|Bidder's reaction when their child got lost and they started to look for them|

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(You're not in here only Bidders and their 3 year old child)

Requested by my friend

Eisuke: "Sasuke!!" "Sasuke!!" Eisuke and Sasuke were at the mall shopping for some new shoes to wear. Until when Sasuke saw a little puppy and follows it. Leaving Eisuke searching for a new shoes for Sasuke to wear. When Eisuke turns around to looked at Sasuke. He's nightmare starts to come. He started to look around the mall and he started to get worried so badly. He never expect that this is going to give him a heart attack. What if someone might had got him? He started to think that he's son was kidnapped. "Sasuke!!" He didn't stop looking for him. Until he finally saw Sasuke at the near pet shop. He quickly run towards him and grabs Sasuke's arm. "Why did you leave without my permission!" Eisuke yelled making he's son jumped a little. "I'm sorry Daddy....I just saw a puppy and followed it." Sasuke looks down and felt guilty for what he just did. Eisuke looked at he's son and kneels down. "No...no don't cry....I'm sorry for yelling at you." Eisuke said wiping he's son's tear he knew that he scared Sasuke by yelling him. And the only thing to make him happy is to hug him. Eisuke hugged him tightly and said. "Never run away again okay. Your giving daddy a heart attack." He said. Sasuke looks up to he's father and said. "I won't do it Again....I promise." Sasuke said. Eisuke smiles to he's son and went back home. Of course Eisuke won't tell you what happened. Or else you might not allow Eisuke to go out with Sasuke without you.

Soryu: "daddy look at the flower!" Soryu and Ayumi went to the park for some fresh air. Your husband is reading he's book while your daughter is playing around the playground until she saw a flower. "It looks pretty Ayumi." Soryu said and continues to read he's book. Oh this is the attitude that you don't want Soryu to do during watching over Ayumi. Suddenly a butterfly just fly towards Ayumi. Well Ayumi looks curious about the butterfly. Then it started to fly away. But Ayumi won't allow it to go. She quickly stood up and follows the butterfly. "Ayumi you want some ice cream?" Soryu asked he's daughter but he notice that he's daughter didn't answer him back. He look up to see no one there. Then he's eyes quickly turn wide to see that he's daughter was no where to be found. He quickly stoods up and starts to look for Ayumi. "Ayumi!! Where are you?!" He starts looking for Ayumi around the park forgetting all the things at the playground. Meanwhile, Ayumi comes back to the playground and notice that her father was not there. "Daddy?" She looks around from the whole playground and notice The book that Soryu is reading was there. She picks it up and starts to look for Soryu. "Daddy?......Daddy?" Then tears started to flow in her cheeks. While in the other hand Soryu contacted Inui and Samejima to look for Ayumi in the park. Soryu was so Worried, he didn't even know what to do. He didn't even know what to say to you if he havent found he's daughter. "Where are you? AYUMI!!" He called out her name again. Then she finally heard her. "Daddy?" Soryu turns around and saw he's daughter walking around the park in her hand was the book he's been reading. "Ayumi!" Soryu quickly ran towards Ayumi an picks her up. "Daddy....I got back to the playground you're not there." Ayumi said while sobbing into tears. "It's okay....it's okay daddy's here." He said and now he finally learns a lesson. Never read a book while watching over Ayumi.

Baba: "Daichi!! Daichi!!" Baba and the twins were at the hotel to play with other kids and the bidders. Well the twins were new to the hotel. And there is one thing that Daichi always do when he's at a new place. He wants to explore. Well Baba kind of forgot to watch over Daichi. When he turns around he only see's he's daughter. "Oh....(Y/n) is going to kill me!" He said. He quickly pick up Aiko into he's arms and starts to search for Daichi. "Where could he be Daddy?" Aiko asked. "Daichi is around here somewhere....." While Baba is looking for Daichi. Meanwhile Sasuke and Ayumi were at the 4th floor at the hotel with Inui and Samejima. "Hey is that Daichi?" Sasuke pointed to the boy. Then suddenly Daichi looks at the direction we're Ayumi and Sasuke is. "Hey!!" Daichi said and run towards them. "Daichi where's your dad?" Inui asked. "Oh....well....I don't....know,.." He said. "There you are!" Then he heard Baba. When Baba saw Daichi he puts down Aiko and hugs Daichi. "Never leave your sister and I SIDE OKAY." he said. Then Daichi nodded. "Well the hotel is just new to me so I just check it out." He said. "But still you can't just run off like that. You're going to make me worried. Plus mommy is going to be mad." He said. Daichi hugs he's father tightly. "I want a hug too!!" Aiko said. Then she joins in for the hug. While the others watch them.

Ota: "Daddy I like that painting." Michiko said and points to the painting that Ota just maid. "Aww.....really my little Koro....you like it." He said. And picks her up. "Daddy me too!!" Yuri said. "You had your turn Yuri!!" Michiko said and hugs he's father tightly. Yuri is quite a bit jealous. Well of course he always gets jealous. He poured and looks away from Ota. While walking around Ota's gallery Yuri went to a different direction without Ota noticing it. "What kind of a painting you want Yuri?" Ota ask and looks down but Yuri is not there, "Yuri? Yuri!!" Ota quickly hold Michiko tight and starts to look around for Yuri. "Mr. Kisaki is there something wrong?" A security came and asked Ota. "My son......my son is gone!!" He said. Ota started to get worried and scared . He didn't know what's going to happen next if he didn't find he's son. "Mr. Kisaki looks like I know where's your son," the security said after he talks to the other security. Ota quickly follows the security then later on they found he's son. "Yuri!" He said, "where did you go! Never leave my side again okay! Your making me scared!" He said. Yuri looks down to he's father and said. "You always like Michiko than I am. I wish mommy is here." He Said.Ota's heart broke into pieces when he heard it. "That's not true. You know that I love you so much." He Said. Now he knew why the reason he's son left without telling him. "Don't ever do that again okay. And also Daddy loves you." He said and hugs he's son tightly into he's arms.

Mamoru: "Aina!! Takahiro!! Those kids really!!" Mamoru brings he's twins to work while you stay at home. "Damn! I can't believe this is harder!" He said. Well Mamoru got asleep from work while he didn't notice he's children where running around and left he's office. And right now here he is looking for he's children. "Hey Mamoru what's wrong?" A worker came and ask him. "Oh nothing I'm good." He said and starts to look for the kids again. "Are you looking for your kids?" The worker asked. "Yeah.....why you found them?" He said. The worker nodded and Mamoru follows him to the near glass window . "There you are you two!" He said and reach for them. "Daddy is awake!" Takahiro said. "What are you two doing? Leaving in the office. Your mother is going to kill me!" He said. "We're sorry daddy." Aina said. "Oh....better not do that again or else you two are grounded." He said. "Okay,..,"

Bonus: (All bidders are in the lounge while there kids are playing)

"What a day!!" Mamoru said. "You said it. I didn't even know if Yuri got lost or maybe he just walks off." Ota said and sighs. "Your son got lost? Mine too! Daichi got lost here at the 4th floor." Baba said. "Sasuke got lost too in the mall." Eisuke added. "Well you can say that your son Always gets lost you know." Mamoru said. "Shut up! At least I found him safely than you,....your children also get lost and then when you found them they have a scratch on there knees what a bad parent you are." Eisuke said. "Hey! Don't you bring up my kids now." Mamoru said. "What about you Soryu does your little angel got lost too?" Baba asked. "Yeah....she follows a butterfly at the park leaving me." He said. "Looks like are children got lost today. But atleast there okay." Ota said. "But we must not tell our wives about this." Baba added. They knew what Will happen if their wife will knew about it. "Daddy mommy just called and I told her that I found a puppy and followed it!" Sasuke said proudly to he's father. Eisuke looked at he's son didn't know what to say. "Looks like your dead Eisuke." Mamoru scoffed. "SHUT UP!!"

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