|Birth of The baby|

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Eisuke: You know the Eisuke Ichinomiya can handle anything and he's not afraid of anything. But when your contractions came and you started to scream in pain you never gonna believe how scared he is. Well he thought to himself that one child is enough for him. Well all he just wanted to happen that the baby must be out of you. It took 3 hours for your labour and now you child is already born. And it's a boy. He never felt so happy in his entire life. Now that he's son is here all he wanna do is carry his son and never let it go. "I wonder what shall I name you." He said. "I would name you Sasuke then." He said to himself. "I am not letting you name him Sasuke!" You said. He let out a giggle and touch your son's nose lightly. "Nah I rather like him to call him Sasuke." Well you have no choice. that's his son. And it's his choice. (born on March 12 2015)

Soryu: It's around 2:30 in the morning you woke up with a pain contraction and you felt that your water just broke. Well you know what that means. The baby is coming. You quickly woke up Soryu by shaking him then when he finally wokes up he quickly ask you what's going on. Then you said that the baby is coming. He quickly get dressed and grabs the baby bag and you purse and took you to the hospital quickly. You keep telling him that one child is enough because you don't wanna experience more pain. Well Soryu felt so bad for making you pregnant though. Well he wants you to be the mother of he's child so..... You had no choice but to accept the reality that it really hurts. It took hours from pushing and now your baby is here. Its a healthy baby girl.  When the first time Soryu held he's baby. he was so nervous. But at least he's daughter is here now. "I can't wait to see you grow up as beautiful as your mother....Ayumi." (Born on December 8 2015)

Baba: "BABA!!!" Yes..... The twins are coming and your husband is taking a picture of you. "Oh come on at least our two little angels will see the look of your face while your giving birth to him." He said. Then you suddenly hardly grip he's hand making him feel pain. "Oh I'm telling you! You are not allowed to go inside the delivery room! If ever see your face in the delivery room! I PROMISE TO MYSELF I AM NOT BRINGING YOUR CHILDREN INTO THIS WORLD!!" You said trying to breath even more. And now the nurses take you to the delivery room leaving Baba waiting for you outside the delivery room. After pushing your baby twins is finally out. Baba enters the delivery room and saw you and he's son and Daughter. He walk towards you and looked at he's two children. "Hmm.....I wonder ..... I know!! Let's name him Daichi! While our little princess will be Aiko!" He said happily. "Daichi Baba and Aiko Baba ?" You said. Then he nodded. "Well okay....it's your children after all." You said. Watching Baba greeting the twins."I can't wait to spoil and Tease you two!" (Born on July 12, 2015)

Ota: It's around 4:30 in the afternoon you were at the penthouse lounge with your husband and the other bidders and also their wives. Suddenly you felt a sharp pain in your belly. And you also notice That your water just broke. Ota quickly panic he didn't know what to do. While the bidders started to call some ambulance for you and the wives started to tell you to breath. "What Shall I do?!" Ota said. "Carry your wife! Because the ambulance is here!" Eisuke said. Then Ota quickly carry you and takes you down to the lobby where the ambulance is waiting. At the hospital you've been pushing a lot of times and then when the last push you gave. Your twins is already out of you. And you felt relieve That your baby is okay. The nurse reach the baby to Ota And he was so happy as ever while the girl was reach to you. "Welcome Yuri and Michiko. I can't wait to teach you two how to draw Koro Junior." He said. "Seriously your going to call them Koro Junior?!" You said. "No! I'm just joking of course, our son's name will be Yuri. Happy Birthday Yuri and Michiko ." Ota said happily to he's children. (born September 14 2015)

Mamoru: Your doctor said that your going to have c section because your carrying twins. Well you suggested that if it's okay to have natural birth. But the doctor said that C section will be better. Well you wanted to natural birth but it's your doctor's decision. When the due came you were now lying to the hospital bed ready for the c section. Your husband was there standing beside you. It took hours for the operation. Now the two little bundles were out. You have one buy and one girl. You were so happy that their okay. Mamoru is carrying the girl while you carry the boy in your arms. "I'll name you....Aina." He said to he's daughter. "And your name will be Takahiro." He said you look at him carrying he's daughter happily. "I can't believe that there will be 3 kids in the house now." He said. Well now he's calling you a kid again even though your a mother now. (Born on May 8 2015)

-:Eldest to Youngest:-

1.)Sasuke Ichinomiya (March 12)
2.)Takahiro Kishi (May 8)
3.) Aina Kishi (May 8)
4.) Daichi Baba (July 12)
5.) Aiko Baba (July 12)
6.)Yuri Kisaki (September 14)
7.)Michiko Kisaki (September 14)
8.)Ayumi Oh (December 8)

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