Chapter 23

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The Guardians were gaining on us fast. Declan tossed his hand back and made the invisible wall. The Guardians crashed into it and couldn't get to us.

Declan ran out the door with me still in his arms. The moment his feet hit the ground outside, he took off into the sky.

It was already dark outside so when he felt like we were far enough away, he landed. He gently placed me on my feet in an alley.

"I, uh, guess I should thank you," I coughed.

Declan smirked and said, "No problem."

"Why did you come back for me? I told you not to. What if you had been cap-"

Declan shushed me by putting his finger on my lips. He leaned in close to my face and said, "You ask too many questions."

Then he cupped my cheeks in his hands and locked his silver eyes on mine.

I couldn't move if I wanted to.

He moved one of his hands under my chin to tilt it up.

He looked down at my lips and slowly moved his face closer.

Oh God. Declan was going to kiss me.

I closed my eyes and readied myself for the kiss. It never came.

Declan chuckled and said, "You have something in your hair." Then he plucked a wood chip from my hair that must have gotten stuck when the chair broke.

I shoved him away and said, "You're such an ass."

He just laughed again. No one got on my nerves like he did.

I narrowed my eyes on his back as he shoved away a dumpster. His muscles strained under his tight black t-shirt. As if he knew I was staring at him, he looked over his shoulder and smirked. I wanted to rip out the damn piercing on his eyebrow.

He knelt on the ground and pulled up a door I hadn't seen.

"Get in," he commanded.

I crossed my arms and stalked over to him. I hopped down the stairs. Declan followed behind me after he shut the door.

"So where exactly are we?" I asked in the complete darkness.

"Underground," he replied.

"No shit," I swung my fist wildly hoping to connect it with some part of his body.

I don't know how he did it because it was so dark down here, but he somehow grabbed my swinging fist in his hand.

"Stop that," his silver eyes flashed in the dark.

I yanked my hand back, grumbling to myself about how much of a jerk he was.

Declan led us into hallways that now had dim lights. I was thankful that I could see where I was going now.

We walked for a while until he found a huge metal door.

He knocked twice quick and three times slowly. I recognized that as the code for the Rebels.

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