Chapter Five.

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Blaine's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about little Blondie, the little spitfire was on my mind all through the weekend and I was so relieved when on Monday morning Dimitri brought me his file, I wanted to read up all I could before I started to deal with the brat, I opened it and saw a picture of him, in it he was smiling, he had really cute dimples, I decided not to dwell too long on why I thought the guy's dimples was cute and instead began to read, he was born... I skipped that part, on his birth certificate was his father's name;.Michael Young and his mother Alyssa St. Claire, he was a twin, birth name: Jason Kendrick Young.

"hmmn, he's cute, what's his name?", I looked up to see the last person I wanted to meet today or any other day, my mother, Karina Torres. She was leaning over the table peeping into Jason's file, I closed it for some reason not wanting her to spoil something so good and innocent like little Jason, my mother had a pencant for taking something sweet and warm and turning it sour and cold. I didn't want her to do that to my little one. "none of your business, what do you want?", I really couldn't stand her.

"Is that the way to treat your own mother?", I thought I raised you better."

"you didn't raise me.", I reminded her, then realised she was only wearing a man's shirt wrapped and was completely naked under it, "where.did you sleep?", I asked suspiciously. Karina smirked and retorted, "with Dimitri, of course."

"stop it!", I ordered, "Dimitri and Laura's relationship is strained as it is, don't go creating more problems for them, I'm warning you."

"or what?, look, if Dimitri can't keep his pants shut, how is it my business?, don't threaten me, or I'll make things worse between them by seducing nice little Laura into my bed.", God she was arrogant and little Jason called me arrogant, if only he met Karina, "you seem so sure you can do it, well Karina, Laura loves her husband a lot, she'd never do anything to hurt them."

"Laura also hasn't sleep with her husband in five years, Dimitri told me, imagine five long lonely years of sexual starvation, all I have to do is push the right buttons and she'll become jelly in my hands and just for fun, I'll make them fall so hard, I'll have them fighting over me if I feel like it, maybe even killeach other, that's how vindictive I can be.", I looked at the bitch that had given me life, beautiful isn't she?

"That one is hot, well cute, can I.have him?", she asked about little Jason, referring to him as if he was an object, that pissed me off, the brat was rude and didn't know his place but yet that was what I had found myself liking about him over the weekend, the fire in his eyes and for some reason, I was protective about that fire. "stay away from him, if you go near him, I'll kill you.", and we both knew I meant it.

"now, I'm fascinated to know the little one.", a mischievous glean entered her eyes.

"I don't care for him if that's what you think, I just want to be the one to break his spirit, take his fire away and I'm going to enjoy doing it."


Jason's POV

"Blaine fucking Alessandro!!!", I think that is the longest sentence I ever heard Nikki say, she was looking at me as if I had grown two heads, "you fought with Blaine Alessandro?", wow, she was really breaking records today, I was regretting telling her but I didn't want to tell Jannie or Terrence, Jannie was always trying to pry into my life to see if I had heard our talked to Arlena, I know she's in love and all but there's in love and there's obsessed, I got the feeling she was too focused on Arlena, it was all she talked about, she barely had a life outside her. That was scary, really scary and if she knew I spoke to Blaine all she'd hear was, "Arlena introduced me to her brother because we are getting serious" when I was really saying, "he hates me and is probably planning on killing me." Nikki was talking now, "do you know who he is?", she asked,."he's head of the mafia here, he's really really powerful even the sheriff won't go up against him, what were you thinking?"

"wow, you really talk, don't you?", I asked, "you haven't stopped since I told you about Blai Blai."

"Blai, what?"

"long story, never mind it, what do I do?"

"I have no idea, not one but I do talk you know, just not here. I can't stand Jannie or Terrence."

I had really messed up, well the truth is if I had known who he was, I'd have still done the same thing but I wasn't alone in this, they might go after my Family which meant Cailen or even Jaz. Just then Jamie came in, she looked at me with a scowl, "the sheriff is looking for you.", she informed me.

"why?", I asked.

"I have no idea and I didn't bother asking, I haven't seen Arlena for a while now, I tried calling her but she didn't pick my calls. Have you seen her?"

"No.", I shook my head but I had met her brother, I thought, "I'll go see the sheriff now.", Nikki squeezed my hand tight to show support which surprised me, I nodded at her and left and when I first arrived, I thought I'd get along with Jannie best, who knew?

I made my way over to the sheriff's office, wondering why he wanted to see me, I guess he wanted to know who I was, meet me, we hadn't met at all. I arrived at the glass door with a sign that read; bulletproof, really it said bulletproof, not sheriff, that made me smile.

I knocked and a very very deep voice replied, "come on in.", I did just that and came face to face with the biggest man I had ever seen in the biggest sheriff's office I had ever seen. He was gorgeous I thought but a small part of my mind added unabashedly, but not as hot as Blai Blai but that was probably because he seemed a bit older but not by much. He looked Latin which was like Blaine too but what was really surprising about Blaine was he looked Latin but his last name was Italian, weird.

"you must be Jason.", the huge man behind the large expensive looking table said, "I've heard a lot about you.", he had?

"what exactly did you hear?", I wondered. He chuckled, "things."

He cocked his head to the side to stare at me, "please sit, don't be scared of me."

"please, I'm not scared. You are a big guy but I've faced bigger and come out alive."

He smiled, "that's rather curious, I'm David Alessandro.", that got my attention, "the sheriff of honey edge."

I was scared stiff now but he didn't seem to notice, and went on, "I just wanted to welcome you to honey edge officially, I was away when you arrived and I also wanted to invite you to a dinner with the mayor and his partner next week."

I didn't say anything, if he was related to Blaine, why wasn't he strangling me with his bare hands, "what do you say?"

"sure.", I needed to get out before he started to kill me while in my head, I was trying to remember what Nikki had said about Blaine's family, a sister, a mother and his father and uncle had destroyed each other, "I'll be going now," I was scared, I got up to go and he didn't try to stop me, that made me curious, I had to know, "sorry, I don't mean to pry but are you related to Blaine Alessandro?"

His friendly amused smile turned upside down, "he's my son.", son? but Blaine's dad killed... no, the word Nikki had used was destroyed, not killed, wait so the father was a sheriff and the son a professional criminal, and I thought my family was fucked, well come to think of it, we were similar only I was the law keeper and my dad the professional criminal, "never talk about that again.", the sheriff looked ready to kill me now, "have a nice day, Mr. Young."

But the sheriff was meant to be gay and Blaine's dad had almost died for his mother, what was going on here?

I quietly stepped out and leaned against the door for support, what had I gotten myself into? Just then my phone rang, I took it out of my pocket and answered it, " Daddy?"

"oh my God, Cailen, I'm late, aren't I?", I looked at the time on my watch, today was Cailen's first day at School and I had forgotten to pick him up, I was an hour late, "don't worry, I'm on my way to the School."

"But I'm not at School." , Cailen sounded really wired, "I'm at the Alessandro mansion."


AUTHOR'S NOTE: haven't posted in a few, pic is of Karina, Blaine's mum, pls vote and comment, ur input is really appreciated.

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