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*Dallon's POV*
I closed the door out of breath and more exhausted than I was before I met this Brendon. He. Is. Gorgeous. I smacked myself on the head and shook it out. No Dallon. What the fuck are you thinking? There is no way that he is gay. Nope. Straight as a pole. He's coming over tomorrow. I thought a huge smile finding its way onto my lips.
"What are you smiling at, huh?" Breezy said barging in the house. I should've locked the door.
"Nothing." I said slyly. She sat down on the floor next to me with a pizza box in her hand and a two liter bottle of Coke. "I am starving." I said opening the box and picking the largest piece of this glorious heaven that is pizza.
"So...when is he coming over?"
"Tomorrow..." I said smiling and pushing my hair out of my eyes. "Ugh. First day of work tomorrow." I groaned.
"You will be amazing Dall, they are going to love you." She said popping open the bottle of Coke. I held out my hand and she gave it to me so I could take a drink. I had recently moved to L.A after my parents got pissed at me because I wouldn't contribute to the growing population on earth. Breezy had moved her right after high school for college, and now here I was preparing to teach a music class to some unappreciative teenagers.
"I just hope they aren't a whole bunch of dickheads."
I woke up to my screeching alarm jumping up and flailing around my 'room' until my hand collided with the button on the top of the stupid devil object. I wandered around the kitchen for a bit rubbing my the sleep out of my eyes and starting a coffee. I sat on top of my counter top and drank it slowly checking emails on my phone before getting up and taking a shower. I sang to myself the whole way through trying to write new songs. It was a nice start to a morning. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. Pulling out a pair of khaki corduroys and a green and blue button up I got dressed finishing my outfit with a plain black bow tie. I tuned my bass, put her in her case and beaded out the door for my first day as Mr. Weekes.
(A.N- So many time skips... *internal groan*)
"Okay name is Mr. Weekes," I said nervously kind of pacing back and forth at the front of the classroom. It was almost like an auditorium with a ton of kids sitting and staring blank eyed back at me. "Last I heard Miss. Jackson was out of the country indefinitely so I will be your new teacher." I said dropping my hands to my sides. A chatter of laughter and conversation erupted through the classroom. "Hey! Just because I'm new doesn't mean I don't know what's up alright!" I kind of yelled. A kid raised his hand. He was slumped in the seat with a sly smirk on his face. I knew immediately he would be a problem student. I pointed my finger at him and he opened his mouth to speak.
"Exactly how gay are you?" He asked with a face begging to be slapped. Dick faces. I chuckled a little; I couldn't let everything they say bother me.
"That is none of your business mr-"
"Esteban. Esteban orozco."
"Well Esteban, do you mind me asking... How gay are you?" I retorted, figuring I would show them that I wasn't going to let them take advantage of me.
"None at all Mr. Weekes." The punk said backing down a bit.
"Good. Now I'm going to pass out some papers with some simple question I would like you to answer." I pulled the stack of papers out from my bag and started passing them out. The class started on it, and the room was quiet. The questions were simple: what is your name, age, what kind of music do you like? Do you play any instruments? Sing? Basic things that I needed to know. I got up from my desk and walked around the room until my eyes lay sight on a gorgeous grand piano. I tried to calm myself, but ended up practically running to it. I sat down and my fingers hovered over the perfectly polished keys. It was a beautiful piano. I started playing, loving the way the notes floated from the stunning instrument. The kids started talking, but I tuned them out. Probably not a good idea for a first day.
"Uh. Mr. Weekes?" I heard a voice say as an hand touched my arm. I destroyed the note my fingers were playing as my head snapped up. I looked up and was greeted with the same beautiful face that I met last night. I freaked a little inside, and scrambled to get up from the bench.
"Heyyyy!" Brendon exclaimed realizing it was me. "So you are the new teacher?!"
"Yeah! Hey Brendon!" I said rubbing my hand along my neck. I felt really out of place. I was so tall, almost 6'4, and Brendon was probably around 5'9.
"I SHIP IT!" I heard a girl yell from her seat. Brendon laughed.
"Laurel, I thought we told you that you shouldn't 'ship' your teachers. " Brendon said calmly.
"Sorry Mr. Urie."
"It's fine Laurel." He said turning his attention back to me. "The kids have a college prep assembly right now, I figured you wouldn't know what was going on."
"Yeah. Thanks." I said slapping myself mentally. Jesus Dallon so smooth. They got up from their seats talking to the people around them and left Brendon and I alone in the classroom together. "So you're a teacher?"
"Yeah. Tenth grade AP Lang." He said proudly.
"Wow. You're kind of young though?"
"Only 28, so music huh?" He asked me in a surprised tone.
"Yeah I used to be in a band, but, uh, it didn't work out." I said reflecting on all the memories of The Brobecks. That band was my child. I raised it and took care of it, then all too soon it was over.
"You should teach me some time...that piano thing was cool." He said with a slight stutter. Wait? Was he...was he flirting with me?
"Yeah. Sure!" I said a little too excited. "If you wanted to come over still tonight we could jam out a little bit."
"Yeah!" He said jumping up a bit. "Well I should probably go back to that assembly, but I will probably see you at lunch." He said running out the door.
I have to wait until lunch to see him again. I guess it's better than having to wait until tonight. No Dallon. Stop. Shut the fuck up. Do not. You can not like this guy. Nope. I told my brain to shut up because I can very well like Brendon if I want to. I walked around the classroom picking up the kids' papers before putting my feet up on my desk and reading the answers. I had a long day of waiting ahead of me.

This is @trixxiee78 here! I hope you like this chapter. If you haven't already pleeeeaaasssee follow me, just click on the name there. I LOVE YOU GUYS!

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