|First day of school|

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All bidders (kids age 7 year old)


"Dad wake up!! It's time for school!! Time for school!!" Eisuke's eyes open slowly feeling irritated from his son who's jumping at the bed. He spend hours of working and now his been awoken by his son. "Dad! You promise!" Eisuke looked at his son and notice the boy started to pout. "Okay, okay I'm up!" He said and yawned one last time and he felt small hands grab his arm. He never expect to see Sasuke so happy when it comes to first day of school. Well after all that makes Eisuke happy because he son's love to learn. He started to imagine his son's future that someday he will be the next CEO of the company. He can't wait to see his son to be successful like him.


"Ayumi. Stop playing on your food. You need to eat a lot  today. It's first day of school. You don't want your stomach to hurt and go to the clinic." Soryu reminded his daughter about eating her food than playing it. "I'm sorry daddy. It's just that I'm excited that's all." She said happily and started to eat her omelette. Soryu is happy for his daughter yet also worried. His worried that his daughter might get bullied. "Are you sure sweetie that you don't need a bodyguard. What if someo-....." "Daddy I don't get bullied at school everyday. I always spend my time with my friends." Ayumi cut's his father sentence. Well he just want his daughter to be okay at school. So he secretly tell Inui and Samejima to watch over her during break time.


"Daddy!! Aiko took my shoes!" Instead of getting ready for school. The kids were playing around the living room. While You and Baba were fixing their lunch and snacks. "Aiko give your brother's shoes back." Baba went back to the living room and started to catch his daughter. "But daddy I don't wanna go to school. I still want to play with my friends at the park." Aiko said. "You can play with your friends after school." Baba reaches for the shoes and puts down Aiko to the sofa while Daichi sits beside his sister and puts his shoes on.


"Daddy were ready!!" You could hear the twins waiting for their father to take them to school. "Okay.... One min. Daddy will just finish this last.....part and we can go." Michiko and Yuri looked at each other with a serious looks on their faces. "Daddy you promise gat you will take us to the school early because our friends daddy will come." The twins looked at their father and started to get mad. Ota looked down to the twins and laughed. "Okay.....now daddy is done let's go....." He said happily but before he can reach for his kids hand. The twins took a step backward and looked at their father. "Daddy your hands were full of paint." Michiko giggled. Ota looked down and smiled. "Okay....daddy is going to wash his hands and we can go now." "Yay!!"


"Dad!! The others might be waiting for us now!" The twins went to the bedroom where their father is till sleeping. They both grab Mamoru's feet and tries to push him out of the bed so they can go to the school on time. "Five more minutes." Mamoru groaned while the twins never give up. "Daddy you're a liar! You promise to take us to school today!" "Yeah!! Your bad daddy!!" "Mommy!! Daddy lied to us!" When Mamoru heard the twins calling for you. Mamoru quickly say up and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower so he can take the twins to school.


"Dad!!' Hurry up!!! We're gonna be late!!" "I'm coming!" Eisuke picked up his phone and wallet. But before he could leave the house he gave you a quick kiss on the lips. "I'll pick up Sasuke later after school." Eisuke said and quickly went to the limo where his son is waiting for him while you waved goodbye to them.

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