Chapter Ten.

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Blaine's POV

I sat in the hospital with Altair, Laura and Arlena who kept glaring at me, I was holding Cailen's present in my hands, it was a drawing of him, me and Jason, it didn't look at all like something a six year old drew, he was really good with his sketches, the guy was a prodigy, I guess talent ran in the family. They had to be okay, both of them, or the other would never forgive me.

"Blaine?", I looked up and my eyes met the second last person I wanted to see."David? What are you doing here?", I couldn't hide the disdain in my voice, I hated the concern in his eyes, he had never cared. Why now?

David flinched looking hurt from the tone of my voice, "I just wanted to know if you were okay."

"Him?", Altair looked outraged, "he almost killed Jason and hurt Cailen and you are asking if he is okay?"

"it was a mistake.", I snapped at her.

Just then the door of the operating room opened and thehead surgeon came out, we had been waiting three hours, I got up quickly, "how is he?"

"he's okay now, we stopped the bleeding and he had a severed cerebral artery which was very life threatening but he should be okay, the patient also has haemophilia, it means he will bleed a lot longer than normal patients, I'm not sure if he has a severe case or moderate or mild, his life is still in danger, we need a family member, is anyone here a family member?"

I looked around, his only family here was Cailen and he was passed out in the children's ward.

"no. We are not his family." I said "too bad, we might need someone to donate blood if he loses too much blood .", she said."maybe one of you can."

Arlena turned to me, "if he dies, I'll never forgive you. How could you do that?"

"it was a mistake.", I was getting tired of defending myself, "why don't you believe me?"

"I do believe you.", it was David who spoke, "you seem sincere."

"he's your kid, of course he seems sincere.", Arlena yelled at him, "that's not fair to Jason."

The doctor looked to be in an awkward position so I turned to her, "can we see him?", she nodded "once we move him out of the OR to a room, you can."

I was relieved, "and the kid?"

"you'd have to talk to the children's doctor to know that. Excuse me."

I watched her go sitting down, he wasn't conscious yet but he wasn't dead or in a coma, I felt so tired, someone placed a hand on my shoulder and I looked up at David, "he'll be fine and don't worry, I'll make sure you are proven innocent."

I didn't reply, now he was being a father, I could forgive him for a lot, after all he had been a kid back then, barely seventeen and I could forgive Karina, she was forced as a kid to leave her country and come to a strange one to marry a strange man at a young age and I got why he left, but he hadn't come back, not then, he hadn't come back for me and by the time he did, it was too late to fix things between us, that I couldn't forgive, "I don't need a father, David, I need a sheriff so stop thinking with your heart and reason with your head.", I removed his hand from my shoulder, and bowed my head, I knew I hurt him but it was too late to mend things between us, I sat there not sure how long when my phone rang, I picked it up to tell whoever it was to go to hell when a voice said, "if anything happens to my son or grandson, I don't care who you are, I will kill you."

"who is this?", I asked.

"an angry father, and a father would go to any length to.protect their child and you hurt mine."

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