Harry's POV:
When I woke up this morning my arms were wrapped around Stella's waist pulling her close to me. What is that noise? It's coming from her phone that is sitting on the nightstand on her side of the bed. It must be her alarm to wake her up. She has a studio session today and she can't be late. "Stella baby, wake up." I whisper softly into her ear. I begin leaving gentle kisses on her ear, cheek, and lips until she opens her eyes. "Harry, what are you doing?" she asks as her eyes slowly flutter open. She hears the beeping from her alarm and jumps up. "SHIT! What time is it? I have to get ready?" she yells. "Relax baby, its only 7:00am. You have plenty of time, plus you have your own car now." I say pulling her back down and holding her close to me. I could stay like this forever. After last night I know that I'm in too deep. I have fallen in love with her. I have never loved anyone other than my family before but I know for certain that this is what love is supposed to feel like. I don't want to be away from her and the times that I am, all I can think about is when I am going to see her again. She makes me happier then I have ever been and I know that she feels the same way. The way she looks so deeply into my eyes, the way she hits me or rolls her eyes at me when I make an inappropriate joke. The way she called out my name last night in her sleep. All I know is that I love her. She is smiling at me batting her beautiful long lashes. "What are you thinking?" she asks me. "Nothing, just about what I am going to do today. I don't have rehearsal with the boys until next week. I may go visit my mum." I lie. "Oh good, I'm sure she will love that!" she smiles. "I have to get ready now, I need to take a shower. You are more than welcome to stay while I get ready" she says letting go of me and walks towards the bathroom. I decide to get up. I'm going to go see what she has in her fridge and make her something quick to bring with her to the studio. I find the toast and put a slice in the toaster while I make a fresh pot of coffee. I pour it into a travel mug and spread some peanut butter on the toast. I walk back into her room and find Stella in nothing but a towel. "Fuck" I say. "Harry, I don't have time for this right now" she says laughing. "I know but if you did, think of the things we could do..." I say trailing off into my thoughts. She is really all I can think about.
Stella's POV:
Harry makes a dirty joke and I laugh and roll my eyes. I grab a black lace thong and my white bra and change into them in the bathroom. I wrap the towel around myself again and walk out. Harry is sitting on the bed frowning. "What's wrong now?" I ask him. "Nothing, I was just hoping that you wouldn't have the towel wrapped around you when you came out" he whines. I pick up the nearest pillow and throw it at Harry. I walk over to my closet and pull out a short black dress with a string belt and tie it around my waist. I throw on a denim shirt and roll the sleeves up. I slip my feet into my white converse and stack some gold bracelets on my wrist. I put on a few rings, grab my bag and head to the kitchen as Harry follows close behind me, shirtless of course. "I made you something to take with you so you didn't have to stop and get something to eat." he says quietly. "You did?" I ask shocked. I never thought Harry was the type of person to go out of his way to do something nice for me. It was so cute that he thought of doing this for me. Even though its nothing big I still smile at him and pull him into a hug. "Thank you Harry, you're so cute." I say kissing him on the lips. "It's nothing" he says quietly again, why does he sound embarrassed? "Okay, I'll see you tonight, maybe we can do something!" I tell him kissing him on the lips again. "Yeah of course, have a good day baby" he responds kissing me on the lips and then on the forehead. Every time he calls me baby, my heart stops. I grab my coffee and toast and head out the door waving at him. I wonder what he is going to do today. Once I get to the car I see Cristina standing beside the passenger door. "Good morning Stel," she chirps. Why is she in such a good mood? "Hey Cristi, how was your night?" I say unlocking the doors and getting into the car. "Amazing, Niall and I did it!" she blurts out. "Oh my God! Now its my turn to be shocked! How was it? How do you feel? You are glowing..." I tell her. I guess its true, after you do the deed you have a certain glow to you. Her cheeks are rosy and her eyes are sparkling. "It was indescribable. He told me he loves me and I love him back Stel, I really do!" she says happily. "Aww I am so happy for you guys! We really need to plan like a dinner or something for all of us to hang out again and celebrate the new relationships!" I tell her. "That's an awesome idea! Let's do it this weekend, like Friday! You don't have a dance class on Saturday cause you had it already this week! It works out perfectly! I'll talk to Niall about it later tonight." she says happily. "Are you excited for your first day?" I ask Cristina pulling into the parking lot. "I am, I can't wait to meet Lou!" she says excitedly. "You will love her, she is amazing!" I tell her getting out of the car and walking into the building. We walk down a long hallway and I open the door and see Jes, Lou and Chris, another vocal coach. I say my hello's and introduce everyone to Cristina. Lou is seems so excited to work with her! This is going to be so much fun! "Stella, we are going to record a few songs today, upload a video to your YouTube channel and we are meeting with a songwriter to start writing your first single today!" Jes says. "Sounds good! I'm excited! Let's get started!" I say smiling at him. Cristina and Lou head to another room to get to know each other and I start with some vocal warm up and scales. Once I'm done, I go behind the glass and start recording. This week I decided to sing Because of You by NeYo. An old song but I have loved it for as long as I can remember. I can't get Harry out of my head. The words seem to describe exactly how I feel about him. As I am about to begin the song, Harry walks in waving at me. He presses the button so that I can hear him speak "Hey baby, I wanted to surprise you!" he says smiling. Instantly my stomach flutters. "Well I am certainly surprised!" I say smiling back Then Jes speaks, "If you two are done flirting, we should get this filmed and uploaded." Harry and I laugh and Jes opens the door and sets up the camera. I introduce myself the way that I normally and Jes starts the music. 'Want to but I can't help it, I love the way it feels. It's got me stuck between my fantasy and what is real. I need it when I want it, I want it when I don't, tell myself I'll stop everyday knowing that I won't.' I continue to sing and I get so lost into the song. Harry is the only thing on my mind right now. When the song ends Jes stops the camera I walk out from behind the glass. "Stella! That was amazing!" everyone says to me! "It was very good, you have done everything I told you to do!" Jes says. "I'm proud of you Stel." Cristina says. "That was fabulous love!" Lou says hugging me. "Can Stella have her lunch break now?" Harry asks Jes. Jes nods and Harry pulls my arm out the door. I am confused. Why didn't he say anything? Oh God, I just embarrassed myself, he knows I was singing about him and he doesn't feel the same way. I'm staring at the floor when we get out to his car. He pulls my chin up and my eyes meet his. "Stella, you were singing about me?" he questions. "Well, uh...yeah." I say embarrassed. "Hey, don't be embarrassed, you are amazing. You sounded so good, and I love the way that you get lost in the song. But I love that you were thinking of me the most. Stella, I lo-" Before Harry could finish Lou comes out and says "Stella love, you need to come back, Mark your songwriter is here!" "Be there in a sec Lou! What were you going to say Harry?" I ask. Something tells me he was going to say I love you. "Nothing, just that you are amazing." he says kissing my lips. I know he is hiding something. I say goodbye to Harry and he says he will meet me at my condo later tonight. I go back inside and after a long day of singing, writing and recording, I am almost done my first single! I am so excited! Cristina and I get into the car and I ask her how her first day went "You were right! I love Lou! She is so outgoing and spunky! I know I am going to learn so much from her, I can't wait!" I listen to her but I can't seem to forget what Harry almost said to me. Was he going to say I love you? Does he really love me? I think I love him but I won't say it first. I know that sounds childish and immature but I said it first in my last relationship and he never said it back until a few months later but I am still convinced that he never really loved me. I am afraid that if I say it first now, Harry won't say it back. When we get back to our condo, Cristina calls Niall over and he brings Zayn and Louis. We were all hanging out when I asked them "Guys where's Harry? He hasn't answered any of my texts and he said he would come over later" "He was in his room sleeping when we came over, maybe you should go check on him." Louis says. I get up and head towards the door. Why would he be sleeping? It is 6:30 and none of us haven't even had supper yet. I knock on the door lightly before entering. I walk to Harry's room and he is asleep on his bed just like Louis said he was. "Harry," I say shaking him lightly. He opens his eyes and rubs them with his hands. "Hey, what are you doing here?" he asks. "Well I came to check on you, you said you would come over after I was done at the studio and you never did, Liam went out with Danielle and the rest of the boys are at my place with Cristina." I tell him. "I must have just fallen asleep not realizing what time it was" he say softly "Is everything okay?" I ask. "Yeah, I'm sorry that I didn't come" he says taking my hands in his. "No its fine, are you sure everything is okay?" I ask again. "Yeah why wouldn't it be?" he says. "Oh nothing, I'm just making sure" I say. "Alright, well lets go hang out with the rest of them then." he says getting up and leading me out the door towards my condo. Maybe I just heard wrong, I know I am overthinking this, but that is only because I am certain that I am falling in love with him. We ordered Chinese food and when Liam got home he came straight over. We all spent the rest of the night just hanging out. The boys were all so happy that Cristina and I would be on tour with them. And to be honest with you, I couldn't wait. The next few days were busy as I finished up my first single called 'Fall For You' It will be released on Monday and ever since I announced it on YouTube, I have been getting millions of views on my videos and an endless amount of comments saying how excited my viewers were! I couldn't be happier with my life. Today was a very stressful Friday. I was at the studio bright and early recording and then I had to rush home to start cooking for our little gathering we were having. It will be Cristina and I, the boys, and Eleanor, Perrie and Danielle. I haven't seen much of the girls because they are all busy with their own lives as well. It will be nice to be all together tonight. On my drive home Cristina called me and said that she has everything set up, the only thing I needed to do was go home cook. Cristina was great at decorating and setting up but when it comes to cooking, she can't even boil water. I got home and started cooking. I made corn on the cob, chicken, steak, salad, and vegetables. Then for dessert I made a chocolate cake that I was going to serve with ice cream. After I finished cooking I ran to my room to clean myself up little before everyone arrived. I put on light wash boyfriend jeans with a few rips in them and a light pink loose t-shirt. I put on a long gold star necklace and a few rings. I let my hair down ad split it in the middle. Then I braided both my bangs into 2 sections and pinned them to either side of my head. I put on a little bit of lip balm and sprayed myself with my peppermint body spray as usual. I walked out and cleaned up the counter a little bit when everyone arrived. I say my hello's and motioned for everyone to come in. They all grabbed a drink that I had set out on the counter and walked around to chat with each other. Harry walked over to me and kissed me on the mouth. "Thank you for doing this babe, everything looks amazing" he said kissing my cheek. "I love doing stuff like this! And thank you!" I say smiling to myself. I am washing a few dishes in the sink and Harry has his arms wrapped around my waist from behind. I love this feeling. The rest of the night was spent eating and chatting about the tour, the girls and their careers, Niall and Cristina, Harry and I, and how quickly Cristina and I have settled in. I can't believe its almost been a month that we have been in London! I miss my family and I haven't spoken to them as much as I would like to. Maybe before the tour starts I will go home for a visit. As everyone leaves, they thank Cristina and I a million times and I look around in the clean kitchen. My friends really are the best, they refused to leave without helping me clean up so that Cristina and I wouldn't have to do it on our own now. The only two people remaining are Harry and Niall. Niall and Cristina are leaving in a few minutes to go back to the boys condo and Harry is spending the night here with me. After they leave Harry and I walk to my room. I head to the bathroom and wipe off my makeup. I put my hair into a bun and throw on a pair of pink silk pajama shorts and a pink silk tank top. I walk out and Harry is sitting on my bed in his boxers staring at me. I decide to mess with him. I undo my bra from behind and slowly pull the straps down my arms. I slowly and seductively pull the bra out from under my tank top and toss it to the side. Harry is now sitting with his legs crossed trying to hide the bulge in his boxers. I smirk at him and walk over to my side the of the bed and say "Is there a problem?" "Uh, no, I , uh, well, actually yes, what the fuck Stella. You can't just do that and expect me to just sit here" he says staring at me. I smile very pleased with myself. "But I didn't do anything" I say innocently. "Okay, that's it" Harry says climbing on top of me and kisses my lips harshly moving his mouth down my neck sucking at my skin. He pulls down one of the straps of my tank top and leaves kisses down my shoulder all the way to my breast. He slides his hand under my top and cups my breast in his large hands. I moan and whimper, "Sorry, my hands are cold, although they won't be for long." he says winking as he slips his hand into my panties pushing his fingers into me. I moan again. The power he has over me right now is almost dangerous. No one has ever made me feel the way Harry does. "Tell me how it feels baby, I know that I am the only one that's ever made you feel this way." he says to me. I love when he talks to me during our intimate moments. "You're so wet baby, that's it, come for me Stella, just like that" he coos. I moan louder and scream his name as I come undone. He gives me a second to recover and then says "Next time, don't do that in front of me!" he laughs and I smile at him. He hooks his arms around me and we both fall asleep. About an hour has passed and Harry is shaking me to wake me up. "What Harry, what is it?" I ask not wanting to open my eyes. "Stel, I have to talk to you" he says. "Now? It's almost 2am! Can it wait until the morning?" I ask. "No, I need to say it now." he says. I open my eyes and look at Harry, he is sweating and his eyes are wide. What is going on? "Are you okay?" I ask him sitting up. "No, I just need to get this out." he says. I start to panic, what does he want to say? Why is it so important that he needed to wake me up at almost 2am to tell me? The only thing I can think of is him wanting to break up with me. Please don't let that be the case, I silently pray...
Thank you for the reads and comment! Please continue to leave me feedback and make sure you vote and share my story! Hope you liked this chapter! Chapter 13 will be up tomorrow night! Lots of love.
