him ruin everything. He's been doing it my whole fucking life." Liam complained. "Don't go."
I shook my head. "It's not him, I swear. I just really need to go home now, it's so late."
They didn't question my feeble excuse and I got a taxi home. Obviously I didn't want to cut my time with Liam short but I was so drunk and I couldn't stand being around Noel any longer.
I woke up the next morning with the most painful hangover and someone knocking very loudly on the front door. I got out of bed and answered in my pajamas, holding my forehead.
"What?" I groaned.
"Heavy night?" Aaron asked as he pushed past me.
"Oi!" I shut the door and followed him. "You can't just barge into my house."
Luckily he went to the kitchen so I got some paracetamol and water while we were stood there. He automatically started making us a cup of tea.
"I'm your bruv, course you want me here." he reasoned.
"Not particularly right now." I muttered.
I just needed to shake off my hangover and prepare for Enzo coming home. I didn't need my brother here bugging me, making my head way worse.
"You were out last night. I saw you." he revealed why he was here.
"And?" I had to play whatever he'd seen off as nothing.
"How the fuck did you end up with those Oasis lads?" he asked excitedly. "Jared is gonna be so jealous. He loves their shit."
I was well aware of that from every time he'd played Definitely Maybe, deafeningly loud in his car and I pretended I didn't know it or like it. Every time I heard Liam's singing, I missed him so much.
"They're not that good." I scoffed, avoiding the question.
"Why'd you kiss the tall one, then?" he asked. "I know, you get drunk, you feel like doing anything and you just kiss someone you shouldn't but that, that was a proper kiss."
I shushed him. "You saw wrong, we were just messing with his brother."
"Alright." He held his hands up. "I'm not accusing, I'm just saying you looked very close."
"Okay then." I responded wanting a sigh of relief. "We're kind of friends from meeting out like that and Liam's not normal with personal space."
"Tongue down your throat, included?" He passed me my cup and sipped his tea.
I really didn't feel like drinking tea right now so I let our argument "distract" me from trying it and I let it go wasted.
"Aaron!" I put on a tone like I was disgusted with him. "We weren't kissing like that."
"You were kissing then?" he smirked, knowing I'd slipped up. "What are you doing kissing a Gallagher when you're married to Enzo?"
I opened my mouth to speak but he continued first. "I'm just looking out for him, he's family, sis."
"I am NOT cheating on Enzo, if that's what you're worried about." I told him, adamantly.
"No, cos I know you wouldn't do that, would you?" he responded, trying to make me feel guilty but somehow it didn't work. "You won't mind me telling Jared about your new friends either, will you?"
"Please, do not tell Jared." I didn't want earache forever and a day from him constantly wanting to talk about them, he was bad enough now. "I'm probably never going to see them again, we've got no contact or anything."
"Blood's thicker and all that." he shrugged. "I won't say anything to anyone."
"Nothing to tell." I muttered.
Once he'd drank his tea, he left. He didn't believe a word I'd spun but it didn't matter as long as he kept quiet. Why'd he have to go to that club on that night?
I waited for Enzo to get home and we spent the day talking about his family, the wedding. I should have just gone and spent the week with him instead of abusing his trust.

FanfictionHaileigh couldn't give a fuck about Britpop, she's 25, married and happy with her life. Baby faced Lennon is going to prove her wrong, for a start Oasis is universal rock! Acquiesce- To accept something reluctantly but without protest. Author Note...