we think too much

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Dallon p.o.v.

You know how in movies, sometimes the main character will have a moment of devastation, grief or loss. Sometimes it's a wartime scene where bombs fall, bullets ripple, side characters scream, but the main character doesn't see that. The scene is silent, active all around the character but the character feels nothing. His perspective is silent, his is empty. The blood rushes to their ears, and everything seems too fast and too slow all at the same time.

That's how I felt.

"Dallon?" He says reaching out to touch me, "Dallon?"

Then everything blurs, like a kaleidoscope. His eyes, his lips, his nose. Color everywhere but nowhere all at once.

"Dallon I'm sorry... I didn't mean-"

I hold up a hand and try to breathe, "Bren..." I don't know what I was meaning to convey but it calms me. I can breathe again and it's okay.

His gaze softens, "take a breath it's okay."

"What do you mean?" I'm choking on my words. I can feel it. Every breath burns.

He inhales shakily, "it's you... it's your laugh and your smile. Your love for music, your dad jokes, your lips, your eyes. I could go on for hours." He smiles to himself almost like it makes him happy just to talk about me. "I love every single fucking thing about you. And for these past few weeks I've thought about nothing but you. When I was with Sarah I only wanted you, but I was scared because Sarah is easy. She's my comfort; we've been together so long, but then I realized I didn't love her. I realized that her smile didn't make me nearly as happy as it used to, I realized that I was with her because I was used to it. Then I looked at a picture of you. Immediately my stomach erupted in butterflies, immediately I wanted you to be by my side," He stops and looks up to me with the widest smile. "Immediately I realized that I love you...."

That's when the barista at the counter called out our drinks and I got up to get them with a face white as a sheet. He just told me that he loves me? I sit back down with his coffee, furiously gulping mine down while he just stares at me.

"And I know that we've told each other that we loved each other in a joking matter... but I love you Dallon. I want to marry you and have babies with you and get old and cranky so we can be that disgustingly in love couple.... I love you," his voice breaks like he's holding back tears.

Was I ready for this? Of course I was. I've wanted him since I met him. But... what if he got bored of me? What if he fell out of love with me like he did Sarah? I'm nothing special, and he is so special.

"Bren..." I take a breath and try to form a thought of clarity. "You know how I feel about you, right?"

"Yeah I do..."

"I believe that I love you, but with all that's happened I might need some time. Is that okay?"

"Take all the time you need dal," he pushes a strand of his dark hair out of his eyes. I just nod and smile anxiously, "Dallon?"

"Yeah B?"

"Can i kiss you?"

I nod slowly and he lifts himself up from his chair, placing a hand on my jawline. Our eyes met and I swear that time stopped. His lips meet mine softly, no pressure. He stays there for a beat before moving slightly, testing out the waters that are my lips. Then I have a eureka moment, when we are connected by our lips seeming simple, but so complicated. That's when everything really makes sense. Blood rushes to my ears and the movie scene ends. I can hear again. The sounds of the Starbucks ring in my ears perfectly loud and quiet all together. An icy fire of passion that burns in my stomach. That loving hate that makes me want to cry and scream but kiss him instead. That's when he pulls away. That's when I mutter those three little words.

@Trixxiee78 comin back at chu with a new chapter. I hope you enjoy this! I truly miss all of you and for those who don't know me check out my profile.
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