Girl Meets Farkle

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"A) Every human being is a unique collection of atoms. B) Some of you in this room might be human beings. C) When you mess with atoms, or human beings, they blow up." Cory explained. Farkle slammed his hands onto his desk, making me jump. "Belgium, 1831!" Farkle shouted. "Okay everyone, it's happening right now. Everyone under your desk. Farkle's gonna blow." Cory told us. We all slid underneath our desks as Farkle began his little rant.

"I know everything except Belgium 1831, and once I know that I'll know everything, and then my name goes on the board with those three idiots." Farkle ranted. This is what it said on the board: "GENIUSES; Mozart, Einstein, Jobs". "Farkle. I know I told you this before, but I could tell you what happened in 1831," Ben offered. "It doesn't count from you!" Farkle shouted.

"Breathe, Farkle." Riley told him. "Too late. I taste blue." Farkle announced. He then fainted and landed on the floor. We all got up from underneath our desks. "You know, with anybody else, that would've been strange." I said. "Yeah, but with Farkle, we don't even lift him off the floor anymore." Maya added. I picked up the book Farkle let me borrow. "Here's your book." I told him, as I dropped the book on him.

Miss Oben, the guidance counselor, then walked into the classroom with a clipboard in her hands. "Sorry to interrupt, Mr. Matthews. I'm here to see Farkle Minkus." She told Cory. "Farkle, Guidance Counselor." Cory told the boy. Farkle stood up. "Well, it's about time." He announced.

Riley and I walked up to Miss Oben and Farkle. "Are you finally taking him away?" Riley asked. "Are you going to take him to the government and lock him up in their basement?" I asked. Maya walked over and stood beside me. "Because if he goes, we all go." Maya added. Lucas and Ben stood behind us. "We're here so it's not just the girls." The two said in unison.

"There are no secrets in our group." Riley told Miss Oben. "Nothing can come between-" I began, but was cut off by the bell, "Okay." The five of us left along with the rest of the class, leaving Farkle with Cory and Miss Oben.


So. Turns out Farkle is now, an official genius! So his parents were throwing a little party at Topanga's. Where they invited our entire class. Our group was sitting in our spot. Riley and Maya were on the chairs. Ben and Farkle were on the couch beside Riley. And Lucas and I were sitting on the couch, across from the two boys. Lucas had his arm around me and I was playing with his free hand.

"Welcome to our Farkle Genius Party. I'm Stuart Minkus, the original genius, very proud to welcome my son to the club," Farkle's dad, Stuart announced, "I'm sure his mother, who's unexceptional, would like to say a few words representing her people." "Yeah, I'm unexceptional. Who does what I say?" Farkle mom, Jennifer, said. "Everybody." Stuart answered.

Jennifer walked up to Farkle, waving an envelope. "I hold in my hand, the answer to the question everyone's been asking. Is Farkle a clone, a robot, or a real boy?" Jennifer said. Farkle crossed his fingers. "Real boy. Real boy. Real boy. Real boy." He begged. Jennifer opened the envelope. "This is the birth certificate of Farkle Minkus, real boy." She announced. Half of the people in the part applauded. The other half groaned. We all placed bets with each other. I groan as I passed Riley a 5-dollar bill to give to Ben. I thought Farkle was a robot. And Ben thought he was a real boy. So he won.

"Thanks for having me, mom." Farkle thanked. "Any time, kiddo. You make me proud every day." Jennifer told him before looking up at all of us, "Stuart and I want to thank Farkle's friends who care about him. You're all he ever talks about." I smiled. "We hope you'll keep encouraging him to be as unique as he's always been. The Minkuses have always been simple, incredibly rich people. Please enjoy our party, and don't forget your complimentary penguin." Stuart said, gesturing to the real penguins behind him. The two parents walked off.

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