Chapter 27

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Stella's POV:

I am so shocked that my family threw this little 'farewell' party for Harry and I. This is the perfect end to a stressful trip. Harry and I were chatting with a few of my older cousins when I felt a little tug on my leg. I looked down to see which one of baby cousins it was. Bella was standing there looking up at me with wide eyes. "Stewa" she said. "Yes baby?" I ask bending down to her level. I let go of Harry's hand and he looked over at me. "I don't want you to go." she said in the sweetest voice. It broke my heart. I hate leaving my family and I hate that I am going to be gone for a year without being able to see my goddaughter. She has grown up so much since the last time I saw her and I know that the next time I will see her won't be for a while. "I know Bella, but I will see you soon!" I say scooping her up into my arms. She buries her head into m y neck and I feel her tears on my skin. "Is she crying?" Harry asks. I nod. This honestly breaks my heart. I walk over to the couch in the front room where no one is sitting and motion for Harry to come with me. We sit on the couch and I pull Bella onto my lap. "Don't cry baby girl, I will see you soon." I tell her and rub her back hopefully to soothe her. "Are you leaving too Hawwy?" she asks lifting her head off my neck. "Yeah I am but we will be back soon, maybe we can come back for Christmas." Harry says. His eyes meet mine and my heart flutters. The thought of being with Harry at Christmas warms my heart. I look at him as if to ask 'are you sure'. He nods and smiles. "Yeah, we will be here at Christmas." he repeats and Bella jumps from my arms to Harry's. I laugh and Harry winks at me. "Thank you." I tell him and he just smiles. I stand from my seat on the couch and watch as Harry tickles Bella until she can hardly breathe. "I love you Hawwy." she says to him. "I love you too Bella." he says and pulls her into his arms. Seeing the way Harry acts with her makes me love him even more than I already do if that's possible. She wraps her arms around his neck and the three of us walk to the kitchen to join the rest of my family.

After an amazing night with my family, it is time to say our goodbyes. I saved my Nonno for last because I know that I will cry the most for him. He is getting old and it breaks my heart to leave him. Harry follows me to the front where my Nonno is sitting. Zia Carla gets up from the couch and leaves us alone. "Nonno, Harry e io stanno lasciando adesso." I say. Nonno, Harry and I are leaving now. "Quando tornerai?" he asks. When will you be back? "Speravamo di tornare per Natale." I tell him hoping that Harry didn't just say that. We are hoping to be back for Christmas. "Grazie. Si prega di essere sicuri e divertirsi. Ti amo Stella e chiamami ogni volta che si ha la possibilità." he says and I wrap my arms around him and give him a kiss on the cheek. Thank you. Please be safe. I love you Stella and call me whenever you get a chance. "Lo farò. Ti amo Nonno." I will. I love you Nonno. Harry moves in front of me to say goodbye. "It was so nice to meet you. Thank you for having us here." Harry says to my Nonno extending his hand. I translate "E 'stato così bello conoscerti e grazie per averci qui." I say. My nonno takes Harry's hand in his and says. "E 'stato un piacere. Prenditi cura di mia nipote per me e per venire a visitare di nuovo presto." Take care of my granddaughter for me and come visit again soon. Nonno releases Harry's hand and pulls him into a hug. Harry smiles at me and I wink. Tears fall down my face and I wave to the rest of my family as Harry and I get into my car. It has been a great night.

When we get back to my house we both do some last minute packing. My mom comes into my room and sits on my bed to watch me finish up. "So you had a good night then?" she asks. "I did. Thank you for everything this week mom." I thank her zipping up the last of my bags. "I know it started off rough but I'm glad we got over it quickly." I say walking over to her. I sit down beside her on the bed and there is a knock at the door. "Come in!" I call out. It's Harry. "Come in honey, we are just talking." my mom says to Harry and he walks over to the both of us. "Thank you for everything." he says hugging my mom. She gives him a kiss on the cheek and says, "Anytime, really, do you guys know when you will be back?" she asks us. "We were hoping to come back for Christmas if that's alright with you." Harry says to my mom. "Of course! Oh this is so great! I only have to wait a couple months to see you again!" she says clapping her hands together. "Mom, we said we will try, it may not be possible." I tell her. "I know but at least now I have something to look forward to!" she says standing up. "Harry, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for being so wonderful to Stella. She has really needed someone like you in her life and after seeing how you treated her at the beginning of this week when she was having a hard time with her father, I can see how much you love her. You are welcome here anytime and I want you to feel as at home here as Stella does." she says. "You're daughter has made me one of the happiest and luckiest guys in the world. I love her and I will do anything I can for her." he says. Tears form in my mothers eyes and my heart swells at Harry's statement. She wraps her arms around him and hugs him tight again. "Okay, you two need to get some rest. You both have a long day tomorrow. I will go so you can say your goodnights. Love you both and sleep well." she says and exits the room. "Did you have fun tonight?" I ask Harry after my mom leaves. "Yeah, I love your family." he says smiling. "Alright, I'm going to head to bed now. I love you Stella, see you in the morning." he says pulling me into his arms and kissing the top of my head. "I love you too Harry." I say back and he pulls away just enough to press his lips to mine.

It's 8:30am and Harry and I are packing our bags into Alex's car. He is taking us to the airport. After all our bags are in the car Harry takes my hand and we walk back inside to say goodbye to my mom and dad. "Mom thank you for everything this week. I will miss you so much, I'll call you soon. I love you." I tell her and wrap my arms around her. "I love you baby girl. Have a safe flight and text me to let me know you landed safe. Good luck on tour, I will talk to you before then though." she says kissing my cheek. I nod and move to my dad while Harry says his goodbyes to my mom. "Dad." I say and he just looks at me. "Stella, I am so sorry for everything. I'm glad we worked things out and got to hang out. These past few days have meant more to me than you know so thank you." he says. "Thank you dad, I love you." I say and he pulls me into his arms. "Good luck with everything and call us soon okay?" he says and I nod. He kisses my forehead and I wipe the tears from my eyes. "Harry." my dad said to Harry. "Thank you for everything Sir. It has been wonderful to get to know you all." he says. "There is no need to call me Sir. I apologize for the beginning of this week. You have proven to me how great of a guy you are for Stella." he says and I smile. "Thank you Angelo." Harry says smiling. They shake hands and Harry and I walk to the car. Before getting in we both wave and Alex drives away. When we get to the airport, its time to say goodbye to Alex. This will be very hard. "Baby sister." he says and looks me in the eye. "You have no idea how proud I am of you. You continue to make me a proud big brother everyday. Be careful. I love you and I will miss you so much. Text me as much as you can okay?" he says. Tears are already running down my face. "Thank you Alex. I love you so much. I will see you soon okay?" I say and I wrap my arms around my brother. He kisses my cheek and I look away because I know that my face is filled with tears. Alex turns to Harry and smiles. "You know I thought I was going to hate you when I met you but you're actually a good guy. I'm glad my sister has you. Take care of her alright?" Alex says and Harry smiles. "I'm glad you don't hate me." Harry says laughing. "And I will." he adds and they do some sort of weird handshake-hug. It's a guy thing. "Bye, have a safe flight you two." Alex says waving and walks towards the exit of the airport. Harry takes my hand in his and we board our flight. This has been a great trip but now it's time to tour!

Thank you for reading! Hope you guys enjoy this! This chapter isn't too long because I am going to update again tonight. It won't be 4 pages or anything but it's a double update so I hope you enjoy it! Also, let me know if you have any questions about the Italian! Lots of love.



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