The next morning I woke up to the sun shining through the large window beside my bed. I smiled to myself and checked the time. 8:45am. Why was I up so early, and why was I in such a good mood? Oh that's right, Harry and I had an amazing night last night. And to top everything off, we kissed. Getting lost in my thoughts I got up and went to the bathroom. I washed my face and but my freshly straightened hair into a bun on the top of my head. Then I had a brilliant idea. Since Danielle, Eleanor and Perrie slept over last night I figured I would make a huge breakfast for all of us and invite the boys over! Kind of like a "family" breakfast! I walked to the kitchen and began whipping up all the food we had in the fridge. I made chocolate chip and blueberry pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon, sausages, and toast. I also pulled all the cereal we had out and set it out on the table. The first one to wake up was Cristina. "Mmm, what is that delicious smell?" she asked me yawning. "I decided it would be a good idea to make breakfast and invite the boys over as well!" I said cheerfully. The girls slowly started making their way into the kitchen and began setting our large kitchen table. I walked over to the phone and it was now 9:45, it was now late enough to call the boys. I dialed their number and Liam answered the phone "Hello?" he said groggily. "Hey Liam, sorry if I woke you but, Danielle, Eleanor and Perrie spent the night here last night and I am making breakfast and I was just wondering if you guys wanted to come over! There is plenty of food!" I said into the phone. "Of course, thank you for the invite, I can smell the food from here! What time would you like us over for?" he asked. "Come in about 15 minutes, and feel free to come in your pajamas, none of us have gotten dressed yet either!" I said. "Alright sounds good, see you in a bit" Liam said and I hung up the phone. The girls finished setting the table and I set all the food out on the table and made a fresh pot of coffee and tea. Then there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" Cristina yelled. One by one the boys made their way into our condo. They looked like they had just walked out of bed. That being said, they all still looked just as cute. Then Harry caught my eye. I looked down and he was wearing pajama pants that sat very low on his hips, and no shirt. My eyes scanned his toned abs, then I looked him in the eyes and he was smirking at me. He walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered in my ear "Good morning love, see something you like?" he said cheekily. "Hi Harry, and you wish." I responded. "I really do..." he said smiling. He leaned in and kissed me gently on the mouth. I could never get enough of this I thought to myself. "If you 2 are done making babies over there we would love to start eating." Louis yelled. Everyone laughed and Harry took my hand and we walked to the table and took seats next to each other. "Everything is so delicious Stella!" Zayn said. "Yeah, where did you learn to cook like this?" asked Liam. "Out of all my 18 years of knowing her, she has never made me breakfast like this, what has gotten into you Stel?" Cristina said with her mouth full. Everyone laughed and I just looked at my plate and said "I guess I was just in a good mood..." I said quietly. Harry grabbed my thigh and gave me a gentle squeeze. He knew why I was in this mood. It was because of him, because of our night, and because of our kiss. He made me feel so differently than any other boy ever has. I feel safe and happy with him. As everyone ate, we laughed and talked. I got up and began clearing the table. "What exactly do you think you're doing?" Louis asked me. "What do you mean? I'm cleaning up!" I answered. "No you're not, you made this delicious breakfast for all of us, the least we can do is clean up! You girls go on and get ready and we will clean up this mess." Zayn said. The boys began cleaning as the 5 of us girls went to our rooms to get ready. I went to my bathroom first. I washed my face and put a light layer of make up on. I pulled my hair down from the bun on my head and brushed it out, leaving me with loose straight curls. Then I put on a little bit of lip balm and walked to my closet to change. It was a nice day so I threw on a pair of dark wash denim shorts, a yellow tank top with buttons that went down the front, and my white converse. I sprayed myself with peppermint body spray and put my Ray Bans in my purse and walked out into the kitchen. Harry turned around, looked at me and said, "Wow, you are beautiful." I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Okay, I'm going to go get ready and then we can go!" he said. Within 10 minutes he was back. He was wearing dark jean shorts and a white t-shirt. He also had a black hoodie in his hand. He extended his hand out to me, "Ready to go?" he asked. "See you guys later!" I said to whoever was listening, they were all snuggled up to their boyfriends. "Okay, be careful you two" Cristina said. We walked out the door and headed for Harry's car. It was around 12:30ish. "Where are we going?" I asked him. "You'll see, I'm sure you'll love it." he said back squeezing my thigh as he drove. "You always keep everything a secret don't you Styles." I said playfully. "I like to keep you on your toes love." he said with a smile. He turned the radio up and we sang along to a few songs that we both knew. He pulled into a parking lot that was in the middle of what seemed to look like a forest. I got out of the car and adjusted my tank top. "Where are we?" I asked. "Look over there Stella, we are going swimming." he said pointing to a beautiful small lake that looked like it came out a magazine. "But I didn't bring a bathing suit!" I said. "I know, neither did I" Harry said as he pulled off his shirt and began taking off his shorts, leaving him in nothing but his boxers. Something tells me he did this on purpose... He smirked at me and said "Go on then, don't make me do it for you" he said winking at me. "Anything to get me to take off my clothes right Styles?" I laughed and pulled down my shorts, thank God I was wearing full underwear today...I then pulled off my tank top and was left standing there in nothing my black lace bra and hot pink lace panties. Harry was eying my body up and down. He bit his lip and slowly walked over to me. I realized exactly how exposed I was and then did my best to cover myself with my arms. "You never have to cover up in front of me Stella, you are perfect." he said biting his lip. I blushed and he grabbed my hand pulling me towards the water. We both jumped in and splashed each other for while until Harry stopped and slowly walked over to me in the water. He put his arms around my waist and I wrapped my legs around his. I threw my arms around my neck and Harry leaned in pressing his lips to mine. I felt my heart beating out of my chest and if I wasn't mistaken, so was Harry's. As our lips moved together, he bit my lower lip begging for entrance. I let out a small gasp, just enough for me to let his tongue in. As we kissed, I felt his hand move from its position under my thigh slowly to my chest. His large hand cupped my breast and moved back down to my thigh. He held me tight and carried me out of the water. Our lips never separated once. He continued to kiss me as he lay me down on the grass beside our clothes. He held his whole body above mine and let his hands explore me. He gently squeezed my breast again and moved his hands down towards my lower stomach. As we were kissing, I let my hands trace his many tattoos on his perfect, toned body. He planted kisses all the way down my neck stopping just below my ear sucking at my skin gently. Just then, we were interrupted by my cell phone, it had started ringing. I wanted to ignore it but as I came back to reality, I realized that we had no idea what time it was and I pulled away from him slowly. "I'm sorry I have to get it" I whispered. "Whyyyy" he whined. "It might be the girls, it's getting pretty late, they are probably wondering where I am!" Harry slowly lifted himself off of me and kissed me gently on my mouth before I picked up my phone and spoke. "Hello?" I said. "What the hell Stella, where are you? We have been trying to get a hold of you for hours now!" Cristina yelled into the phone. I could hear the other girls yelling in the background "Where the hell are you?" "What are you doing?" they asked all sounding extremely worried. "I'm with Harry, I'm fine, what time is it anyways?" I asked. "8:30pm, you have been gone since noon and when you and Harry didn't answer any of our texts we started getting worried!" she yelled again. "I'm sorry, we just got caught up in something I guess...We will be home soon." I said blushing. Harry was looking at me smiling, he leaned in and started kissing me all over. He kissed my lips, my cheek, my nose, my neck, then back to my lips. He was trying to distract me from this phone call. "I have to go," I said laughing, "We will see you soon!" I screamed into the phone. I hung up on Cristina and yelled "Harry stop! You're tickling me!" He laughed and pulled me up. We grabbed our clothes and headed for his car. He put on his t-shirt and shorts and I had on my shorts as he handed me his hoodie to wear. "You look cold, and besides, it looks way better on you then it does on me" Harry said grinning. I put on his sweater and breathed in his cologne. I loved that we were becoming so close. My feelings for Harry were growing stronger everyday. I wonder if he felt the same way. We drove back to our condo as I read out all the texts from the girls. They were so worried! Harry and I laughed at all of Cristina's texts. Stella, where the hell are you? I am literally going to murder you when I see you if you aren't already dead. Okay that's not funny but seriously, answer me. What the hell has Harry done to you, I'm going to kick his ass when I see him. You can tell him that too when you read this. Harry and I laughed all the way home. We weren't even gone that long and everyone was panicking! They were nuts. Harry parked the car and we got out and made our way upstairs. It was only 9:15pm. I invited Harry in and of course he accepted. We walked in finding the 4 boys and 4 girls staring at us. They all spoke at once. "Stella we are going to kill you." "You should have checked your phone." "We were worried sick!" "Harry what the hell did you do with her?" "Where did you guys go?" "Whoa whoa whoa, guys calm down, we were swimming and didn't have our phones on us, it's not a big deal. She is safe with me." Harry said calmly as he wrapped his arm around my waist. We walked over to the couch and everyone was still staring at us. "We were just going to go for some ice cream if you guys want to come" Louis said breaking the silence. Harry looked at me and winked, "I think we will pass, we have had a long day! Have fun you guys" Louis winked at Harry and said "I get it, you guys want some 'alone time' not that you didn't already have that all day!" "Alright then...let's get going." Liam said laughing. When they were gone Harry and I looked at each other. I put my legs out across his and we sat and talked for a while until I decided that I was going to go change into my pajamas and take off my makeup. I told Harry to follow me. We walked into my room and I told Harry to sit on my bed. He watched me carefully as I grabbed my pink silk shorts pajama shorts and white silk tank top from behind my door. I walked into the bathroom, changed, and wiped off my makeup. I opened the door and saw Harry lying on my bed in nothing but his boxers. "Um...what are you doing Harry?" I asked him giggling. His eyes met mine and he looked at me with wide eyes. "Wow um, are all your pajamas this sexy?" he asked stuttering slightly. I loved sleeping in silk. My mom got me into it at a young age and it was kind of our thing to sleep in silk pajamas. I guess you could call is sexy but that wasn't my intention. I blushed and replied with "Do you always sleep half nude?" I was pleased with my answer until he said "Actually, I sleep completely nude." and winked at me. "Oh my god Harry..." I rolled my eyes and threw a pillow at him. I walked over to Harry and he pulled me on top of him. He rolled me over and started kissing my lips then moving down planting soft, wet kissed down my neck. I let out a soft moan and said "Harry, do you want to stay here tonight?" "I was actually thinking that you come back with me to my room. It's a little more private and we won't have the girls interrupt us every 5 minutes." he said laughing. I agreed with him, if he slept here, all 5 girls would camp out outside my door all night trying to hear as much as they could. I laughed and said "Good idea." We both got up from my bed and I took Harry's hand and led him out to the kitchen. "Hungry?" I asked him. "Very" he answered. I went into the fridge and pulled out lettuce and began chopping it and washing it. I put it in a bowl and cut up a tomato and some cucumber. Then I pulled out the leftover chicken that the girls must have made the night before. I cut it up and put it in the bowl as well. Then I topped it off with salt, oil, and vinegar. I set the bowl in front of him and got out 2 forks. We sat side by side and ate the salad right out of the bowl that I made it in. When we were finished I put the bowl in the dishwasher along with the 2 forks. "Should I make some tea?" I asked Harry and he just nodded staring at me with his emerald green eyes. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask suddenly growing self conscious. "Because you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and I am so lucky and happy to have met you." he said smiling. "Harry, you're so cute, I am so happy to have you be part of my life." I said back to him. And it was true, whether I liked it or not, Harry Styles was now part of my life. I made us tea and we chatted for a while until the door opened and the girls walked in. "How was the ice cream?" I asked them. "It was fun, the boys went home now cause they got tired" Perrie said laughing. "You guys are more then welcome to spend the night again!" I said smiling at Danielle, Eleanor and Perrie. "That sounds lovely, thank you Stella!" Danielle said. "I'm not going to be here, I'm going to sleep at Harry's but I will see you guys in the morning!" I said happily. "You're what? Uh, Stel, can I talk to you for a second?" Cristina said with a stern look. I looked at Harry and said, "Go ahead over, I will meet you there in 5 minutes." I leaned over and kissed him on the lips and he smiled and nodded. When he left all 4 girls dragged me to the couch and asked me what happened. I told them about the day I had with Harry and they all held their hearts and said "Awwww Stella's in love!" "I'm not in love" I told them "I just like spending time with him and he makes me happy, plus, I only have 2 more days to myself before I start working on my music, the real reason I am here." "Stella, I don't know if sleeping there is a good idea, I mean you have only know Harry for a week now." Cristina said with concern. "Don't worry Cristi, we are just sleeping, nothing more, come one, don't you know me by now? I'm not like that. I'm still a virgin" I told the girls. "I know I know you're right, but still, be careful please. And if you get uncomfortable at all, come home okay?" Cristina said. "Yeah yeah I will, thank you! You girls enjoy the rest of your night" I said as I got up and left. I walked out the door and headed down the hall in my pajamas and softly knocked on the door just in case the boys were in bed already. Harry came to the door and kissed me on the mouth grabbing my waist and pulling me in. I laughed and said "Missed me?" He grinned and said "Always baby" Baby...I liked that. I smiled to myself and he led me into the condo. The layout of theirs was pretty much the same as ours. "Hi boys" I said to Louis, Niall, and Zayn. Liam must have already been in bed. "Hey Stel," Louis said winking at me. "have fun tonight!" I laughed and stuck my tongue out at him and waved goodnight to the rest of the boys. Harry brought me to his room. The walls were painted gray and his bed had dark gray and black sheets on them. It was very mysterious I thought to myself. He led me to his bed and we both climbed in. He held himself up using his arm and brought his other arm to cup my cheek. "You are perfect baby." Harry whispered in my ear. I brought my hand up and ran my hands through his soft brown curls and raised my thumb over his dimple. He smiled and said "You make me so happy Stella." "Me too Harry" I whispered back. He leaned in slowly kissing me. Our lips moved perfectly together, like they were made for each other. I could not believe that it had only been just over a week that we had known each other. It truly feels like forever. He planted soft wet kisses down my neck and whispered in my ear, "Goodnight, baby" and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close to him. "Goodnight Harry I said turning my head and kissing his lips one last time before we both fell asleep.
