Twenty Seven.

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Blaine's POV

I had woken up that morning looking for Jason, I'm pretty sure I went to sleep with a little cute blonde on top of me, where the hell was he? "Blaine?" I looked towards Altair,.she was awake, my mistake has almost cost a little girl her life, Cailen was still asleep, "yes Altair?"

"where's Jason?" I looked around, good question, "I don't know, I'll go look for him, you stay here." He might have just gone to pee or maybe he's hungry that sounds a lot like him, I headed for the cafeteria, maybe he went there to eat, twenty minutes later, I was worried, where the hell was he? Why is it that every single time I turn my back, he ends up in trouble, I swear if I find him, I'll put him on a lease and tie a bell round his neck and attach a tracking device on his feet and maybe insert a chip in his neck just to be sure I know where he is every second, I finally decided to call security, and we began to search, I was really worried now, where the hell is he? Then I heard someone screaming....

#Jason won't look at me, I want to say something but I have no idea where to begin, the doctor had examined him and though they had managed to save his left hand, his right hand was a different case, Jannie whoever that was had released a poison into his hands that killed the nerves, he'll never be able to use his right hand to do anything serious, he can move it around but even simple tasks like opening the door or picking a pen or shaving cannot be done, he can't hold something anything with the tips of his fingers, this somehow felt worse than death, I could tell, Jason's life evolved around his hands, if he can't ever use them again, "you look more worried than me." I looked up at him, he was sitting on the examining table looking at his hands, "are you looking for a way to blame this on yourself?" He asked and truly "yes."

"have you found a way?"

"yes. If I hadn't let Altair go with Dimitri, she won't have been hurt and you won't have been here." That was the truth.

"wow, you are really good at playing the blame game, aren't you?" He asked, smiling at me butthe smile was weak, sad and pained. He looked at his right hand and I saw tears in his eyes, "will you help me?"

"of course, I'll do anything to help you." I got up and moved towards the examing table, standing in front of him, I used my hand to raise his chin so he'd look at me, "I'll kill Jannie for you."

He looked shocked at that, why the hell is he shocked? He really didn't think I'll let this go, right? "I'm not asking you to kill anyone, let the police handle her."

"bullshit, the police will keep running round in circles."

"Blaine, please..." He looked distressed, we'll have this discussion later, when I was old enough to fight back at my uncle I did it in a way that would hurt him the most, I castrated the bastard, he was a sex addict, what was a sex addict without his prick? "if that's not what you want, how else can I help you?"

"my left hand is not as badly damaged as my right But my left hand isn't, will you help me learn?"

"to do what?"

"use it, I want to learn to use it just as good as the other." Wow, he really bounces back quick.

#### Jasmine's POV

I really don't want to ride with her, she's a bitch but aunt Aria insisted, so I turned up the music and ignored her, "pretending I'm not here won't make me go away." Arlena said beside me, "but it might help me enjoy my music more."

"you know you're acting like I'm the only one at fault, you lied by omission you said your name was JK St. Claire, it's Jasmine young."

"St. Claire was my mum's maiden name. Jk is Jasmine Kendell, but you, you said you were older, you were seventeen!!!"

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