Harry's POV:
I woke up the next morning with my arms wrapped around Stella's waist holding her close to me. This was the first night that I had slept so comfortably. I looked at her, she looked so peaceful. Her long brown hair was tied in a ponytail and her lips were so plump and pink. She was gorgeous. If only she knew how truly beautiful she was. I am going to make it my mission to make her feel beautiful every day. I wanted her to be in my arms like this forever. What is going on with me? I am not usually the type to have girlfriend. I mean I date girls here and there but I have never had feelings like this towards a girl. I wanted her to be my girlfriend. I wanted to spend all my free time with her. I have only known Stella for around a week now and I already feel as if we have been together forever. Who knew that when Simon brought her here, he also brought me the girl of my dreams. I have to thank him one day... I was getting lost in my thoughts when I felt Stella stir. She rubbed her eyes and slowly they fluttered open. She turned and looked at me with those beautiful hazel eyes. I melted under her stare. Seriously...what was happening to me? "Well, that's a nice way to wake up." she said smiling at me. "Good morning baby, did you sleep okay?" I asked. "Yes, perfectly, did you?" she said softly. "I did, I love having you in my arms" I whispered and leaned down and kissed her. I could really get used to this. "We should get up and go for breakfast around the corner. I know a really great café." I told her. "Or we could stay like this for another 10 minutes and then go?" she said wrapping her arms around my waist. I loved that she wanted to stay with me as long as possible. "Of course, that is a way better idea" I said pulling her close to me and holding her in my arms. I kissed the top of her head and the two of us just lay there silently for another 10 minutes until Stella started to get up. "I wish we could stay like this all day." I told her letting go of her. "Me too, but now I'm starting to get really hungry..." she said laughing. "How long do you need to get ready?" I asked her. "Give me 20 minutes." she replied. "Alright, I'll be over in 20 to get you" I said walking over to her and kissing her on the mouth and then on the forehead, She smiled and left the room. I quickly got into the shower and threw on a pair of dark wash jeans and a sweater. It was cloudy outside and it looked like it was going to rain. I waited 20 minutes and then walked out of my room into the kitchen running into Liam, Louis and Zayn. "Where's Niall?" I asked them. "He went out for breakfast with Cristina." Liam answered. "How was your night with Stella?" Louis asked winking at me. "We didn't have sex if that's what you're asking. I don't know what it is about her but I'm really falling hard. She makes me so happy, unlike anyone I have ever been with. I want her to be my girlfriend." I said blushing. "We have never seen you like this before, and if she makes you happy, then she makes us happy" Zayn said. "The only thing is, I don't know if she is ready for a relationship yet." I said quietly. "The other day she mentioned that she had just gotten out of a bad relationship and that she wanted to wait as long as possible before committing herself to someone." "Do you want me to talk to her?" Liam asked. "Would you? But please don't let on that I want to ask her." I said. "Of course, don't worry Harry." Liam said smiling. With that I left to go get Stella.
Stella's POV:
I walked back to my condo smiling to myself. I had just had one of the best nights of my life. He makes me so happy. Who am I kidding though, he is probably like this with every girl he dates. I mean I am nothing special so why would he like me. Although last night it felt like he felt the same way I do. I have to be careful though, I can't let myself fall for him. I just got out of a bad relationship with my previous boyfriend Mason. He was an asshole and I promised myself I wouldn't rush into another relationship for a while. I have to focus on why I am here. And that is for my career. I just have to push my feelings for Harry aside for now. We are just hanging out as friends, nothing more. I walked into my condo to find the girls all around the kitchen table. "Oh my god, Stella! How was your night?" Danielle asked. "Did you guys do it?" Perrie said winking. "Of course not Perrie, I have only known him for a just over a week. And it was amazing. I feel so comfortable around him. I feel like he truly gets me. But I don't think I am ready for a relationship yet, after Mason I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't rush the next one." I said. "Well, you never know, if Harry makes you as happy as you say, then why not give him a chance?" Eleanor said. "He has never been like this with any other girl Stella, honestly, I feel like he is falling hard for you. I can talk to Liam and get him to find out how Harry feels if you want!" Danielle said. "I don't know, I think I'm just going to take it day by day, I mean as of now we are just friends." I said quietly. "Yeah friends who kiss and have sleepovers" Eleanor said laughing. "Anyways, where is Cristina?" I asked. "She left about 10 minutes ago with Niall..." Perrie said. "Aww, they are so cute together!" I said. "I'm going to go get ready, Harry is coming in 20 minutes, we are going for breakfast." I said happily and walked towards my room. I turned on the shower and jumped in. I washed my hair and body and then jumped out. That was the quickest shower that I have ever taken. I dried my hair naturally to its curly, voluminous self. Next I put on a little bit of mascara and lip balm and walked to my closet. It looked like it was going to rain so I put on a pair of dark wash jeans and a cream coloured off the shoulder sweater. I heard the doorbell ring so I grabbed my red Marc Jacobs bag, sprayed myself with my favourite mint perfume and walked out into the kitchen. I saw Harry standing near the door talking to the girls. His hair was slightly damp and he looked so hot, as usual. His eyes lit up when he saw me. "Hey stranger" he said laughing. "Why hello there, do I know you?" I answered winking at him. I waved goodbye to the girls and Harry and I walked out the door. We walked to the elevator and the doors opened and Harry and I stepped inside. He pulled me close to him and whispered into my lips, "You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, how did I get so lucky to have you in my arms?" I giggled, blushed and said "Same reason why I got so lucky to have you in mine!" "You are perfect" he said kissing me lightly on the lips. We got to the lobby and he wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked to the café. As we were walking, we ran into a group of teenage girls and they were all screaming "HARRY, HARRY CAN WE GET A PICTURE?" I smiled at them and got scowls and dirty looks back. What did I do? Oh right, Harry had his arm around me and they thought I was stealing THEIR man. Maybe I should just keep walking. It's almost as if Harry read my mind. He shot me a look and said "I'll just be a second. Wait for me" I waited as he signed a few girls and took pictures with all of them. One of the girls said out loud "Harry, what are you doing with her? You're so hot and you deserve someone way prettier than her!" My face fell. I could not believe she said that right in front of me. I mean I know I'm not beautiful but seriously? She didn't even know me! Harry just looked at her and said "I think she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, and that's enough for me." Harry shot me a wink and I blushed. The girl just looked at me and rolled her eyes. Harry grabbed my hand and we continued walking to the café. After a few minutes of silence Harry spoke "I'm sorry about that Stella, my fans are always so protective of me. I am not embarrassed by you at all, in fact, I am proud to have you by my side" he said squeezing my hand. "No its okay, I get it. I was like that too, maybe not to the point of being mean, but I was a Harry girl as well." I said. "What do you mean were? You still are a Harry girl." he said winking at me. I blushed again as he held the door open for me. We went in and sat down at a table in the corner by the window. We both ordered and sat there and chatted for what seemed like forever. Finally Harry paid and we started to walk home. "Thank you for breakfast Harry" I said and kissed him on the cheek "Anytime baby. I love spending time with you," he said. We walked back to the condo and made it back just in time before it started raining. We walked into my condo and saw a note on the kitchen table from the girls. It said: Stella, we went back to our condo. Thank you for having us the past 2 days. We will text you soon to hang out! See you later! xoxo, Perrie, Danielle, and Eleanor PS: Liam, Louis and Zayn came with us! "Looks like it's just us 2 Harry" I said. He smiled and said "Alright, I'm going to go put on sweats and we can spend the rest of the day watching movies if you want!" "I would love to" I said smiling. I ran to my room and changed into my hot pink Victoria Secret sweats and pulled on a white long sleeve shirt. Then I went to the cupboard, grabbed a bag of popcorn and put it in the microwave. I got out a bowl and 2 glasses and filled them both up with juice. When the popcorn was finished I opened the bag and dumped the popcorn in the bowl. I carried everything to the couch and turned on the TV. Harry knocked at the door and I yelled for him to come in. He walked in and was wearing grey sweats and a white long sleeve shirt, just like I was. "Nice shirt" he said winking. I laughed and motioned for him to come sit beside me. "You choose a movie" I said. He picked 'A Walk To Remember'. One of my favourites. I pulled my hair up into a bun on the top of my head and Harry pulled me close to him and we stayed like that for the whole movie. "Are you crying Styles?" I asked wiping a tear from my eye. "No" he said quickly. "It's okay if you are, I like a man that can show his emotions" I said winking. "Well in that case, yes, I have never cried so hard." I laughed and hit him playfully. He winked and kissed me on the cheek. We spent the rest of the day on the couch watching movies. When Harry left that night Cristina walked in right after. "How was your day?" I asked her. "Amazing, Niall asked me out! He is my boyfriend now!" she said happily. "Oh my god that's amazing! You guys are so cute together!" I said hugging my best friend. "How was your day, and night?" she said smiling. "Perfect, last night we fell asleep in each others arms. And today he was such a gentleman. But there is something telling me to be careful with him. I can't let myself rush into a relationship. I'm just not ready for one." I told her. "No one is forcing you Stella, only do what you are comfortable with. I'm sure Harry will wait if he really likes you." she said. "Thank you! I'm so tired, I'm gonna go to bed. I'll see you in the morning! Love you!" I said hugging Cristina again. "Love you too, sleep well!" When I got in bed I checked my phone and saw that I had 2 texts. One from Harry and one from Liam. Harry's read:
From: Harry:
I miss having you in my arms as I fall asleep...I'll see you soon baby. Sleep well. xx -Harry
I smiled and immediately felt the butterflies in my stomach.
To: Harry:
Me too, see you later. xoxo
Next I read Liam's.
From: Liam:
Hey Stella! Do you think we could talk tomorrow? It's nothing bad so don't worry! Goodnight!
To: Liam:
Yeah of course! I'll see ya later!
I shut my phone off and went to bed.
The next morning I woke up and changed into light wash denim shorts and a white tank top. I kept my hair up in a messy but and grabbed my red bag. I walked out of the condo and met Liam in the hallway. We had made plans to go for coffee to talk. When we got to the coffee shop we sat down and he spoke "So you and Harry are getting awfully close aren't you?" he said winking. "I don't know, I guess." I said blushing. "Why what's wrong?" he asked sounding concerned. "No its nothing, its just that I don't want to rush things, I mean I haven't known him for that long and I don't want to give him the wrong impression. I mean don't get me wrong, I am really starting to fall for him but after my last relationship I don't think I'm ready to jump into another one just yet." I said. "If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" he asked. "Well, long story short, I was in love with him, at least I thought I was. We dated for a year and he was so sweet and caring the first couple months we dated and then he started turning into an asshole. He would make fun of how I looked, just made my self confidence go way down. He just stopped caring for me and he broke up with me saying he was starting to have feelings for someone else. I asked him if he cheated and he swore he didn't, but I'm not so sure. We ended things about 3 months ago." I told him. "I'm so sorry Stella, you deserve someone that will treat you like the princess that you are. Just so you know, I have never seen Harry fall for anyone like he has with you. I think he really likes you Stella, would you consider giving him a chance?" he asked. He was so sweet! Liam seemed like the type of guy that would never even think of hurting a girl. Danielle was so lucky. "I need to stay focused right now on my I am here. I was given this amazing opportunity and I don't want to ruin it by letting a relationship get in the way of that." I explained. "that being said, maybe if I get to know him more, he will change my mind. But for now, we are just friends." Liam nodded his head. "Just so you know, Harry isn't one to give up easily." I laughed and said "I kind of get the feeling that he isn't" Liam paid for our coffees and we headed home. The rest of the day was spent running errands and getting groceries. The next few days, Cristina and I cleaned up our condo, hung out with the girls and called our parents letting them know that everything was going well over here. I haven't seen Harry since our little movie day. We have texted a few times but nothing to serious, Tomorrow was my first day at the studio and I wanted to make sure that I was well rested. I was meeting Simon there at 8:00am. I got to bed early and checked my phone before falling asleep.
From: Harry:
Hey Stella, I miss you. Are you free tomorrow after your studio session?
To: Harry:
I miss you too! Yeah I am, I'm done at around 5:00ish.
From: Harry:
Great, I will pick you up then! See you tomorrow love. Sleep well. xx -Harry
And with that, I shut off my phone and went to bed, I had a long day ahead of me.
Hey guys! Make sure to leave me feedback if you are reading this! And please share my story with your friends! Thanks!
