Chapter 1

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Seven Years Ago...
"Hurry up Cassandra! The cab is waiting for us!" I heard my Aunt yell from the foyer.

"Coming Auntie Ray!" I shouted back and walked down the stairs lugging my small Barbie suitcase that contained all of my necessities. Auntie Ray told me I couldn't take everything. Although I managed to sneak in my mother's old jewelry and other belongings much to my surprise.

I arrived downstairs and my Aunt roughly pushed me into the backseat of the town car, slamming the door behind me. She didn't want to be mean but always said I gave her no choice. Sometimes I think it's because I reminded her of my mother.

It was just getting dark when we arrived to my Aunt's home. They were only two other houses around and the rest was green land. I wasn't really sure where I was.

When the nice man drove away I looked across the street and saw two little boys playing in their yard. One of the boys looked at me and gave an enthusiastic wave. I waved back before Auntie Ray took me by my arm and brought me inside.

"Those are the Andersons," She had said, "You don't speak to them. You hear me?" I couldn't help but be curious as to why I couldn't talk to another family but all I did was agree and go up to my new, small bedroom.

One Year Later...

"Cassandra wake up! The bus will be here any second!" My Aunt Ray screamed and I jumped out of the comfort of my bed throwing on the navy blue uniform I'm forced to wear each day. I hated dresses. I always thought they were yucky. After getting ready I ran outside to see the bus waiting for me as usual. I walked on and immediately apologized.

"I'm so sorry Ms. Nancy. I didn't mean to be late again." She gave me a small understanding smile, "It's alright dear. Go take your seat." I did as told and walked all the way to the back of the bus. Being in the fourth grade gave you that advantage.

I sat alone like usual only this time there were two boys sitting in the next seat over. I knew they were my neighbors but my Aunt always told me to never speak with them. Of course I wanted to be friends with them. I didn't have anybody to play with. All of the girls said I wasn't pretty enough and all of the boys ignored me. The Anderson boys were the only ones to ever take a interest in me. I always caught the boy with the blue eyes looking at me during lunch and recess.

"Hi! I know you! You live across the street from us." The one blonde boy said and I nodded with a smile on my face. I didn't care if Auntie Ray got mad. I wanted a friend. I was sick of always being alone.

"Hi. I'm Cassandra. My mommy used to call me Cass, so that's good too." I could see the other boy, the one with the blue eyes, was shocked to hear me speak.

"I like your name. I'm Lucas and this is Carson. My mom calls me Luke." I smiled again and asked them if they were twins. "Yes we are! Mom says I'm three minutes older." Luke stated proudly and I giggled at his overly happy demeanor. I noticed the other boy, Carson, had kept quiet.

He stared out the window and ignored me as well as his brother. Although they were twins, they looked nothing alike. While Lucas had soft, light blonde hair and green eyes, Carson had blue eyes and dark blonde hair that stuck up in all directions. He would be something I'd figure out.

Four Years Later...

It was around eleven o'clock when I heard my Aunt was finally asleep and I snuck out the back door. I walked all the way down to the town park where Lucas and I met each Saturday. Carson would join sometimes but mostly conversed with his brother. I'm still convinced he hates me. After I had first became friends with the boys everything was going well. We all secretly met up on Saturdays without my Aunt and their mother knowing. Luke would tell me it was the only time Carson would smile.

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