|Bidders Get jealous of Mc Best friend Guy/ Gay best friend|

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Requested by Oreo-chan

Eisuke: He got so jealous about your best friend guy name Andre. Even though he already know this guy is gay he still get jealous. Today Andre is going to visit you for some chitchat and you two were also going to talk about some plans for valentines for you and Eisuke. When Andre came you gave him a quick hug. Eisuke started to feel jealousy around him. You took Andre at the living room while Eisuke peeked a little at the doorway. He suddenly notice something that you're so happy to see your best friend and he started to get pissed off. "I can't believe you get that for me!" You said then Andre smiles and gave the small box and that is for Eisuke. Then suddenly came out of nowhere Eisuke grabs your Arm tightly and takes the small box and gave it back to Andre. "I would likely you to leave because I have some 'BUSINESS' with (Y/n)  right now" he said. Then Andre nodded and left the your house leaving the small box at the near table. When the door close Eisuke pushed you  against the wall and you started to look terrified. "DONT YOU  EVER LET HIM SEE YOU SMILE LIKE THAT!! THAT SMILE IS ONLY MINE!! YOU'RE MINE!" He said and presses he's lips into you. It took minutes before he let goes. "I'm telling you Eisuke! He's gay and the reason why he gave me that small box is that he's helping me to look for a present to you and that box is my present for you." You said then Eisuke got speechless and let goes of you. "I understand you're jealous but please! We're just friends And he's GAY!" You said and left the room leaving Eisuke still speechless.

Soryu: "hi I'm Edward Anderson one of (Y/n) friends." Edward said and reach for Soryu's hand for some friendly handshake. Soryu just nodded at him then Edward put he's hands down. "So let's go!" You said happily. "Of course Best friend let's visit your house now." Edward said happily. Making Soryu jealous so badly. When you and Soryu went back to your house with Edward. He started to look around your place. "Hmm.....I think it's even more better if you make this room light color and....." Edward is an interior designer and you wanted him to do something into your house to make it even more better. While in the other hand Soryu is observing Edward to he's moves that maybe later something bad might happen. You took Edward at the bedroom where you and Soryu share. Then Edwards started to explain when suddenly.


Soryu quickly went upstairs when he got to you and he's bedroom rage started to boil around him pushing Edward away from you. "Better leave or else Your dead" he said "SORYU!! He accidentally tripped and falls into me!" You said while Soryu look even more irritated making Edward speechless. "I'll text you all the details (Y/n)." He said and left your house quickly. "Soryu how many times do I have to tell you he's my friend!" You said "he's to close! And it's making me sick!" He said and acted like a kid. "Are you jealous of Edward!! Oh come on he came here for some new designs here for the house! I can't believe you! Soryu your the only one I love! I love you so much!" You said and tries to cheer him up. You gave him a tight hug then he hugs you back. He was just scared that you might fall in love with your best friend he wants to be with you forever at the end.

Baba: "So how's work?" You and Baba were walking around at the 4th floor in tres spades. Baba smiles happily and wraps he's arms around you. "Of course it's fun what's making it even more fun is that your here with me." He said and gave you a soft kiss in your cheeks. You two giggled planning to prank the guys. When suddenly someone calls your name. You turn around and saw your best friend from college. Joshua, your unforgettable classmate and best friend. "Oh my gosh!! JOSHUA!!" Then you started to run towards your best friend to give him a big hug. Leaving Baba shock.

'Who the hell is he?'
'Why is my princess hugging that guy?'
'Is he going to take my princess away from me?!'
'What the hell I can't even look at them!!'
'Let go of him (Y/n) I should be the one your hugging not him!'

He said to himself and now he started to get jealous now. You turn around and grab Joshua's hand.  Then Baba look at you two holding hands walking towards him. You quickly went beside Baba and let go of Joshua's hand. "This is my boyfriend he's name is Mistunari baba, you can call him baba." You said then Joshua nodded and gave Baba a smile. Even baba gave him a smile but that smile is fake. "Nice to meet you." Baba said then they both shake hands. What you didn't know that your best friend's hand is hurting because of Baba's grip tightly wanted to make he's hand broken. "Wanna join us for a cup of Coffee?" You asked. While Joshua shake he's head. "I'm Sorry but I have a meeting with some of my friends from work.....see ya." He said leaving with a scared look. Then you notice something about Baba. He looks jealous awhile ago and now he made Joshua scared. You didn't wanna talk about Joshua with him now. He might get in a bad mood.

Ota: You and Ota were at he's art gallery exhibit. And today is your date with him. You were so happy that you two spend time together holding hands and telling you how much he got so many inspirations because of you. Your we're so happy to hear about it. When suddenly someone Yelp. You two turn around and you saw your Best Friend  who's a gay. "Is that you Matthew!! Oh my god it's been years!" You said happily hugged him tightly leaving Ota all shock and surprise to see you so happy around your best friend. "Oh by the way I heard that your Ota kisaki's Girlfriend!! Oh my god I'm so jealous" he said. Then Matthew look at Ota with a happy face and gave him a smile and a greeting. And now your date become friends night out. While Ota started to get jealous. He wants you to be happy around him. Even though your friend is gay he felt jealous, It took hours walking around the exhibit and right now your with your best friend at a fast restaurant leaving Ota so awkward he can't even talk to you. After eating at the fast food. Your best friend left. Then you turn around and saw Ota with a Sad look on he's face. "Huh? What wrong?" You asked then he looks up. "What's wrong? You've been with him for the whole night" he said and pouts. "Oh come on don't be jealous. Matthew is gay and also he has a crush on you." You said then Ota looks at you with wide eyes. Leaving him all speechless and you two went back to your house and still he's remaining quiet for what he just heard.

Mamoru: "um.....who is he?" Mamoru asked pointing at Jericho your childhood best friend. "He's Jericho my best friend." You said. "Ohh,....." That's the only thing he said. "Well he's injured I need to wrap some cast around he's arm." You said and put out some cast. "Oh I'll do that." He said voluntarily then you gave him smile. "Okay I should go to the kitchen to make some coffee." You said and left leaving Jericho and Mamoru. Mamoru gave Jericho an evil smirk making him Look terrified for what will Mamoru will do. Suddenly


You just heard your Best friend yelping in pain. You quickly went back where Mamoru and Jericho is then You found Jericho tries to put the cast out. You look at Mamoru with a stern look. "What? I put the cast properly." He said and puts a cigarette in he's mouth. Leaving and went to the balcony. You knew he's jealous about Jericho. You quickly apologize to Jericho for what had happened and now he told you that he's going to leave now because of a emergency until you knew that he's afraid of Mamoru now. When he left you slaps Mamoru's arm. "Oh come on kid! I'm more handsome than him!" He said "more lazier than him!" You said. Then he Ruffles your hair like a dog. And you pouted treating you a kid again.

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