Chapter 33

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I didn't think he was going to get up early with the twins until I heard him talking to them and their squeals of excitement for him.

"Who wants brekkie? You do? Come on then." he asked in his baby voice.

"Y'weigh a fuckin ton Quinn. What ya been eating?" He commented before pondering "what do ya eat these days?"

I tried to leave him to it, I knew he'd be fine but I couldn't help going to them.

"No! We're supposed to be making you brekkie in bed." He complained. "Go back t'bed, we've got this."

"Let me carry Poppy down for you and I'll go back."

I was surprised to see he'd changed their nappies and changed them out of their night clothes already.

We took them downstairs and I put Poppy in her highchair and pointed Liam towards their food before returning to bed as promised.

It felt a bit pointless sitting in bed waiting when I could be doing something productive but I loved Liam for the gesture and insisting on it.

"I put the kids back in their cots for a bit so we can talk." He said as he passed me a bowl of cereal.

I felt nervous like he was about to give me bad news, break up with me or something. "Okay, thanks for doing breakfast in bed and taking care of the twins all by yourself."

"It's, you deserve it. I've been a terrible fiance."

"No you haven't."

"I have. I can't remember the last time we talked."

"You were working."

"I'm not in the Army or summat. I can walk off any time I want or just bloody call my family but I didn't."

"Honestly, you don't need to beat yourself up about it, I know what Noels like."

"Well until we go back I'm gonna be perfect."

"That's, you don't need need to do anything. I just wanted you home for Christmas and here you are, I'm not asking for anything else. Plus no one can be perfect."

"I can!"

"Well you are off to a great start."

"Anything needs doing, just tell me and I'll be on it."

"You're not doing this for something you don't want me to find out about?" I aired my suspicion.

"No, there's nothing. I just wanna make up for lost time."

He was telling the truth, I trusted him so I dropped it. My fiance wanted to be good to me and our family, I shouldn't get suspicious at that.

"Okay, how's recording going?"

He sighed. "It's definitely going."

"Got many songs done yet?" I asked, thinking that meant things were not running smoothly for them.

"We have now but he could change his mind any fuckin' minute."

It wasn't hard to guess who "he" was, I could feel the tension radiating from him just by mentioning it.

"If he does, he's an idiot."

"Yeah he is!"

"Well, we'll all like it in the end."

"You don't like our music."

"I like you."

"Only like?" He gave me his gentle, sad eyes before leaning in to kiss me.

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