Girl Meets Mr. Squirrels Goes To Washington

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"Current events." Cory announced in class, "Somebody tell me what's going on in the world." I looked over at Maya and she gave me a small smirk. "Stuff happened in some country, some team won a game, and it's cold somewhere with a chance of I don't care." Maya told Cory. "Are we all caught up?" I asked, innocently.

"Yeah. Your education's complete." Cory replied with a smile, "Anybody who's gonna turn out well got something to say? Lucas." "All the news is about the elections." Lucas answered. "So are all of the commercials." Ben added. I groaned. "Ugh! I hate those commercials!" I shouted. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "I know, sweetie," Lucas told me. I looked down and nodded.

"Why should we care about the elections when we don't get to vote?" Riley asked. "Who else feels that way?" Cory asked. Every student raised their hands. "Well, that's a shame, guys, because this world's gonna belong to you soon." Cory told us. "The one you messed up?" I questioned. "Yeah, thanks anyway." Lucas told Mr. Matthews.

"Oh, so you got problems with this planet you're inheriting?" Cory asked us. "When I read the news, it makes me feel like this isn't even a world I'd want to rule." Farkle announced. Now, that just shocked me. "Wow, Farkle. I've never heard you say anything like that before." Riley informed him. "I'm a visionary, Riley. I look ahead. You. Me. Mars. Let's do this thing." Farkle said. "Now, wait a minute." Ben said. I could hear the jealousy in his voice.

"You guys are supposed to be optimistic. Future leaders. You don't get cynical until high school." Cory told us. I gave Cory my look. He yelped. "Except for you," Cory said, pointing at me. I smiled brightly. "Why don't you elect people who care enough to make things better?" Riley asked. "I like to think I do every time I vote. But the truth is I'm not responsible for the quality of people running for office." Cory answered.

"How are these people even chosen?" I asked. "Well, the parties choose the best candidates they can come up with." Cory replied. The front door of the classroom opened and in ran Eric who was panting and sweating. "I am running senator the grape state of New York. And I need your votes." Eric said though pants. "Kids don't vote." Ben pointed out. I nodded.

"Then uh-oh!" Eric shouted. "Everybody close your books. It's the end of the world." Cory told us. I smiled and closed my textbook. "I'm really dizzy. I've done this in every classroom." Eric told us before fainting.


"So they plucked me off the street and they hustled me into a limousine like I was fancy." Eric explained to us at Topanga's, He was explaining to us how he was running for senator. "Who was in the limousine?" Lucas asked. "The bow tie man with the big glasses." Eric replied. I looked over at Riley and Maya who were on the two seats by the bakery window. They both had small smiles on their faces. Farkle and Ben were sitting on the seats across from them, and Lucas and I were sitting on the couch. With the grown-ups behind us.

"He was a whisperer, right? He was one of these whisperers. He came up to me he was like," Eric began. "Wait for it," I whispered to Lucas. "Eric, you are the only one that has a chance to defeat senator Jefferson Davis Graham in the primary!" Eric shouted. "There it is," Lucas said. I smiled and nodded.

"That's not a whisper, Eric." Cory informed his older brother. "I also don't know what a primary is!" Eric shouted. "The primary is the first election where the voters select each party's candidate." Ben explained. "Oh, that's wrong." Eric mumbled but we heard him. "Then the winners of the primary run against each other in the general election to see who goes to Washington." Farkle said.

Eric walked up to the two genius boys and glared at them. "Are you robots?" Eric asked them in a serious tone. "I'm a real... boy." Ben and Farkle said slowly. "Birth certificate, Minkus?" Cory asked. "Still looking." Farkle said. I looked over at Ben. "What? I don't know if I have a birth certificate," Ben told me.

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