Chapter 14

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I walked in to see Carson sitting on the couch looking at his phone every couple seconds. I closed the door behind me and he looked up at me looking relieved. "Where the hell have you been?" he asked me as he stood up walking over to me. I took a step back from him and gave him an incredulous look. "Why does it matter to you anyway? You seemed a little preoccupied with Sandy before to care where I was."

He ran a hand through his hair and breathed deeply. "Look, I'm sorry about what you saw with Sandy and I-" "Oh you're sorry. Well that's okay. Yeah how about we call her up and take her out for a couple scoops of ice cream now cause everything is perfect." I said sarcastically and Carson glared at me.

"Well James isn't some golden prize." he told me and I rolled my eyes. "Sandy is my enemy Carson you wouldn't get it." I went to move past him but he stopped me. "Oh I wouldn't get it? You know that James and I hate each other! That's such a double standard!" he yelled at me and I shook my head. "It's different he's changed." I told Carson who scoffed.

"No he hasn't Cassie. He's using you. You should be with someone who cares about you."
I felt my blood begin to boil. Who does he think he is? "He does care about me unlike you!" I yelled and Carson looked a bit hurt before talking again. "You really don't think I care about you Cassie?! Is that really what you think of me?? Because I sure as hell care a lot more about you then James does! James is only using you! I realize I made a mistake doing whatever I did with Sandy but you drive me crazy sometimes. Do you know what it's like seeing you with him Cassie? Do you??? Because I don't think you realize exactly how much you mean to me. How much it hurts to see you with James. How much I'd like..."

I cut Carson off, "How dare you say that about James and I! You don't know anything about him!! You don't have the right to say those things to me Carson." What did he mean that it hurt to see me with James? What did he mean I drove him crazy? "You know what Cassandra? I'm done. I've tried. I've tried so fucking hard but if you're so hell bent on being with James then be with James. I just don't want you coming to me when you realize he's a dick and only cares about himself."

I felt tears fall down my face. He called me Cassandra. He didn't say Cassie. Carson gave me one last look before walking away from me and going back upstairs. How come I feel like I've lost him for good?

I turned over and looked at the alarm clock on my dresser. March 19th, 2016 9:01 a.m. I'm surprised I haven't been ambushed by the Anderson clan. It is my seventeenth birthday. I wouldn't be all that upset if they didn't do anything at all. I mean it's been days since I've spoken to Carson anyway. Unless you call, "Pass the salt." valuable conversation time.

Just as I was hoping there would be no celebration, my door was burst open and they all piled in singing happy birthday with a plate of chocolate chip pancakes. I groaned and covered my head with my blanket but it was no use in muffling the sound. Maggie jumped on top of me and pulled down the blanket holding the pancakes with flaming candles in my face.

"Make a wish!" Luke yelled excitingly and I stared at the candles a few moments before blowing them out. Hopefully my wish would actually come true. They all cheered except Carson who barely sang happy birthday. I got out of bed and heard a wolf whistle followed by a few laughs. I turned and saw James standing there with a present and bouquet of flowers.

Cheryl and Lucas laughed at him because of the way he was staring at me. Cheryl told us to go downstairs and open presents so we followed her to the living room where she handed me card and bag. I read the card which had a cute message in there before diving into the gift bag. I pulled out the cutest outfit and thanked her before giving her a big hug. "Thank you." I said and she smiled. "I couldn't have done it without Maggie's help."

Lucas then handed me his present and winked. "It's from me and Austin. He couldn't be here." he told me and I unwrapped the box carefully hoping it wasn't anything inappropriate. What I didn't expect to see was a beautiful charm bracelet and leather bounded notebook. "These are beautiful. Thank you Lucas." I gave him a hug and James shoved his present in my face.

"You'll love it." he told me and I unwrapped it and stared at it in shock. It was a beautiful diamond encrusted necklace with a pair of matching earrings. "This must have cost you a fortune!" James shook his head like it was nothing and leaned forward pressing his lips to mine. "Thank you." I whispered and kissed him again.

"Carson do you have a gift for Cass?" his mother asked him and I was expecting him to say no but he handed me and little box with a note attached to it saying 'Happy Birthday'. I opened it and nearly gasped. "You remembered." I whispered and everyone stared at me, waiting for me to continue. "You remembered the ring." I said again and looked over to Carson who's ears had turned a little pink.

"What's it from?" Cheryl asked me. "The day after I got here, at least I think it was the day after, we went to the pier and I saw this ring. It reminded me so much of my mother's but it was so expensive...." I looked at Carson again. "It was so expensive Carson. You didn't have to buy it." I told him. "I know." he said and didn't meet my eyes. He must have gotten it before the fight. He was still barely talking to me.

There was a tense silence which broke by the doorbell ringing. Cheryl went to get it and came back a few moments later. "There's someone here to see you Cassandra." I put down the gift and walked to the front door. Maybe Kara showed up to talk about her latest drama. I really love that girl.

What I was not expecting to see was Byron and Byron Jr. standing there with a gift in hand. "Hey." Byron breathed and Byron Jr. hugged me tightly. "Happy Birthday Cassandra!" he said and I roughed up his hair a bit. "Thanks bud. You really didn't have to do this." I told Byron who shrugged in reply. "It's the least we could do after you brought B home." We stood at the door for a moment before I invited them inside.

We walked into the living room where everyone was and I introduced them all to each other. "How do you guys know each other?" Cheryl asked and I wasn't sure what to say so Byron beat me to it. "A couple days ago she brought my son home. He ran away to the park and she found him there. She told Byron about her birthday and he insisted we get something." he told Cheryl and she smiled at me.

I couldn't keep myself from looking at Byron over and over again as he talked with Cheryl. He just looked so much like him. It was impossible I know but even Byron Jr. resembled him. That sounded stupid. Of course he would. That's his son. Wait, how'd they know today was my birthday? There was another knock at the door which interrupted my thoughts and Lucas answered it, seeing my Aunt who walked in with a small box in her hands.

I felt everyone's stares and smiled at her. I was glad to see her. I gave her hug which she returned and I wiped away a tear from her eye. This was our way of apologizing. She looked up at the people in the living room and her gaze settled on someone. She looked confused. "Byron?" she asked and I looked to where he stood. "Hey Ray." I looked between them and felt my head spin.

"What's going on?" I questioned. "There's something I need to tell you." Byron told me and that's when I knew. They never found my father's body. They assumed he was dead. But could it be true? Was this really my father standing in front of me? "I'm your father Cassandra." It was true. Byron is my father.

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