sinking fast

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Brendon p.o.v.

"I love you." he whispers as I pull my hand away from his jawline. "I need time Bren, I don't want to rush this."

"Of course Dallon. I still really need to figure things out with Sarah. I need my dogs back, get her shit out, separate our banks. I'll wait until your ready to wake up next to me." At that moment it hit me. Soon i'll wake up to this beautiful man. Stare in his eyes and discover new galaxies. Run my hands through his soft chocolate hair. Smell his side of the bed when he is gone. I get to show him off, be proud of our sexualities. This is everything.

"Brendon are you good?" he puts his hand on mine and brushes his thumb across my hand. His beautiful thumb. Damn.

"Yeah i'm good. Wanna come over for a movie."

"I would love too, but I can't spend the night." he starts to stand up and grab his phone and keys. I stand with him and we go to our cars. The drive home was filled with bliss. I'm sinking in this boy. Sinking fast. This definitely was the right choice.


Last night I got home to a confused Spencer. Confused, only because he didn't get the context of why Dallon was over. We sit on the couch and watch the movie, because boundaries, but we hold hands. By the end of the movie our legs were tangled and my head was on his shoulder. God this is everything. I feel like a little school girl falling in love with her first crush. Who knows, maybe I am.

This morning was the worst, my actions finally hit me. How do I get my doggos back and tell Sarah i'm over our shitty abusive relationship. I texted, you guessed it, Dallon for advice.

me: Hey is need help for deciding on how to handle Sarah.

Oh god, it sounds like i'm killing her.

Dallon : Call me??

I did as he said and picked called him. "Hey B," I could tell he just woke up. Sleep was in his voice. "So how were you thinking of doing this?" I told him my plan with the dogs and then telling her over the phone or in a public place. She can get quite... hostile. that's an understatement...

I drive across town to pick up my two beautiful babies. The whole car ride is filled with a fast beating heart and a served side of anxiety. I decided I would do what I did best. I tap the box, get a smoke out with my teeth, and light it. I smoke about two before I finally get there. I pull up on the curb, in case I need to get out of there. I knock and instantly hear my babies. She opens the door and I am ambushed by barks and licks.

"Here are the beds and their food." she throws them at me. "I don't want you to come in today," she thinks I also want sex. This would be the case usually, but I have another prerogative "I have... things to do."

" Alright Sarah, i'll be seeing you." and with that, I their shit in the back, lay a blanket, put them up front, and drive away. I decided to text Sarah. Just as I unlocked my phone, I heard the screeching of tires. The smell of burnt rubber. Then, black. And the only thing that's on my mind, is you.

{heya my beautiful babies <3 Sorry this chapter is short, i didn't wanna be boring and drag it on. Love you guys don't forget to vote and share!!
I'm staring a ferard called The Ghost of You and if you guys like ferard then feel free to check it out. -prettyodd_panic

But you're on my mind
And the things that you say hurt me most of the time
But I'm sinking fast so it's alright }

The Neighbor // BrallonWhere stories live. Discover now